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- This topic has 17 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 2 months ago by qwertyuiop.
December 25, 2008 6:08 pm at 6:08 pm #588993bugnotParticipant
The Zohar Hachdash says in the very end of Parshas Balak that there will be a time when a Bais Haknesses in the South will be destroyed and 5 rightous people will be killed and 32 days later Moshiach ben Yosef will come and nine months after that Moshiach ben Dovid will come.
There are a few questions on this regarding the Mumbai attacks:
1- There were six people kiled
2- India is in the North (You can answer that in the Torah there is no equater & Eretz Yisroel is the center of earth & India is South of E”Y)
3- Whenever Chazal refer to a place they call it by the name the Torah calls it & the Torah refers to India with a different name – [forgot what the name is] (Zohar uses Loshon of Darom & Torah uses different loshon)
December 25, 2008 10:14 pm at 10:14 pm #629734WolfishMusingsParticipantI have a simple policy when it comes to predicting when Moshiach will come.
Don’t predict. When he gets here, HaShem will make it perfectly clear. Simply wait for him every day and quit trying to make cheshbonos… you’re only bound to be disappointed if you’re wrong.
While we’re at it, I have a personal pet theory as to who Moshiach will be:
Anyone who can get all of K’lal Yisroel to agree that he’s Moshiach has to be the real deal. If someone could get all Ashkenazim and Sephardim, Chassidim (for all different sects) and “Misnagdim,” Yeshivish, MO, Chareidi and DL to agree that he’s Moshiach, then he’s got to be it.
The Wolf
December 26, 2008 12:10 am at 12:10 am #629735Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantis 32 days later after Mumbai when the Rav from Yemen was killed, HYD?
December 26, 2008 3:17 am at 3:17 am #629736squeakParticipantThose who say do not know, and those who know…. do not say.
December 26, 2008 3:53 am at 3:53 am #629737tutzechMemberI heard that the klausinberger rebbe said 27 years ago that before mashuach comes people will get killed in india
December 26, 2008 7:26 am at 7:26 am #629738yenta101Memberwolfishmusings…that is very inspiring (i’m talking about the first thing you said) nowadays ..when a lot of people are talking about when mashiach will come..it is very important to remember (really both things)that you said..thanks!
December 26, 2008 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #629739charlie brownMembersqueak and the wolf both hit the nail on the head. I couldn’t agree more.
December 26, 2008 7:49 pm at 7:49 pm #629741ChachamParticipantFirstly-the rambam holds it is assur to predict it. look in his biur to 13 ikarim #12 [it is in siddur vilna after ani ma`amen. also look at http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pagefeed/14302_249.pdf hayesod 12. [the ramban is cholek on this.]
Mashiach doesn’t come by talking about it the gemara says in chelek 97b
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December 28, 2008 2:41 am at 2:41 am #629742bugnotParticipantbefore the zohar writes about the attacks on a shul, he writes something about 70 days. Does anyone know what the 70 days are referring to?
January 6, 2009 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm #629743tsafsternMemberThe 70 days before was when the stock market was crashing.
But the 32 days later didn’t say it would be the moshiach, but rather, a Kol Shofar Zeir (small). Apparently that was the time the war started in Gaza.
January 6, 2009 6:18 pm at 6:18 pm #629744believerParticipanthow do you get to this cheshbon???
January 6, 2009 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm #629745believerParticipantis there a reliable soarce that knows that the story with r’ shachna zhon is true????? if it is true then hes already in his 90’s bli ayen hara. which means that if the chofetz chaim told him to prepare then the geula is really close. canu imagine, after all the years in galus its finally here!! we r the lucky generation. we just have to keep doing mitzvos and maasim tovim and then we will really be the lucky and chosen generation. also there are so many simanim that show that mashiach is really almost here( i know wolfishmusings sed not to predict but im not predictiong just saying things i heard)FOR EXAMPLE. IT SEZ THAT MOSHIACH WILL COME THE YEAR AFTER SHMITA…WAT R WE IN NOW???. anyway MASHIACH HAS TO COME VERY VERY FAST BECAUSE HOW MUCH LONGER COULD THE WORLD GO ON LIKE THIS??? IT BECAME A CRAZY PLACE!!!!!
January 6, 2009 9:33 pm at 9:33 pm #629746chofetzchaimMemberI heard the story about R’ Shachna Zohn’s dream from his son
January 6, 2009 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm #629747squeakParticipantIt was printed in the Hamodia magazine for crying out loud. But not everyone understands what the coming of moshiach means. So wait and see and when he comes you will understand.
January 6, 2009 10:30 pm at 10:30 pm #629748believerParticipantwat type is his son?? how did his father react when he had the dream?
January 7, 2009 12:16 am at 12:16 am #629749qwertyuiopMemberIt was in the Mishpacha also, i think.
January 7, 2009 1:49 am at 1:49 am #629750JotharMemberThe gemara somewhere predicts Moshiach coming after 400 years of golus. the chofetz chaim quotes a Ramban about moshiach coming after 1000 years of golus. So far, we weren’t zoche. the one thing I do know is that all of the poskim agree that Moshiach can’t have died. they also all agree that it is assur to pray to anyone other than Hakodosh Baruch Hu, and that Hashem runs the world by Himself.
January 7, 2009 4:45 am at 4:45 am #629751qwertyuiopMemberyour first statement i never heard but the other ones i have
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