Most Democrats are Against Israel

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  • #2270771

    Why are you continuing to vote against Jewish survival?


    Total nonsense! You have some loud mouths that get the attention. If Biden had wanted this war could’ve gone very different from the beginning yet there was instead tremendous support from many in power including many Democrats. I’m not a fan of many democrat policies but let’s also be honest & not demonize all of them either.


    Based on the votes on aid for Israel, this does not appear to be the case. The “Progressives” (“WOKE”) wing is anti-Israel, and generally supports anti-Semitism, but it isn’t clear how strong they are, or perhaps, they are noisy but really not that strong. Biden is nervous about offending them, but that in itself doesn’t mean they are a majority of the Democrats.

    While the Republicans have in the recent past been pro-Israel, the “America First” faction seems to be in control of Republican party, and their platform of non-involvement in foreign wars precludes the United States giving anything more than “moral” support to Israel.

    While the Progressive (WOKE) Democrats and the American First (MAGA) Republicans make a lot of noise, polls suggest that most supporters of both parties still support the “globalist” foreign policy that has dominated the United States since 1945. We’ll see better after the conventions this summer.



    I know thousands more Democrats than you do.
    I have been a registered D since 1972
    I CT state convention delegate for more than 35 years
    A delegate to 6 national conventions
    A Democratic Town Committee member for 40 years
    Elected government official

    Most Dems are not against Israel and don’t support or approve of the squad
    But not being against Israel does not mean one supports each and every decision of the Israeli Government.

    It is unrealistic to expect non Jewish Americans to put Israel ahead of US interests.

    In 1948 D President Truman recognized Israel
    In 1967 D President LBJ supported and supplied Israel in the 6 day war
    R President Nixon was a known Anti-Semite and of little help with YK War

    President Biden has supported Israel through all his decades in government.

    The Bushes and Trump sold out to the Saudis



    Your comment is misleading. You seem to equate the “progressive” (WOKE) wing on the left, and the “America First” wing on the right. They are very different.

    The America First wing is totally pro-Israel. But they are against all foreign aid, just like they are against all welfare to those who don’t work. There is nothing wrong with that.

    The “progressive” WOKE are anti-Israel because they are antisemitic.

    They both want to cut aid to Israel, but for different reasons. One of them is a good reason, the other is a scary reason.


    If Biden had wanted this war could’ve gone very different

    Lol Biden cares about weapons contracts to Israel, for now.

    The longer this lasts the better for business, see Ukraine for reference.



    “R President Nixon was a known Anti-Semite and of little help with YK War”

    That “Anti-Semite” declared during a meeting on October 9, 1973, “The Israelis must not be allowed to lose” and authorized the military airlift of 567 resupply flights which literally saved Israel. The Arabs blamed him for doing so and quickly retaliated with the oil embargo against the United States. Did those minor historical details somehow drop out of your memory?

    I’m so shocked and disappointed in you!


    Biden undid the trump policy of funding the PA which led to emboldening Hamas. Bidens policies on Israel led to this point. There’s a difference between not supporting every Israeli policy and helping the Palestinians.


    CTLawyer: you are a dinosaur and completely out of touch with the modern party which, with fewer and fewer exceptions, is set to turn on the Jews. The fringe has unfortunately become the main stream and Schumer today sounds exactly like Sanders. Biden’s abandonment of Israel seems almost complete as he is poised to call for a ceasefire.

    The far-left, which has now become the mainstream of the party has a version of anti-Semitism which is far more dangerous than the anti-Semitism of the far-right because on the left, there are no principles of liberty and freedom which the right more or less accorded to all – even the ones they hate. Rather, the socialist, Marxist Democrat party of today is prepared to strip Jews of all rights, sell Israel out for some votes in swing states and make life for Jews in the US as impossibly difficult as they made life for Jews on college campuses. And dinosaurs like you will continue to defend a party of the past which no longer exists.



    I think you are exaggerating.
    Since you seem to be a maven on the modern Democratic party and everyone else is dinosaurs and you therefore proclaim with confidence that “with fewer and fewer exceptions it is set to turn on the Jews”, maybe you can give the names of the Majority of Democrats that you are referring to and how they are set to turn on the Jews.
    Also, you declare that the far-left is now the mainstream – please tell me who these far left people that are now mainstream are.

    Also, please tell me the number of Jewish Politicians in the Democratic party compared to the number in the Republican party.

    Biden’s total support of Israel politically and militarily, in the UN and with the Arab World, has never been shown as much as it has since October 6th.
    He has never abandoned Israel and supports them in their goal of eradicating Hamas.
    All of the Jewish skeptics have been proven totally wrong about Biden and the Modern Democrat party. But they will never change their original beliefs despite all the evidence against them.


    CTLawyer: You are a dinosaur and completely out of touch with the modern party which,
    with fewer and fewer exceptions, is set to turn on the Jews.

    The fringe has unfortunately become the main stream and Schumer today sounds exactly like Sanders.
    Biden’s abandonment of Israel seems almost complete as he is poised to call for a ceasefire.

    The far-Left, which has now become the mainstream of the party, has a version of anti-Semitism
    which is far more dangerous than the anti-Semitism of the far-right, because on the Left,
    there are no principles of liberty and freedom which the right more or less accorded to all – even the ones they hate.

    Rather, the Socialist/Marxist Democrat party of today is prepared to strip Jews of all rights,
    sell Israel out for some votes in swing states and make life for Jews in the USA
    as impossibly difficult as they made life for Jews on college campuses.

    And dinosaurs like you will continue to defend a party of the past which no longer exists.


    Now we know that Besalel and Square_Root are the same person posting under different names.
    One reason people do this is to fool people into believing that their opinion has more people that agree with them than actually agree with them.


    lol wat


    “While others may attempt to step up to replace him,
    it’s almost impossible not to see his resignation and
    the chattering classes’ continued flattery of people
    like Tlaib as a sign that the Jew-haters
    will soon be the ones in charge of the Democratic Party.”

    SOURCE: final paragraph of: “The future of the Democrats
    and the mainstreaming of anti-Semitism” by Jonathan S. Tobin
    (editor-in-chief of JNS) 2022 March 4 www dot jns dot org


    “A Republican member of Congress [Doug Lamborn]
    has slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden
    for pledging to restore U.S. funding to the Palestinians…

    SOURCE: Biden’s pledge to restore US funding to Palestinians
    by Jackson Richman, 2020 September 3, JNS dot org

    PS: President Joe Biden fulfilled his promise to fund the terrorists,
    with hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Democrats have made all these stupid wicked choices:

    (1) choosing Israel’s genocidal enemies over Israel
    (2) choosing Muslims over Americans
    (3) choosing socialism over democracy
    (4) choosing “Free Stuff” over the USA Constitution
    (5) choosing criminals over police
    (6) choosing illegal aliens over citizens
    (7) choosing gays and lesbians over normal people
    (8) choosing Jew-hating Black professors over Jewish professors
    (9) choosing race-quota-based hiring over merit-based hiring
    (10) choosing atheism over All-Mighty G*D.

    Caroline Glick said:

    “Over the past several years, Congress made several attempts
    to amend Title VI to include anti-Jewish discrimination.
    These efforts enjoyed broad bipartisan support.

    But they were all blocked by members of the progressive
    camp inside the Democratic congressional caucus.

    Like the anti-Semitic boycott activists ostracizing Jews on campuses,
    the progressive lawmakers claimed that expansion of the protections
    of Title VI to include anti-Jewish discrimination would undermine
    the free speech rights of anti-Israel activists on campuses.

    That is, they said the rights of anti-Semites to preach anti-Semitism
    superseded the rights of Jewish students not to be harassed.”

    SOURCE: Why American Jews slander President Trump
    by Caroline Glick 2019/12/15 www (dot) JNS (dot) org

    from Mosaic Magazine (2019/10/30):

    …the extreme progressive Democrats and their allies
    who try to delegitimize and demonize Israel have
    managed [to make commonplace] a set of mantras…
    about the Israel-Palestinian conflict without
    questioning their veracity. For instance:

    “Israel is or is bound to become an apartheid state
    or lose its Jewish identity”;

    “Israel is a colonialist and racist state that illegally
    occupies Palestinian territory and builds illegal settlements”;

    “Israel occupies Gaza”; [and other] nonsensical claims.

    SOURCE: When It Comes to Israel, Moderate
    Democrats Are Now Under the Sway of Progressives

    PS: Since this article was written, the extreme progressive
    dominance over the Democrat Party has only become worse.



    You think quoting articles from Jonathan Toobin and Caroline Glick are supposed to convince people ?
    Might as well quote Washington Examiner, Epoch Times, Newsmax, Daily Wire, The Blaze, Daily Caller ,National Review, and Washington Times.
    None of them are real journalism and all are crazy far right wing propagandists that deal in an alternate reality .


    qwertyqwerty: The current “America First” is strongly pro-Israel (unlike the original one in the 1930s that was anti-Jewsh) BUT “rooting for Israel” doesn’t help much. Israel needs access to American military gear (and “American First” opposes foreign aid) and the United States willingness to intervene in certain conditions (including the attempt by Iran to block Israeli access to the Red Sea). Many people in many countries were very sympathetic to the Jews in World War II, but did nothing to help – we don’t need such sympathy.

    I should add that I would not be surprised if Trump decides that since various allies (e.g. Poland, Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine) are showing a willingness to arm themselves to the teeth and fight for their own freedom, the United States will proudly see the America if First in leading the free world – but given Trump’s (and Biden’s) chaotic style of doing business, one can’t be certain how this will play out.


    Jackk: Jews who vote for Democrats are like a wife whose husband ran off with a younger woman but insists that if she just shows her husband how loyal she is and how dedicated she is to the relationship then maybe he will come back. Pathetic, sad and sorry.

    Your vote doesn’t matter to the party anymore. They have moved on to the ultra liberal and Muslim vote. It’s over. Move on. Get over it. edited

    Reb Eliezer

    A square root is mostly not exact.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb Eliezer,

    Do you comment on people’s screen name when you can’t disprove their point


    Square root may be not rational, but he is real.


    “Most Democrats are Against Israel”
    Azoi zukst di !

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