Miracle in the CR

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    The CR software was upgraded in the past few days. First upgrade, I think, in many years. Probably why the setting enabling moderation was reset.

    YW Moderator-25

    LU – it’s there now

    By the way, the stuffed cabbage is for everyone. Though you don’t have to eat it if you don’t trust the Coffee Room’s kashrus

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph, how do you know?


    Given what was happening, I simply assumed that to be the case…

    I think Joseph knows his way around WordPress.


    The easiest giveaway is the new email notification option below the comment box. But I saw a few other new features as well.


    What are the other new features (besides tags)?


    In the profile section there are some new biography questions you can optionally fill out (including first name and last name!)

    Btw I’m getting email notifications for new CR posts on threads I requested them, so that’s working.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Joseph: “(including first name and last name!)”

    I was shocked when I read this, but I checked, and it’s true! But it looks like it’s only for the website managers. (Does that include the mods?)

    It also is apparently required (but I guess that’s just for new posters).

    That’s actually a pretty good idea, I think.

    So when I become a mod, will I get to find out if Joseph is really Joseph in rl? And Avrum really Avrum?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    That’s funny – when I checked my profile page, it looks like my name used to be lilmod ulelamaid, and at some point changed to Lilmod Ulelamaid.

    Did anyone notice when they happened? As I mentioned on another thread, I’m not the observant type.


    IRL my last name is Duck. My first name I share with the President. I know you don’t believe me just because I’m claiming it here (you probably think I just want an affinity with the POTUS), but once you’re a mod you’ll realize it’s true since you’ll see it in the official name fields for the CR profile.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I know you much prefer Donald to Hillary, but I highly doubt you are looking for an affiliation with him. Doesn’t really fit your hashkafa.

    Donald doesn’t really sound very Jewish to me… that doesn’t really fit your hashkafa either. I’m sure you will now come up with some interesting explanation as to how Donald is really Jewish.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Did you really write Donald Duck in your CR profile?


    I noticed the name capitalization, but I assumed you had requested it.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    No, but glad to know someone is paying attention to my name (even if I’m not!)

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    RY, since you noticed, did it just change this week?

    I’m wondering if it has to do with the website changes. Maybe in the process of working on the website, my name got erased, and when they put it back in the system, they accidentally capitalized it.

    Or maybe the new system is set up so that everyone’s name is automatically capitalized.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    no, that can’t be it – ubiquitin is still lower-case.


    I don’t remember when it happened, it was a while ago.


    This has been around a while, but every time I drop in it jumps out at me and I think, Why is “Miracle on 34th St” on theyeshivaworld?

    I’m probably betraying my decidedly unyeshivish yeshivishness by mentioning this.

    And I’m also guessing the mods’ thoughts never ventured in that direction.

    But if I had CR superpowers I’d go in and change the title to “Purim Miracle” or whatever…

    The juxtaposition of a holiday that is decidedly unholy, and our upcoming celebration of Nes Purim isn’t sitting well with me.

    agreed, did you like my tag?


    Yes, I very much do like your tag!

    Thank you!

    And, Ah Freilichen!

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    One of the “required items” for the profile is “website”. What if I don’t have one?


    Are all of those required?

    Usually there is an * asterisk and only the ones with an * are required.

    It does not specify what is required.

    Was our name always required too? I don’t remember seeing that. It takes away the anonymity if the Mods know who we are, or can at least look us up by name. I don’t feel comfortable with that (personal reasons that I cannot say here).


    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “It does not specify what is required.”

    That is why I was assuming that all are required, but maybe it’s a mistake.

    In any case, it doesn’t seem to affect those of us who are already registered. The question is what happens when someone new registers.

    “I don’t feel comfortable with that (personal reasons that I cannot say here).”

    I get that, although I also get why they put that there. I wonder if the mods see it though or if it’s only the Editor.


    I noticed the name capitalization, but I assumed you had requested it.

    Me too.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Randomex, did you notice when it changed? I wouldn’t have even noticed, but when I go into my profile, I see both are listed as possibilities.


    Like RebYidd said, it was a while back.

    I think it was shortly after you got a subtitle.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    thanks, I had missed RY’s post.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    maybe when it’s when they were playing around with the spaces between names

    Shopping613 🌠

    Hey I just started a new thread and I signed out and it was already online…fast mods or glitch?


    It’s hard to say. At least I don’t know. Sometimes posts go through right away and others take time and are evidently moderated.

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