- This topic has 58 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 5 months ago by Jothar.
October 7, 2009 4:55 am at 4:55 am #661464JotharMember
Furthermore, the Michtav Me’eliyahu writes that performing chumros that one is not on the level to perform causes a distortion in his outlook, where one violates real issurim but ignores it due to his perception of himself as being beyond reproach due to his chumros. Finally, there is the famous story of Mar Ukva who called himself “vinegar the son of wine” for not waiting 24 hours between meat and milk like his father did. Why didn’t he just wait 24 hours? Because if he didn’t, it wouldn’t be real- it would be yuhara. Im Yirtzah Hashem I’ll reach the level of refinement to only listen to refined Jewish music. But I’m not there yet, and refuse to fake it- this is what my Rosh hayeshiva would want me to do “ba’asher hu shum”.
October 7, 2009 5:39 am at 5:39 am #661465JosephParticipantWould your Rosh Yeshiva consider not listening to “amaleikishe” music a chumra?
Would you have considered yourself to have once been a fanboy of RPG’s and/or Sindarin?
October 7, 2009 6:48 am at 6:48 am #661466JosephParticipantJothar, You previously said “I’m a big Lipa fan.”
With your being a blog commenter, you are seemingly regretful (“it’s a tough habit to break”). Yet with what your Rosh Yeshiva ZT’L describes as “amaleikishe” music, you don’t seem nearly so. Shouldn’t you at least have less self-described admiration for such?
Also, don’t take the second question from my last comment too seriously. 😉
October 7, 2009 10:41 am at 10:41 am #661468A600KiloBearParticipantBS”D
Jothar, with all due respect, your Rosh Yeshiva A”H sounds like a daas yochid. There may be some problematic music out there (at least for some) masquerading as Jewish music, but amalekite is a very harsh statement. However, it seems this assessment of Jewish music was meant either for himself or for his closest talmidim as this is the first I have ever heard it.
Fact is, classical music is from a very low klipa, from composers who often wrote for the kloister and from others who led lives worthy of today’s tabloids. It is also very hard to listen to seriously and requires concentration, thereby taking from time which could be used for more productive activities, including and especially learning Torah.
If you can indeed listen only to real neginah and chazzanus, and perhaps Yom Tov Ehrlich (who really was the predecessor of Lipa), good for you. I have the same problem with real chazzanus as I do with classical music (minus the klipa) – it is too time consuming and distracting to be entertaining.
October 7, 2009 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm #661469JotharMemberMy Rosh Hayeshiva didn’t ban Jewish music. It’s muttar. It’s just not refined enough for his ears, and maybe one day I’ll reach that stage. Others have expressed this idea more strongly, and felt it was unrefined enough to ban. Bans are counterproductive and weaken kavod haTorah, as was clearly evident here.
In the meantime, I like Lipa’s music. “Fan” and “fanboy” are shnei dinim nifradim. I can’t tell you Lipa minutiae like a fanboy. Being a blog commenter is much more fraught with danger, with kefira, krum hashkafos, machlokes, sinas chinam etc all expressed despite the yeoman-like best efforts of the mods. In other words, one is prishus, one is prishus-nekiyus, to use Mesilas Yesharim terminology.
I still play a basic rpg game, but I’m not a fanboy of them. Having to balance a job, a family, and a night seder means not much time for the gamez anymore. Life moves on, and you exchange one shtus for another.
October 7, 2009 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm #661470A600KiloBearParticipantBS”D
Thanks for the clarification. If more roshei yeshiva acted and thought that way, it might actually cause some change in whatever is wrong with the music rather than just create machloikes.
October 7, 2009 4:02 pm at 4:02 pm #661471JotharMemberThe problem is that we have roshei Yeshiva who never were mishamesh talmidei chachamim properly and therefore don’t have a proper Daas Torah. So they grab chumros or assume tha tthe amcha is on the level to turn prishus and tahara into issurim, not realizing the damage caused by their lack of havana. Some of them just get lied to by the askanim or their gabbaim, unaware of what their words are being used for. This is why one needs a rav or rebbe on is close to. Pashkevilin, pasquinades and blog posts are no substitute for an actual rebbe.
October 8, 2009 2:47 pm at 2:47 pm #661472yoshiMemberIn my “humble” opinion, Playing an instrument is much more stimulating to our Neshamos, than listening to a cd of someone else doing the singing and instrumental playing. For instance, take up piano playing, you’re never too old to start. Old dogs learn new tricks all the time, so why can’t we, homo sapiens, at least do the same, if not more?
October 8, 2009 3:45 pm at 3:45 pm #661473JotharMemberFor the record, my Rosh Hayeshiva did NOT view classical music as klipah. he said that despite the objectionable behavior of the composers, when they composed they were inspired.
Playing an instrument is time-consuming versus singing along with a cd. The Orchos Taddikim (shaar ha’ahava) recommends singing to develop dveikus and love with Hashem. He doesn’t say a word about playing an instrument.
Maybe Breslov writing say otherwise, but I’m not a Breslover.
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