Modern Day Yevonim

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    Today, the 2nd Day of Chanukka, is National Cookie Day.

    Just another clear example of the Yevonim trying to abolish Jewish minhagim.

    Everyone should make sure to have an extra donut today to resist the influence of the Yevanim. (Avoid bracha acharona shailos by eating them in different sittings)

    A Freilichen Chanukka!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    (Avoid bracha acharona shailos by eating them in different sittings)

    Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach is quoted as giving a reason for the minhag of eating sufganiyot that the bracha acharona includes the words “v’al heichalecha”.

    Reb Eliezer

    Using an electric menorah and learning less Torah on Chanukah are modern day yevonim.


    The OO and YAFFED are examples.

    Avi K

    What about the Romaniote Jews? When a Sephardic Jew in Solonika was mistakenly included in their kehilla for tax purposes he wrote in his protest letter “יוונים נקבצו עלי”. They were so incensed they wanted to have him put in cherem but were told to lighten up.

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