- This topic has 94 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by noitallmr.
February 20, 2009 12:19 am at 12:19 am #589439coke not pepsiMember
Since its Erev Shabbos Mevorchim Adar, i think its time we started the official ADAR thread! so lets go everyone and party! lets get this thread to even beat the amount of posts random questions has!!!! vnhafoch, vnhafoch, vnahafoch, vnahafoch, vnahafoch hu asher yitzlitzu hayihudim…..
February 20, 2009 1:03 am at 1:03 am #640432AL2Participant!aedi taerg 🙂
February 20, 2009 1:10 am at 1:10 am #640433qwertyuiopMembermod72: ahem, i believe you told me 1 month ago to remind you to re-open my purim thread.$
February 20, 2009 1:27 am at 1:27 am #640434YW Moderator-72ParticipantActually, I asked that you remind on Rosh Chodesh Adar. I added your thread title to this thread and hearby declare:
Qwertyuiop and coke not pepsi as official co-owners of this thread.
February 20, 2009 1:46 am at 1:46 am #640438coke not pepsiMemberAhhhh qwerty-shalom aleichem!
February 20, 2009 2:49 am at 2:49 am #640439qwertyuiopMembercoke not pepsi: aleichem shalom.$
February 20, 2009 3:04 am at 3:04 am #640440coke not pepsiMemberthis thread is pretty shvach so far!!! nu e/o lets go w/ the purim shtick….we accept any kind of purim shtick on here!!!
February 20, 2009 3:16 am at 3:16 am #640441syriansephardiMemberAnyone have any awesome shtick ideas??????
February 20, 2009 3:33 am at 3:33 am #640442xeroxMemberAt what age is a bochur allowed to go collecting- with frenz- as in no supervisioin?
February 20, 2009 4:26 am at 4:26 am #640443syriansephardiMemberHa ames yes but its also like pranks, we don’t use that word but everyone else on here does!!!! U never heard of purim shtick in ur school? Even I did lol
February 20, 2009 4:36 am at 4:36 am #640444syriansephardiMemberNow ya did!!
February 20, 2009 4:58 am at 4:58 am #640445CuriousMember.
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ||___
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[_] |February 20, 2009 4:59 am at 4:59 am #640446CuriousMember.
___" _ _
Here is your shalach manos... | (_) _|_
| | /~ |~~ |~~ / |/~~~|____ |~~ | | |~~ | |_/|
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~LLFebruary 20, 2009 4:59 am at 4:59 am #640447CuriousMember.
Hamantashen! -- with no fat, no cholesterol, no calories
/~~ /~~~ ~~
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:/ / ~~~~~
/ "baked" by LL
__/ (pareve, pas yisroel)February 20, 2009 5:41 am at 5:41 am #640448kiruvwifeMemberOk here’s something I heard a husband do many years ago on Rosh Chodesh Adar—He woke up really early in the morning and changed every single clock and watch that his wife would look at the next morning. I have no idea who the guy is, but apparently his wife rushed the kids out a little too early, and he had a good laugh. So did she, and she wasn’t so upset because she enjoyed the shticky side of her husband.
February 20, 2009 5:46 am at 5:46 am #640449asdfghjklParticipantqwertyuiop & coke not pepsi: congrads on being CO-OWNERS of this thread!!!
ames: ha what school was it,that you went to???(mods-it’s a joke) funny ya never heard of purim shtick!!!
i went a few times to pensylvania, to buy legal fireworks there for purim!!!
February 20, 2009 7:20 am at 7:20 am #640450qwertyuiopMember????? ????? ??? ?????? (read it backwards) this is what i do when i’m bored.$
February 20, 2009 8:17 am at 8:17 am #640452asdfghjklParticipantareivimzehlazeh: ha ha i love your rules!!!!! they’re awesome!!!!!!!!!!
February 20, 2009 11:47 am at 11:47 am #640453teenMemberok i no someone wrote with upside down letters in a thread before and whoever it is has no excuse you need to put some of those here 🙂
post 14 and counting just…….about…..1500 posts to beat random questions 😛
February 20, 2009 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm #640454JotharMemberBy Pesach we say “yachol merosh chodesh, talmud lomar bayom hahu. For this thread I’d say “yachol kodem rosh chodesh, talmud lomar mishenichnas adar”.
February 20, 2009 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #640455asdfghjklParticipantcurious: awesome aret work there!!! thanx for the shalach manos!!!
qwertyuiop: ha very cool buddy!!!!
ames: hee hee!!!
February 20, 2009 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm #640456charlie brownMemberjothar,
and I say A gantz yor freilich! 🙂
(translation: “The entire year, happy” – i.e. in the purim spirit)
February 20, 2009 6:31 pm at 6:31 pm #640457an open bookParticipantgreat pix, curious!
February 20, 2009 8:01 pm at 8:01 pm #640458moish01Memberhey curious, you got that from a different site? i didn’t think the one i (we?) used had religious pix
February 20, 2009 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #640459qwertyuiopMemberCurious: great picture.$
February 22, 2009 12:18 am at 12:18 am #640460noitallmrParticipantWow curious how long did that take?
February 22, 2009 10:22 pm at 10:22 pm #640461coke not pepsiMemberthis thread is looking lonely!
February 22, 2009 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #640462moish01Member???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??
??? ???? ?????
February 22, 2009 11:51 pm at 11:51 pm #640463an open bookParticipantcheck out icot’s cute hangman on the hangman thread! even the game itself is appropriate
February 23, 2009 12:00 am at 12:00 am #640464moish01Memberhey i’m not entirely sure how to speak hebrew properly to females. (i guess that’s a good thing, no?) did i do that nekeiva stuff right?
February 23, 2009 12:20 am at 12:20 am #640465asdfghjklParticipantmoish: ha thanx so much buddy!!! get in the spirit too!!!
February 23, 2009 2:03 am at 2:03 am #640466asdfghjklParticipantmoish: i kinda had to read it more than once, but i got what u were sayin!!!
February 23, 2009 3:47 am at 3:47 am #640467moish01Memberasdfghjkl, you speak hebrew well?
and coke’s a girl so it’s “?? ?????” no?
February 23, 2009 11:19 pm at 11:19 pm #640469coke not pepsiMemberi think this thread should stay on top 2night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 23, 2009 11:35 pm at 11:35 pm #640473JotharMemberIt’s now tzeis. Even though it’s really 30 shvat, it’s still called rosh chodesh adar.
Mozgin lo kos rishon…
February 24, 2009 2:35 am at 2:35 am #640474anonymisssParticipantmoish, good job with the hebrew! (yes, I speak it fluently)
February 24, 2009 2:43 am at 2:43 am #640475qwertyuiopMembermod72: yay, it’s Rosh Chodesh, when my thread would’ve been re-opened.$
February 24, 2009 2:45 am at 2:45 am #640476asdfghjklParticipantmoish: nope i speak yiddish a lot better than hebrew!!! the dikduk part of hebrew makes me very confused!!!
February 24, 2009 5:18 am at 5:18 am #640477moish01Memberha thanks anonymiss but my hebrew’s pretty good. my gandparents are israeli so i picked it up. plus we go to israel pretty often so i even get to use it
asdfghjkl, my yiddish isn’t too great
February 24, 2009 5:20 am at 5:20 am #640478anonymisssParticipantmy grandparents (father) are israeli too so I know it!
February 24, 2009 5:30 am at 5:30 am #640479asdfghjklParticipantmoish: my father’s side is from isreal, yet with the dikduk in hebrew i’m bad at it!!!! i go to isreal often!!! my yiddish is flawless!!!!
February 25, 2009 5:20 am at 5:20 am #640480coke not pepsiMemberi have a purim ringtone
February 25, 2009 6:00 am at 6:00 am #640481asdfghjklParticipanti got the elmo mishnicnas adar txt!!! i remember it from last year too!!!
February 25, 2009 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm #640482JotharMemberMozgin lo kos asiri
Translation: The tenth cup of wine is poured.
YW Moderator-25
February 25, 2009 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm #640483Imaof6MemberCoke, can you tell me where I can get a free ringtone texted for MiShenichnas Adar.
& Another song Chayav Inish Le’ ba’ soo” mei
February 25, 2009 7:25 pm at 7:25 pm #640484squeakParticipantafter the tenth cup, jokes do not need to be explained. Nor do they need to be funny. They just are.
February 25, 2009 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm #640485moish01Memberhaha. i challenge that. ever heard of a mirage? they don’t even need to be.
February 25, 2009 9:57 pm at 9:57 pm #640488coke not pepsiMemberi have chag purim- i dont know where i got it from? my sis sent it to me
February 25, 2009 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm #640489moish01Membersqueak, by the way that “be” was as in “to be or not to be”
ya chap?
February 25, 2009 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm #64049022OldGoldParticipantWhy don’t teacher’s play along with our shtick? I mean it’s one day a year that we are allowed to have fun, they can’t grant us that? Sorry all you teachers out there.
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