Need help surviving R'H davening

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    I am seeking advice on how not survive a shlepped out R’H davening. The ba’alei tefillah where I daven mean well, but they are not really so good and they Shlep. They feel a compulsion to sing virtually everything using tunes that don’t necessarily fit the words. Their voices are not always up to the demands of leading the tefillos and it feels as if it’s never going to end. There is NO inspiration at this davening, except perhaps an inspiration to run out screaming. Davening is about 5-5.5 hours and I feel as if I am going to lose my mind if I have to go through this again. Yet I have no choice and cannot go to another minyan.

    Anybody out there have any advice?


    Why can’t you go to another minyan? If the davening just makes you want to scream, then you probably shouldn’t be there.

    lebidik yankel

    I bring seforim along. Last year I read Rav Saadya Geon’s Emunos Vdeos on Tshuvah – it sounds like it would be heavy reading but No, it was fascinating. Its not much – he is very sparing of words, but thats the beauty – you read a thought, then turn it over in your mind as the Chazzan sings and everyone is happy.

    Some other candidates are the Rambam on Tshuva, the Beis Hashem of the Mabit on tshuva and so on.


    ouch, i would try to find a makom that you feel suits you better, if its at all possible with whatever your circumstances are


    I have had a similar problem with the Myssaf in my Shul….speak to the Rov and be honest about your feelings!


    I second lebidik yankel. Find a sefer that is on your level that you think you will be able to learn from for a long period of time and just keep it by your side. All the best, and have a great davening.

    orange u glad

    finish the sefer tehillim during the chazara


    Perfect time for Daf Yomi.


    What compels you to remain in your current shul?

    A 5 hour service is hardly that long. Many shuls are notably longer. We’re you expecting to be in and out in three hours??

    And R”H davening isn’t intended to be a concert…


    Learning, saying tehillim, etc are great in the right time, but during davening on R”H is not the right time! He needs to go to a shul where he’ll be able to concentrate on the davening, not use something else to distract himself!



    You are right, it’s NOT supposed to be a concert. THAT is the problem. If they just did the chazaras hashatz without all the schmaltzy singing, I would be much happier.

    For reasons I don’t care to share here, I cannot daven in another shul.


    As talking is not allowed until after all the T’kiyos; I usually have some Shailos & Tshuvos seforim with me. Lots of variety & very enjoyable. Igros Moshe, Briziner Rov, Suchutsuv, Debricen, etc. Or books on Business Ethics, Ribis, or anything that you don’t have a chance all year round. I’m actually upset that my shul finishes around 1:00.


    What’s the heter that some yeshivos (and shuls) employ to give a kiddush before tekias?


    A 5 hour service is hardly that long. Many shuls are notably longer. We’re you expecting to be in and out in three hours??

    It’s not a race, but we finish in about 4 hours – 0700 to about 1100. And yes, 5 hours can be long if the davening is shlepped out for no reason – long mi shebeirachs, chazanut that goes on and on without end, a rav that falls in love with the sound of his own voice and drehs on for 45 minutes or an hour . . . I’ve been there and done that. I feel your pain, Yussel.


    I take along Kerem Hatzevi al Hamoadim (by Rav Z H Ferber) with me. A great Sefer with great Drush.

    In my yeshiva days I used to peruse Yalkut Lekach Tov, but it was quite heavy Litvish Mussar and just made me feel depressed.


    I like to look through the translation/notes from a machzor. I’m comfortable with both Artscroll and Machzor Hameforash.

    I have at times left shul to take a short walk.

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