Sora Dina bas Leah is in a NYC hospital quite ill. Her daughter & granddaughter are sitting shiva and sleeping there as the husband/father passed away several days ago & cannot return to the niftar’s house to continue shiva there as it is in one of the NY evacuated areas.
If it’s after chatzos halayla where you are now, could you please say some Tehillim?
she could be a wonderful thoughtful person, I don’t see much harm in alot of what she writes… I don’t have reason to believe that she was intentionally after anyone as it was claimed however you never know, So yasher Koach to those wonderful mods out there who are tirelessly working thier guts out to ensure the safety of this warm wonderful place!!!
may it always be a source of cozyness to one and all!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂