Midwesterner and Midwesterner's wife

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    We were so glad you were there to share in our simcha!


    ‘Twas our pleasure! May you have only nachas!!

    The Chaplain promised me some pix. Still waiting.


    Am I violating the privacy of this conversation by evesdropping here and reading??

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Mazel Tov, gefen and family!


    DY – thank you!

    pic- no, you are not violating any privacy. I wouldn’t have put it on a public forum if I didn’t want anyone to see or comment. and in case ur wondering what we’re talking about, we are talking about my daughter’s wedding this past monday night.

    midwesterner- we will send pics soon. i will have to get ur email tho. will text ur wife for it.


    My email is printed in the newspaper every week. You just have to know where to look; and I think that you would be able to figure that out, if you don’t know already.

    I actually know your mechuten since elementary school! One of the nicest fellows you’ll ever meet!


    Small world. Yes, he’s a very nice guy.

    I will check out the newspaper for ur email.


    Mazel tov on making a simcha, kein yirbu!


    oomis – thanks. amein.

    Little Froggie

    Mazel Tov, Gefen.

    Lots of Nachas and “Gefen” your way!!


    Little Froggie- amein. We should always share in simchos.


    Mazel Tov gefen and yummy cupcake! I am so happy for you! Only Simchas!



    SiDi- Thank you so much! Yummy thanks you too. Now we need a name for Mr. Yummy on the CR.


    Well, it is snowing out here again, and driving is getting rough. So maybe put your “Chevy on a Sled.” That could be a good handle. Well, he’s not a Chevy. And a sled doesn’t exactly fit either, so you’ll need a substitute. But think about it Gefen. Let me know if you get where I’m going with this.

    BTW, one of my nephews told me he has “Chevy on a Sled” as a Rebbe’s assistant! Enjoy them while you have them!! My daughter and son in law are moving hundreds of miles away next week and they’re taking my grandchildren with them! snf!

    kj chusid

    Mazel tov zol dich zoicher zan tzie ehrliche yiddishe nachas kol susen vkol simcheh vkol chusen vkol kaleh zol mi Alleh zoo her zan tzie di emesdike simcheh bvias hamoshiach bimahiaruh biyumeinie umein


    midwesterner – yes I know where ur going with this;) We’ve been making those jokes too.

    I know you can’t say it here, but I wonder who ur nephew is.

    Where are your daughter and son in law moving? I know – hide the kids in your house somewhere – they wouldn’t leave without the kids. Then you get to keep them all here. Oh! It doesn’t work that way, does it? Anyway I don’t know how long the chevy on sleds will be living in chicago either.

    I’m hoping he will end up loving it here and not want to go anywhere else. I can dream, can’t I?

    kj chusid – umein


    I have a married sister here in town with a number of children, ka’h. I’m not giving anything away on line, but the next time you see Mrs. Midwesterner, I’m sure she’d be happy to tell you who that is.

    My eldest is moving to Baltimore. Right now they are living in my house, as the moving truck left on Thursday. They will be leaving on Tuesday. You know, when you get married and settle in the Midwest, you know that odds are your kids will not end up local. That is unless you’re one of the Nursing home owners, then they all come back to daddy for parnassah.


    So now I know who mid westerner is. Well my kids stayed with us a quite longer than yours, and we survived. But then they only moved to the other side of town.


    I’ve never really been hiding. I’ve given plenty away about myself over the years. Not sure who you are though.


    kasher – ur also from here? hmmm…wonder if I know you. Do you know who I am or my husband?

    midwesterner – I hear you. Well, I wish them much hatzlacha in Baltimore. I’m sure you will visit them and they will also come home for Yomim Tovim. I know it’s not the same but we take what we can get, I guess. Most important is that everyone remain healthy and safe and have a good life.

    All the best!

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