Motzei Shem Ra commentators

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    A recent story about a devastating fire in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, revealed the absolute worst in some commentators on YWN.

    A strip mall burned down overnight, including a renowned kosher bakery. Rather than showing any compassion, empathizing with the shattered JEWISH business owners, the affected JEWISH community, one vile poster chose to slander the business owner with baseless accusations of arson.

    I hope the government thoroughly investigates this. It’s very unusual for a Kosher bakery to burn down this time of year. It usually “happens” around Pesach when the owner can file the largest insurance claim possible.

    The Cutzpah! The nerve!
    There’s not a shred of evidence that this fire was intentional! Workers were actually in the bakery that night since they operate overnight in preparation for shabbos. And most importantly … <h1>THE FIRE DIDN’T START AT THE BAKERY!!!!!!! </h1>

    What kind of person does this? It’s outrageous.


    The terms for a poster who posted that would be “leitz” and “malshin”.


    Much like anyone who posts anything online (including little old me), I would assume they are seeking relevancy, validation, attention…
    As far as the Motzi Shem Ra goes, people rationalize lots of things.


    When you combine a 24 hour news cycle and the dissemination ease and anonymity of social media commentaryb , the rule is generally “post first and find the facts later”

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