Motzei Shabbos

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  • #600616

    There seems to be a need for some chilled out threads with no discussions about stalkers and infoseekers. Here’s one.

    Now that shabbos ends early, what do you do on motzei shabbos? Go for pizza, go to the mall, (lehavdil) go to a bais medrash to learn, post motzei shabbos troll threads (sorry Popa, just had to do that)? Anything else?

    Of course be smart and don’t say a specific pizza store or bais medrash, just general ideas.


    Wait out in the closest Starbucks for Popa, and his latest ‘invention’.


    I usually just chill with the family.


    Charlie brown by saying that you’ll be suspected of chilling down the oilom so your not made suspicious….lol


    Zeese kiet isn’t this star bucks… Lol;)


    Charlie brown by saying that you’ll be suspected of chilling down the oilom so your not made suspicious….lol

    You got me!

    I assume you eat ice cream on motzei shabbos?

    YW Moderator-72

    Hey Charlie Brown,

    sometimes I wonder around town picking my kids up from there friends house after Shabbos. Sometimes I hide in my garage waiting for other parents to pick up their kids.

    but whatever I do, I wait up until 1:30/2:00 for 72-Jr-1 to come from work with a fresh Pizza!


    Clean-up time…:)

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