My Dream this past Shabbos (Rishon Shel Pesach)

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    On Shabbos afternoon, before I took a nap, I asked Hashem to give me a sign as to why I am forced to suffer and watch as the evil people in the world prosper.

    I fell asleep and had the following dream: I was in a huge mansion that had rooms filled with gold, jewels and priceless art. I was in a minyan and when it was time for Kedusha I said Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh very loudly (during the recitation of the amidah). People in the minyan started to speak lashon hara about me and snicker about my zealousness. I condemned them and then condemned other Jews for their improper behavior.

    In a rage I went around the mansion destroying all the wealth. I tossed jewels and gold at people who were cowering under tables. I tore down the artwork and laid waste the entire house. I used gunpowder to set off explosions, using tichels that were tied together as fuses. Though windows were blown out by the explosions and many were killed, I was not harmed.

    I then woke up.

    My thought when i woke up was this: Moshiach is here. All he has to do is sign the scroll and he will be revealed. I truly believe this will be very soon.


    What does Mashiach signing the scroll have to do with Mashiach being revealed?

    Why will you not relate the history of the scroll?


    whoa. how interesting! and dreams on shabbos have a special meaning. why don’t you speak to a mekubal about this?

    Think first

    Did u bump ur head before you fell asleep?


    “In a rage I went around the mansion destroying all the wealth. I tossed jewels and gold at people who were cowering under tables. I tore down the artwork and laid waste the entire house. I used gunpowder to set off explosions, using tichels that were tied together as fuses. Though windows were blown out by the explosions and many were killed, I was not harmed.”

    I would speak to a psychologist about this dream, not a mekubal.


    Definitely speak with your Rav and then maybe your doctor. Sometimes dreams do mean something and sometimes not. Or it could just be something that was on your mind (whether or not you were aware of it). But if it’s weighing on your mind then talk to someone who can possibly help.

    All the best to you. And refuah shelayma on your infection. Oh- sometimes medications can affect your thoughts/dreams too.


    Thanks for the mocking. Always enjoy that aspect of the CR.

    This was two days before I got sick. The ikkur of the dream was that wealth and hypocrisy would be torn down just before mashiach revealed himself though there will be many cowards trying desperately to cling to them.


    YehudahTzvi – I was not mocking you. I hope you were not referring to me. Yummy was not mocking you either.


    Gefen: No, not you or Yummy.


    YehudaTzvi, I wasn’t mocking you either. Even if there were elements of truth contained in the dream, which may or may not the case, the violence you committed in the dream was disconcerting. It bespoke an underlying rage that I thought you might want to address professionally.


    I feel no rage and am quite healthy mentally, thank you. Physically is another matter.


    “whoa. how interesting! and dreams on shabbos have a special meaning. why don’t you speak to a mekubal about this?”

    The dreams of big big tzaddikim once in a while can have truth to them. As for the rest of us, never happens. You can look it up in Derech HASHEM, i think it’s at the end of chelek 2 where he talks about dreams, vast majority of people fall under the category of those whose neshamos go up and consort with demonic untruthful beings who do not relate to them pearls of truth; furthermore, and really obviating the need for the previous point, is that even if your soul actually is granted something real, it just integrates into your dream in some aspect that you’ll never recognize or be able to distinguish or even to know what it is that you’re looking for.


    interesting dream, however not all wealth or those who have accumulated it are all bad…Major donations from the wealthy have allowed yeshivas, hospitals and other essential services to continue operating


    I was not mocking you. I’m just curious.


    hudi: wasn’t referring to you.

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