someonne once told me he thinks the reason girls have a harder time with shidduchim is cause they usually have more bitachon and emunah therefore they can withstand it. dk if its true but i think it might
thats one of those phrases that can backfire. Yes, a minimal few might appreciate it, most won’t. It’s like telling someone who is sitting shiva that only strong people are tested. Thanks but no thanks, they’d rather not.
Shidduchim for both girls and boys is a TREMENDOUS nisayon, learning and growing experience. I think the key to getting through it is holding onto the fact that we’re not in control of finding our bashert or of anything at all…only He is. One must daven and trust that Hashem is going to give him/her the very best at the right time. Shidduch crisis or not, it all comes from Him!!
Theres no nechama necessary. Stop catastrophizing. Girls just have a tendency to emotionalize things and be dramatic and make a lot of noise. I think for every older single girl theres an older single guy out there but they dont make so much noise so you think theres no older guys problem. Take a look at the mens section in any shul on Shabbos and you will see plenty of older boys.