Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View

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    and by the way rabbi boruch levines music is jewish not like these other singers (some of whom are advertising on YWN right now)

    d a

    Guys, don’t get me wrong. I love Boruch Levine and his music.


    i’m surprised that no one’s mentioned this yet but the most heartfelt songs that come to mind is ‘Your Watching Me’ by Michoel Pruzansky and another song that i really love is another song entitled ‘Av Harachamim’ a song that i wrote myself after my father had a heart attack hopefully coming out after chanuka



    who’s song is al tira ki yashir… It’s also a really great one.


    al tirah on the waterbury CD

    The Al Tira on the Waterbury CD is very nice. There is another Al Tira sung by Toronto Pirchei (link) that is a very beautiful song.


    I think the one I’m referring to is the waterbury cd one although I never heard that cd. I listened to the one by the Toronto Pirchei and it’s not the same one. Unless there’s another al tirah that nobody mentioned and that’s the one I know.


    rosh chabura:

    just got this list from the apple iTunes store and the following is the top 10 downloaded Jewish songs of all time…

    I have no idea what iTunes classifies as Jewish but it’s hard for me to beleive that the entire top 10 is Baruch Levine. I didn’t even know that his songs were on iTunes. As far as I know, most Jewish songs are not sold on iTunes and I assume that this top 10 list that you give, assuming it’s not completely fake, is not a good indicator of good Jewish songs.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Baruch Levine. All his compositions and songs that he sings are great. He is a great composer and has a great voice.

    rosh chabura:

    Baruch Leevine is the most greatest ‘heartful’ singer,composer and rebbi ( thats right rebbi, does Gabay or shwekey teach yiddeshe kidelach?……..i dont think so) in the world

    Rabbi Abie Rotenberg used to teach as well. Of course, he still teaches us all with his songs, even if it is not in a classroom rebbi/talmid setting.

    rosh chabura:

    i was not saying anything bad about other singers or composers, it is just that you never find a singer that composes his own music. Baruch Levine is simply unique and multi talented

    True, Baruch Levine has many great talents. Everyone has special gifts that Hashem gives them and R’ Levine uses his many gifts to inspire klal yisroel. He actually composed many of Abie Rotenberg and Shwekey’s songs as well as most of his own.

    Abie Rotenberg composed and wrote the lyrics for most of his Journeys songs as well as his many other albums (Aish, Marvelous Middos Machine, Dveykus, etc)

    Keep in mind, this isn’t a contest of who has the most talent etc. These aren’t l’havdil rock stars who need people rooting for them and saying how great they are. These are Yidden who are just doing what they can to inspire klal yisroel. If Abie Rotenberg feels that some of his songs are more inspiring with Shwekey singing them then he will have Shwekey sing instead of himself. Everyone has a unique voice and way of singing and they try to match up the songs to the singers. Check out Harey Yehuda where Yehuda Gilden wrote a bunch of songs for different singers to sing. You can read Abie Rotenberg’s beautiful write-up about it at this link


    Yerushalaim by Abie Rottenberg always gets me

    LOL, I think that is the only song on Journeys that was not written by Abie himself. Which itself shows that it is such a great song that Abie wanted to include it in his Journeys album.


    With everyone talking about Baruch Levine, i can’t believe no one mentioned his english Lecha Dodi. Its very inspiring. Does anyone know if its true?

    I love that song as well. I don’t know if the story is true but I know that I heard the story before the song (probably from the book). All of the songs on Touched By A Niggun are based on stories from the Touched by a Story series. Interestingly, Baruch Levine wrote this tune for another Lecha Dodi song, I can’t remember who sings it, I think it was a Yiddish song.


    The “Al Tirah” on the Waterbury CD was composed by a Waterbury bochur who was r”l niftar shortly after writing it. It was sung by his friends in tribute to him after his petirah.


    beutiful song. but spooky story


    This is actually the first time I heard it but I just listened to Yonatan Shainfeld’s “oh rebbe” song and I really like it.


    Theres a new song on mostlymusic that everyone MUST checkout

    its called “GENERATIONS” and its sung by shalsheles

    they even have the lyrics to download!!

    its a beutiful heart rending song and its FREE!!


    Does it have to be an english song?

    I choose “Eilu V’eilu” sung by Avraham Fried on “Ba’al Shem Tov’s Niggun”


    This is an old one (1969) but it is DEFINITELY the best. It’s from the ’69 Israel Song Festival. The name is Ballad HaChovesh – The medic’s ballad.

    If you can hear this song (if you understand Hebrew) and not cry, there is something seriously wrong with you.


    Does anyone have the lyrics to the song Window in Heaven by Shea Rubenstein? Thanks in advance!




    Early days of younger years,

    Full of childrens’ joys and fears,

    Whether school or home,

    always felt alone,

    In a way,

    what’s a child to do?

    Days and months went rushing by,

    Bar Mitzvah in a suit and tie,

    And my loss still there,

    much too deep to share,

    In a way,

    what’s a child to do?

    But I know,

    you were there the whole time,

    Looking down,

    from a window in heaven,

    And your touch,

    like the gentlest breeze,

    Saying, I will remember you son

    Even though

    you could not shake my hand,

    You looked down

    from a window in heaven,

    And your touch,

    like the whisper of wings,

    Saying, I will be there for you son,

    in a way

    Milestones of life flew by,

    Couldn’t help but wonder why,

    You had to go away,

    I never heard you say, “oh my son”,

    What’s a child to do?

    At the Chupa we stood as one,

    Being watched by everyone,

    And the tears that flow,

    both joy and sorrow,

    For the One,

    who’s not here with me now

    But I know,

    you were there the whole time,

    Through each step

    you were guiding me forward,

    And your touch,

    like a breath of fresh air,

    Saying, I’ll always love you my son

    Even though

    you could not walk me down,

    I could tell

    you were standing beside me,

    And your touch,

    like the wisdom of old,

    Saying, I am so proud of you son,

    in a way

    Now I hold him tenderly,

    My baby son, for all to see,

    I am overcome,

    by my actions done, today

    What’s a child to do?

    My son will bear your name with pride,

    Holding Zeide’s torch inside,

    And the part of me,

    which was so empty,

    Is now full,

    as I reach out to you

    And I know

    you were there the whole time,

    Looking down,

    from your place in Shomayim,

    And your touch,

    like a magical spell,

    Is embracing me tightly right now

    Even though

    he was not on your knees,

    You were here,

    on a visit from heaven,

    And your touch,

    Like the sweetest of wine;


    your very welcome!!


    musictomyears, thank you so much!!! Very much appreciated!


    d a


    Does it have to be an english song?

    The thread is called Most Heartfelt Jewish Song In Your View. It can be English, hebrew, Yiddish, words from Tanach/Gemara/Meforshim/etc. or no words at all. If you really like a song, then let us know what it is.


    i heard about a song, yidish i think, about a kid born with no arms and the father is distraught about it but in reality the kids neshama was sent back down to this world to fix up some mistakes and the neshama begged hkb”h to not hav arms so he cudnt hurt people… the storyline is something like that does anyone know of this song? wat its called and where i cud locate it?


    I also like yerushalyaim by Abie rotberg. its a great song.


    Dovv- that song is definitely on one of camp shalva’s tapes. I’m almost sure it’s “kenesher” from moshe goldman.



    i heard about that song, i was never able to find it do you know where I or Dovv can get the cd/tape/download?



    thanks smartcookie it is on the moshe goldman kinesher album.

    do you know where i cud download it?


    definitely shwekeys “forever” “mama rochel” “sameach” “im eshkachaich”

    shea rubinsteins “window in heaven”

    pruz “Youre watching me”

    ??? come with me little neshamale

    tunz of hebrew songs too: a lot of yehuda’s songs are really nice, like al tirah, mi ban siach, im eshkachaich………

    so many singers,too many great songs to list to list (also tunz of great songs on yosis orchestra (especially chuppa track, and third track. shloime dachs dance all nite is totally amazing!!!!!)


    Chesedname, dovv- I just realized your posts about downloading this beautiful song. Sorry!

    Did any of you ever get it?


    Some songs I find inspiring.

    Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh, sung by (im almost positive) Shmuel Borger on an early Amudei Sheish tape.

    Gal Einay sung as only R’ Abish Brodt can sing it.

    Shvartze Wolf as only R’ Shlomo can tell it/sing it over.


    HLM- its abie rotenberg

    another great song- mekimi by MBD on Mona 4


    i liked i think its called perek shira by yehuda the album is generations of song perek shira and it has a lion on the cover

    and also mama rachel, your watching me,someone else child from baruch levine,music of forever by shweky,my father by shweky from lshem shamayim album,meim hashem miami boys choir,eibeshter-im not sure who sings it,i am an ancient wall of stone-journeys,candlelight and the cry from visions-nachmen seltzer


    me’ein and menucha v’simcha from menucha are totally stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just listened to me’ein and now i’m listening to menucha v’simcha and i just listened to shwekeys sameach and im eshkachaich like ten times this morning already, and plan on listening a few more times:)

    also yehuda’s hallelu es H-Shem is really nice, has a good soft tune


    There is a really a beautiful song that I am trying to find the singer- The song is called l’maancha and I heard it on the acapella CD that came out this yr. Does any one know who sings it? I would really appreciate it.


    I think it’s Eitan Katz’s

    Ben Simpleton

    Mizmor Ladavid 29. Don’t like Haredi pop music in general. If I listen to music which I rarely do it is from old recording of traditional shul songs. I don’t like the chazanut that degrade these songs to opera performances but rather iI like the ones that nvolve the kehillah in the service or draw awe at the right moment. (Generally Sephardim) In short I basically only like 3-4 cds from England and a few others from around the world.

    Like this one from Australia,


    At the risk of asking a silly question — what qualifies as “Jewish music” for the purpose of this thread?

    If the music is taken from a non-Jewish source but the words are completely different, is it still “Jewish music?”

    What if both the words AND the idea are taken from non-Jewish sources, with just the specific names/incidents changed to have a Jewish feel — does that count as Jewish music?

    The Wolf


    just actually checked the iTunes store and you cant even get those songs from baruch levine. the only song available is on one of the HASC cds.


    tzoma licha nafshi by shloimy daskal and ani mamin from the holocaust


    Believe it or not I think that “One Day” by Matisyahu has more meaning to it than first listening to!!!

    But I feel that “Memories” composed by Abie Rotenberg for the Ohel concert about a decade ago sung by A.Fried and M.B.D is one of the most heartfelt beautiful songs in the world. Anyone second my opinion???


    Yup- “Memories” is a beautiful song. (there is an emotional film that was made with that song)


    what qualifies as “Jewish music”

    yes, so basically anything that even remotely or vaguely hints @ something jewish = jewish music.


    blinky- yes now that you mention it I remember that film! I wish MBD and Fried would make more songs together, their voices fit together like croutons in soup

    YW Moderator-42

    WolfishMusings, are you a lamid vavnik? That would explain why you seem like such an apikores to so many people here, they are seeing themselves in your posts!


    WolfishMusings, are you a lamid vavnik? That would explain why you seem like such an apikores to so many people here, they are seeing themselves in your posts!

    Did I miss something? What does this have to do with my question of what is considered “Jewish music” for the purposes of this thread?

    The Wolf

    YW Moderator-42


    Shvartze Wolf as only R’ Shlomo can tell it/sing it over.


    ”shvartze-WOLFISH MUSINGS”


    I love “Rak T’fila”. I never heard the original, only Avraham Fried’s version. Beautiful

    d a

    Anyone have the real, complete lyrics to Camp Simcha’s amazing “Waving Flags” song?

    d a

    Anyone know who sang Miriam Israeli’s “Ten Tikva LaYeled”?


    Does anyone have the lyrics of Abe Rottenberg’s song that is a parable of a train ride…

    I cant remember the words!


    d a here you go:

    Ooooooh Wooooooh

    Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher

    See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud

    In Camp Simcha, heads are lifted, as we lose our inhabition,

    Celebration its around us, every nation, all around us

    Singin forever young, singin songs underneath the sun

    Let’s rejoice in the beautiful game

    And together every end of the day


    When I get older I will be stronger

    They’ll call me freedom Just like a waving flag

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes

    When I get older I will be stronger

    They’ll call me freedom

    Just like a wavin’ flag

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes Ooooooh Wooooooh

    By the way the original is the Fifa 2010 Theme Song for the World Cup…very nice song

    d a

    noitallmr, thanks!

    HennyK, here it is:

    Ride the Train

    Artist: Abie Rottenberg

    Album: Journeys 2

    Come on and ride the train,

    Step on board, take your ticket, no two are the same,

    You’ll soon be going for a ride,

    There’s nowhere to run, no place to hide,

    You’re ridin’, ridin’, ridin’ on the train.

    But you try to check you ticket,

    And you don’t know what it means,

    Will you get to sit on velvet and dine on fine cuisine.

    Or is it your place to be upon a worn out wooden seat,

    With a slice of old and crust bread,

    Your only food to eat.

    Come on and ride the train,

    The doors are closed, the whistle’s blowing,

    Now you must remain.

    The locomotive’s on a roll,

    There’s just some things you can’t control,

    You’re ridin’, ridin’, ridin’ on the train.

    So you ask an older passenger,

    ‘How long will this ride be?’

    He says, ‘Sorry son, I can’t say, there is no gaurentee.

    It might be the next station, we’ll be there in no time.

    But maybe if you’re luckey,

    You can stay till the end of the line.’

    Then you take a walk all through the train,

    Each box car one by one.

    Most are filler with people saying, ‘This ride’s just for fun.

    Why think about tomorrow, when you’ve got today instead?

    Sit back, enjoy the view,

    There’s miles and miles or rail ahead.’

    Ride the train,

    Come on, ride the train (x 2)

    But one car seems so different,

    Inhabited by few,

    Who say there is no time to waste, We’re only passing through.

    The choices that you male today, are all that’s gonna last.

    This train is moving down the track,

    And it’s moving awful fast.

    Come on and ride the train,

    Step on board, take your ticket, no two are the same,

    You’ll soon be going for a ride,

    There’s nowhere to run, no place to hide,

    You’re ridin’, ridin’, ridin’ on the train.

    d a

    noitallmr, is it:

    When I get older I will be stronger

    They’ll call me freedom

    Just like a waving flag(s?)

    Camp Simcha – Flag

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes back

    And then it goes

    Sister Bear

    Yeah, they add in Camp Simcha’s Flag

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