Need shadchan for perfect shidduch candidates

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    Does anyone have names of shadchanim who deal with perfect bochorim with all the many maailos? A boy who is a talmid chochom, has great yichus on all sides of the family, family is wealthy, the boy is tall, handsome, well posed, has many friends and admirers and has a life full of activities, hobbies and volunteer work?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I don’t know about shadchanim, but I know a girl who’s looking for a boy like that…. If you know a boy like that, you can be the shadchan. 🙂

    Well actually, I’m not so sure that I want a boy who “has a life full of activities, hobbies, and volunteer work”, and you didn’t mention anything about middos which is kind of the most important thing. You also didn’t mention anything about personality traits.


    Top notch middos and a very happy outgoing demeanor, full of love of life and a to-do person.

    The problem is he’s so in demand that all the girls are chalishing to date him. He needs a shadchan who specializes in perfect shidduch candidates to connect him to the perfect girl.



    I thought you were already married


    Who is talking about me?

    (Though, thank you for seeing me as the epitome of perfection!)

    Avram in MD

    If he’s so perfect, why is he not married yet?


    He just got started in the parsha of shidduchim.


    A shadchan who specializes in perfection. Who only seeks to match the perfect with the perfect.

    Does such a thing exist? Does our community produce this mentality? Shame.

    How elitist and insulting to the rest of us.

    40 days before these perfect people are born, are they matched only with each other?

    Avram in MD



    How elitist and insulting to the rest of us.

    Lol, are we going to have to define an extension to Poe’s Law, where, instead of being unable to distinguish between sincere extreme opinions and parody of those opinions, we’re unable to distinguish between true outrage and a parody of outrage to those opinions?


    Sarcasm doesn’t carry well in a text.

    Let’s just say I expressed your sentiments in stronger words.


    Yes of course. Just have him call Gabriel or Michael.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Need shadchan for perfect shidduch candidates

    Well, then, it seems that I would be the perfect match for him since he’s perfect and I’m not.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Well this is Joseph’s shidduch and he thinks that opposites attract….

    In any case, if Joseph thinks that opposites attract, he can set the guy up with me, and if he thinks the guy needs a perfect girl, I know several perfect girls who are looking for a shidduch…

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Btw Joseph, how do you know this guy? Is he your son or something? Nephew? Best friend’s son?


    My talmid.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    How is he your talmid? I always thought you work.

    And is this whole thing a joke? The perfect boy would not need someone posting about him.


    Baruch Hashem this is my first talmid to enter the shidduch parsha. So we’re a little new about handling such a perfect shidduch.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Are you serious or joking?


    Have I ever kidded you?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    probably. Around these parts, it can be really hard to know sometimes when people are kidding or not.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    One clue that you are kidding is that it not possible for a 23 year old boy to already be a Talmid Chacham and yet have a life full of activities, hobbies and volunteer work. I’m not sure if that is possible for anyone, but certainly not at the age of 23.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    btw, I don’t know how most girls feel, but personally I am always hesitant about dating a boy who does chessed round-the-clock.

    And having a life full of activities, hobbies and volunteer work would probably entail the same problem (although I don’t believe that anyone has ever redt a boy with that description to me).

    Which is that I am not really interested in a husband who is never home and never available for his family.


    He’s mamish an illuy. Lhavdil elef havdolos, like the 19 year old who graduated from Harvard; that’s a rare occurrence, but it happens on very infrequent occasion. If I told you everything else he’s already accomplished in his young life you’d be sure I’m kidding you. But it is what it is. (Shteiging yom vlayla, etc.)

    And his current life full of activities, hobbies and volunteer work is only in lieu of the fact he isn’t married and has the time on his hands as a single bochor. Farshteit zich once he’s married his wife and children will be the center of his life and activities, replacing the time fillers he has now that he does when he has down time.


    I thought all shadchans had only boys described by the opening poster.


    I thought of that joke too. 🙂

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    What about Reb Shidduch? She’s looking for a learning boy. And if you make the shidduch, you can get the shidduch gelt.


    “Surely there’s a girl somewhere in the wide world who is a pea in the same pod and of the same disposition as this [perfect] fellow and thus a suitable match for him.” (Joseph, modified to make it work in this thread)

    Would the shadchan who matches angry singles also match perfect singles?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I figured out who this perfect boy is!!!

    He must be Joseph’s son! That’s why it’s the first time that he has a “talmid” in the Parsha, and that’s why he only has one, and that’s why he’s responsible for his shidduchim even though he seems unsure how to go about it, and most importantly, that’s why he thinks he’s perfect!!!!!

    You’re such a good father that you consider your son to be perfect!

    I. M. Shluffin

    I’m not sure I could handle someone so perfect for a husband. I don’t think I’d enjoy being humbled by his presence all day long.


    being humbled by his presence all day long

    Joseph would call that a perfect marriage

    I. M. Shluffin

    Great, so set me up.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Actually if he’s perfect then he shouldn’t make people feel bad. So if he makes people feel “humbled by his presence” it could only be in a positive way.


    And I was silly enough to believe that only HKBH is perfect.


    He is the perfect shidduch “candidate.”

    Aka on Paper.

    Who knows what happens when the man is in office.

    I pray that he will be perfect for someone 🙂 for that even an imperfect person can become

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