Minister Gallant Assures U.S. No Jews Will return To Gaza After

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    “REPORT: Defense Minister Gallant Assures U.S. No Jews Will return To Gaza After War”
    Why can Jews live anywhere in the u.s.a. they wanted to, but can’t move into gaza?
    It boggles the mind.


    For the benefit of people who are too young to remember,
    there are specific words that describe places that have no Jews:
    Judenrein and Judenfrei.

    Both of these words were used by Nazi Germany
    to describe places that no longer had any Jews.

    When Defense Minister Gallant assures the USA
    that no Jews will return to Gaza after war, he is
    promising that Gaza will be Judenrein and Judenfrei.

    Why should Gaza be Judenrein and Judenfrei
    when 20% of Israel’s population is Arab Muslims?

    Why should Gaza be Judenrein and Judenfrei
    when 20% of Israel’s Knesset is Arab Muslims?

    Why should Gaza be Judenrein and Judenfrei
    when 20% of Israel’s Supreme Court is Arab Muslims?

    Last but not least, if Gaza must be 100% Judenrein,
    then Israel should be 100% Arab-rein and 100% Muslim-rein.

    ☕️coffee addict


    What type of city is going to be in Gaza? A Jewish city in Gaza controlled by Muslims that will have to spend millions of dollars protecting each yid?
    Man’s what type of Jew would want to live there (besides NK, but I digress)


    Israelis finally admitted that “from the river to the sea” are coming to the tunnels near you. I mean them. If Mhmt is not going to the sea, the sea is coming down on Mhmt.


    This isn’t news. The Zionist insured that Gaza, as well as various other parts of Eretz Yisroel, should be Judenrein. The Zionists followed in the footsteps of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.



    When will you grow up?


    tahke ujm – grow up


    square root: beutifully said


    It isn’t true that Jews can live wherever they want in the US. Technically and legally they may be able to live where ever they want. Safety wise they certainly can not. There is a reason why Yeshiva D’Harlem closed down and why Chaim Berlin did not move to East Flatbush after starting work on their building and why Brownsville which was once called the Jerusalem of America is now Judenrein. Etc.

    And at least in those neighborhoods the people who choose to live there are only putting themselves at risk. Living in Gaza is putting unwilling others at risk too.

    As long as we are in golus there will be places that Jews can not live in. Including in Eretz Yisroel. You may as well complain about the parts of Lebanon that are halachically Eretz Yisroel where Jews can’t live either.


    Netanyahu has repeatedly said that having Yidden living in Gaza would require an enormous diversion of security forces from the West Bank and northern border areas with Lebanon and Syria.


    Yechiell: Thank you for your praise. It means a lot to me.

    But the comment that you praised was said in the 1980s,
    by an Orthodox Rabbi from Brooklyn, who made aliyah,
    and became a Member of Knesset),
    and was murdered by an Arab Muslim terrorist.


    smerel – who’s talking about safety? jews can live where they want in the u.s.a. that’s a fact. the early chalutzim in israel settled wherever they wanted to, safety was not the issue. safety is not the issue now either. kapish?


    smerel: That’s called “white flight”. It isn’t particular to Jews. All normal people, Jew and gentile, moved out of those neighborhoods when the criminal elements moved in.

    OTOH, the zionist activities made the Arab population militantly and violently antisemitic.


    UJM shares Palestinian sentiment calling Jews n*zis.


    > zionist activities made the Arab population militantly

    We have to be realistic at the state of the nations in that neighborhood. In a big number of ME countries, many groups suffer either all the time or during crises. Most non-Muslims either emigrated or were killed off, not just Jews. Muslims shoot at each other all the time – from Turkey to Yemen. So, Zionists are not so much at fault.

    There are some exceptions: mild dictatorships – Egypt, KSA, Jordan, emirates, and even muddling democracies – Lebanon, Iraq. West Bank PA fit somewhere in this list.



    ‘Netanyahu has repeatedly said that having Yidden living in Gaza would require an enormous diversion of security forces from the West Bank and northern border areas with Lebanon and Syria’

    We stopped ‘diverting’ resources from southern Lebanon in 1999 and now have well over 100,000 deadly rockets aimed at all of Israels critical infrastructure.

    We stopped ‘diverting’ resources from Gaza in 2005 and got
    20 years of non stop rockets as well as Oct. 7 as well as what that very same netanyahu calls an existential threat in the form of Hamas that he says (does with him is always another maaseh) must be destroyed….

    Pray tell, How much more stoppage of ‘diverting’ resources do we need to achieve peace and security?

    And really, if a state doesn’t have the resources to defend it’s own borders – can it really expect to last very long if it is surrounded by animals who feel morally and religiously justified, nay, compelled to commit genocide? (They also happen to be backed by the vast majority of humanity.) I think not


    Coffee addict


    What type of city is going to be in Gaza? A Jewish city in Gaza controlled by Muslims that will have to spend millions of dollars protecting each yid?
    Man’s what type of Jew would want to live there (besides NK, but I digress)’

    Nice straw man you’ve created there, coffee. It’s always fun to argue with serious people.


    Jews are allowed to live anywhere in the US only if they are US citizens. Jews and Arabs are allowed to live anywhere in Israel only if they are Israeli citizens. Both countries have a right to exclude anyone who is a non-citizen, as does every other country in the world.

    So the real question is whether Gaza is rightfully part of Israel, in which case Jews should of course be allowed to live there, or whether it belongs to “Palestine”, in which case the Palestinians of course should have a right to exclude anyone who is not a citizen or their “country”. It seems that Gallant (as well as the Biden administration) holds that Gaza doesn’t belong to Israel. If you disagree with them, you need to explain why the State of Israel should have sovereignty over Gaza (there are of course many arguments to be made both in favor of or against such a position).

    Amil Zola

    “Jews are allowed to live anywhere in the US only if they are US citizens.” Blatantly wrong. Quit posting falsehoods.



    More to the point: Jews are not discriminated against living anywhere in the u.s. bc they are Jews. The Arab proposed policy is inherently anti semitic.

    But so are Israel’s leaders, so they see no issue with anti semitic behavior by their fellow antisemites.

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