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  • #591982
    ☕️coffee addict

    is it just me or are these prophecies of moshiach coming getting more pronounced


    What kind of prophecies are you talking about?


    Just an idea but is it possible that now there are just much easier forms to spread them? Email and public forums make it much easier to get the word out.

    As an aside, if it is true that there are more rumors, (not saying yes or no), I think it really goes to show that even though some people may build beautiful houses and take exotic vacations, deep down we are all desperate for the geulah.



    There are many medrashim about the times of moshiach and the things that will happen before Moshiach comes. If we just read these emails and go on with our lives thats a big kitrug on us. “deep down we are all desperate for the geulah” thats just not good enough. Deep down plony doesnt want to eat ham, but he eats ham. Deep down he doesnt want to be mechalel shabbos, but he is mechalel shabbos. Would you defend someone in court saying, deep down he didnt want to kill the person, but he did?

    ☕️coffee addict

    the prophecies im talking about are like something from the talmidim of the talmidim of the gra that moshiach is supposed to come before this past rosh chodesh av, or that the thing with birchas hachama being rosh chodesh nisan only happened 3 times once by yetzias mitzraim (not true btw), there are countless others and if you want i can say them too.

    I hear what your saying kapusta


    I’m not sure if killing someone, or eating ham, and (l’havdil) wanting Mashiach can be compared.


    yossi z.

    I am not sure about exotic vacations but one has to create a balance between putting his entire focus on wanting moshiach and making hishtadlus to run a material physical life


    mbuchar, there are numerous prophecies about when Moshiach will come but that doesn’t davka mean that he will come because of these prophesies, some of them true and some of them bubba meisas because we can’t know Hashem’s cheshboinos. The only thing that we do know is that Moshiach WILL come as Hashem promised us, and he can come ANY day when Hashem deems it to be the right time and he’ll tell us the besura of the geulah.


    Yossi, you are making a mistake.


    It depends on us – we can help to bring it or it will come another time.

    Someone gave me a Tanach as a present. I was reading Shemos and about the hail that came down on Egypt, which the commentary said consisted of fire and water together. They made peace in order to serve Hashem.

    I was thinking, how much more so should we Jews make peace with each other to serve Hashem – We don’t have to agree with each other, but we should still respect each other

    yossi z.

    Why am I making a mistake? A person was put into this world to live in this world (obviously (using the physical) in service of Hashem) Hashem doesn’t want a person to be a hermit on a mountain top that defeats the purpose of having been put here in the first place

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