Moving out of Parents' Home

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    I’m considering moving out of my parents’ home for various reasons. Will this be an issue for shidduchim? What do you all think?


    Any opinions on this?


    Should be fine. Perhaps even advisable.


    some people will ask qs and some won’t. and if you’re better off out of home, then you limit yourself in that way. Pros and cons in each choice


    You haven’t stated which neighborhood your parents are residing in? and to which neighborhood you are contemplating moving to? so how can anyone be expected to give an informed response?

    You don’t mention how far your parents are from a Shul or subway stop, nor how near you wish to be to a Shul.

    We also have no knowledge if you are just 18 and graduating out of school? or already in your 30’s? and several years in a job.



    You have taken the words straight out of my mouth. It’s actually scary…I have contemplated this question many a night…

    I would imagine (assuming you are in my demographic: Early 20s, graduate student, home situation becoming toxic…etc) that the pros and cons can make you an emotional wreck. I plan to speak with a therapist about it. Perhaps that might help you as well.

    Wishing you complete serenity in whatever decision you come to.


    Popa, SaysMe:

    Thanks for your insight on this matter.


    I’m not quite sure what difference it would make, general question here.

    And, where the heck does shul come in??

    No One Mourns The Wicked:

    Gosh! you hit the nail on its head!!

    Hey- If & when you speak to a therepist I’d appreciate if you would let me know if speaking to one really helped you with this. I guess I’ll decide whether or not to go see one based on your experience with that.

    Thanks a lot!

    Best wishes to you as well.


    Hi, So sorry I’ve been out’ve touch- finals :-/

    I’m searcing high and low for a competant therapist. The problem with being a psych grad student is that you start to really have a sharp eye for the bad eggs…

    Based on past experiances, therapists have told me that sometimes you need to do things that are hurtful to others in order to ‘save yourself’. At the time I was very young so the therapist did not suggest moving out, but I wonder if things would be said differently now.

    How you doing? The chagim may be hard…best of luck to the both of us 🙂

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