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- This topic has 78 replies, 39 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 3 months ago by MDG.
March 26, 2012 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm #602660popa_bar_abbaParticipant
It is digging a hole through the door to my room. And nesting in my boxes of books. And keeping us up all night.
March 26, 2012 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #994205ItcheSrulikMemberSomeone as knowledgeable as you are should know the ancient and time honored segula for dealing with mice.
Hint: It’s even older than R’ Yeshayele Kerestirer.
March 26, 2012 10:36 pm at 10:36 pm #994206RABBAIMParticipantA hungry cat will cure the problem. For real.
March 26, 2012 10:49 pm at 10:49 pm #994207writersoulParticipantItcheSrulik: You mean get rid of the aron?
March 26, 2012 10:56 pm at 10:56 pm #994208ZeesKiteParticipantEarly bird gets the worm.
Second mouse gets the cheese.
March 26, 2012 11:08 pm at 11:08 pm #994209wanderingchanaParticipantNesting? If you don’t trap that thing pronto, your problem will increase exponentially.
March 26, 2012 11:24 pm at 11:24 pm #994210oomisParticipantEEEK EEEEWWWW, and OOOOYYYYYYYYYY! One suggestion, once it is out of your room, put sticky baits along the threshhold of the doorway. At least that ought to stop it from re-entering. When the yeshivah next door to me did construction work (actually this happened three separate times over the years, we got mice as a result. I have never been so grossed out as I was by one tiny little mouse. I would rather have a root canal than pick up the trap with the mouse on it. (That’s what GUYS are for).
March 26, 2012 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm #994211ImaofthreeParticipantPut out a glue trap with a bit of peanut butter.
March 26, 2012 11:44 pm at 11:44 pm #994212popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, so they weren’t in that box. I plugged up the hole in the wall, and also put spray foam to repair the digging they were doing in the door.
Then, I’m going to put a glue trap near the door, so when they come to dig- ?? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???
March 27, 2012 12:06 am at 12:06 am #994213yitayningwutParticipantNice! Now you can have bedikas chametz sheilos and learn the sugya in Pesachim and laugh when Rava says ??? ????? ????? ???! I always do.
March 27, 2012 1:19 am at 1:19 am #994214ImaofthreeParticipantI also heard that it is good to plug up holes with steel wool. good luck!
March 27, 2012 1:37 am at 1:37 am #994215youngbubbyMemberThe Rat Zapper on Amazon.com. Its works like a charm usually catching and killing your first mouse within 24 hours. Follow the instructions on the box. Good luck!
March 27, 2012 1:49 am at 1:49 am #994216ahavas_yisroelParticipantItcheSrulik, I’m waiting with bated breath to hear of this ancient skula.
March 27, 2012 1:50 am at 1:50 am #994217youngbubbyMemberThe Rat Zapper on Amazon.com. It works like a charm usually catching and killing your first mouse within 24 hours. Follow the instructions on the box. Good luck!
March 27, 2012 2:03 am at 2:03 am #994218nitpickerParticipantNOTE: spray foam (Great Stuff) does not by itself keep out mice.
they can and will gnaw right through it.
March 27, 2012 2:21 am at 2:21 am #994219TheGoqParticipantGeorge tell me about the rabbits again huh george please?
March 27, 2012 2:33 am at 2:33 am #994220popa_bar_abbaParticipantNice! Now you can have bedikas chametz sheilos and learn the sugya in Pesachim and laugh when Rava says ??? ????? ????? ???! I always do.
That is hilarious! Where is that?
As it happens, I did realize today that I would have the bedikas chametz shailos because of it.
March 27, 2012 2:48 am at 2:48 am #994221yitayningwutParticipantLol, it’s 9b.
March 27, 2012 3:46 am at 3:46 am #994222PurimMashgiachMemberThe way it works in life is that if you lose one thing, you lose another, and when you find the second thing, the theory goes that you will find the first one also. So judging from what you said, I suggest going to the pet shop and picking up another mouse and set it free.
Alternatively, you can put some Starbucks coffee on a glue trap (if its in your house, it probably is used to the things you often consume) and wait. You may want to pick one up for yourself too just for kicks.
March 27, 2012 7:28 am at 7:28 am #994223YW Moderator-42ModeratorGet a Mountain Troll – I mean Lion
March 27, 2012 9:25 am at 9:25 am #994224simcha manMember1) Stuff steal-wool under the door.
2) If they’re in your house already and not going out, use the spring type of mouse trap with a piece of shredded cheese. Follow the directions for setting up the traps and make sure to use GLOVES and not your bare hands.
Good luck!
March 27, 2012 10:44 am at 10:44 am #994225Feif UnParticipantIf you want a natural way to get rid of them, use mint oil. Rodents have a natural aversion to the smell of mint. Soak some cotton balls in mint oil, and place them every few feet along walls, especially where you’ve seen the mice.
March 27, 2012 10:56 am at 10:56 am #994226SayIDidIt™Participant“You may want to pick one up for yourself too just for kicks.”
Are you talkung about coffee or a mouse trap (or coffee on a mouse trap)???
March 27, 2012 11:20 am at 11:20 am #994227ToiParticipantThe early bird gets the worm. The early worm gets eaten.
March 27, 2012 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #994228wanderingchanaParticipantSpring traps are better than glue traps, and peanut butter is better than cheese.
March 27, 2012 12:48 pm at 12:48 pm #994229zen3344ParticipantSo a rabbi, a priest and a minister are discussing how they took care of the mouse problem in their respective houses of worship.
The priest says, “I had a crew come in and seal all of the holes with steel wool and plaster. The mice never came back to the church.”
The minister says, “I had a crew come in and move all of the food to places where the mice can’t smell it. They never came back to the church.”
The rabbi says, “I just Bar Mitzvahed all of the mice. They never came back to the shul.”
March 27, 2012 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm #994230oomisParticipantFeif un – mint oil? repels mice and keeps the house minty fresh too? What a CONCEPT!!!!!!! Come to think if it, they should make a house cleaning product that contains mint and call it, Pestoil.
March 27, 2012 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm #994231yungerman1ParticipantUse more than one of the above and use POISON. I had a picture of R’ Yeshaya but the segula stopped working after a while. Traps are good but mice reproduce often and several at a time, so you never know if you got them all. When using glue traps, make sure you buy quality ones- not from a 99 cent store- as the mice can get off of those traps.
March 27, 2012 2:28 pm at 2:28 pm #994232ItcheSrulikMemberwritersoul: I was going to say “get a cat” but your way works too 🙂
March 27, 2012 2:32 pm at 2:32 pm #994233TheGoqParticipantI guess there are no literary types in here.
March 27, 2012 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm #994234Shticky GuyParticipantI have a picture of you
I think its very nice
I hang it in the attic
To scare away the mice…
nesting in my boxes of books
Maybe they’re after the bookworms?
once it is out of your room, put sticky baits along the threshhold of the doorway
I’ve been tempted by your sticky baits. Hi oomis!
March 27, 2012 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm #994235OneOfManyParticipant*AHEM* *just wrote a term paper on Steinbeck*
March 27, 2012 7:36 pm at 7:36 pm #994236TheGoqParticipantOOM did u get a good grade?
March 27, 2012 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm #994237AinOhdMilvadoParticipantPut out a few snap traps with a SMALL dab of peanut butter on the paddle, BUT DO NOT SET THE TRAP/S!!!
Do this for 2 or 3 consecutive nights.
On the 3rd or 4th night put the traps out again and this time SET THE TRAPS!!!
The mouse/mice will have gotten use to feeling safe around the traps and go right on to them to get the bait, – then… WHACK! – problem solved!
March 27, 2012 7:53 pm at 7:53 pm #994238popa_bar_abbaParticipantSo, I put out all my traps last night, in the bedroom. And had already plugged the hole, as I noted.
No mice. I think I kept them out of the room. They can stay in the kitchen, I don’t mind that.
March 27, 2012 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm #994239SayIDidIt™Participantpopa,why would you not mind nice, cute, furry mice in your kitchen?
March 27, 2012 8:26 pm at 8:26 pm #994240SayIDidIt™Participantpopa,why would you not mind nice, cute, furry mice in your kitchen?
March 28, 2012 12:59 am at 12:59 am #994241PurimMashgiachMemberPut out two bowls where you thing they will find them the easiest, and in one bowl put vinegar and in the other put baking soda. All you will have to do now is clean up the remains of an exploded dead mouse!
March 28, 2012 2:01 am at 2:01 am #994242yitayningwutParticipantlol i wonder if that would work
March 28, 2012 2:33 am at 2:33 am #994243OneOfManyParticipantGoq: Yup. Incidentally, it really only barely touched upon Of Mice and Men. But he’s one of my favorite authors, soooooo…yeah. 🙂
March 28, 2012 2:50 am at 2:50 am #994244ItcheSrulikMemberOOM: I don’t like Steinbeck much. Then again, the first thing I read by him was The Pearl so yeah…
March 28, 2012 3:15 am at 3:15 am #994245OneOfManyParticipantThe Pearl stinks majorly. All high schools fail Steinbeck by teaching it. Same goes for Silas Marner. For the life of me I can’t figure out why they do it…
March 28, 2012 3:27 am at 3:27 am #994246HealthParticipantPBA – I once posted this here in the CR. I think the best products out there is something called “Tomcat”. They make poison bait and traps. Their product is very effective compared to other products & ideas mentioned above.
March 28, 2012 3:32 am at 3:32 am #994247ItcheSrulikMemberI didn’t like Grapes of Wrath either and that was supposedly his best book.
March 28, 2012 4:10 am at 4:10 am #994248OneOfManyParticipantlol…it’s a secret, but…I never managed to get through that one. The ones that kept me riveted were East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, In Dubious Battle. I really like him best for East of Eden.
My paper actually centered around a theory that is mostly grounded in Grapes of Wrath…sorta never mentioned the fact that I never finished the book…:P
March 28, 2012 4:44 am at 4:44 am #994249TheGoqParticipantItche it was a great movie one of my faves.
January 17, 2013 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #994250☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantMice in mein hoiz
At least they’re not in your hoizen.
January 18, 2013 7:48 am at 7:48 am #994251yankdownunderMemberpopa_bar_abba did you solve your mouse problem?
January 18, 2013 4:49 pm at 4:49 pm #994252YentaParticipantI’m shocked that no one told you to hang up a photo of Reb Shayela Krestierer. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7tLqMOXSPm8/RgPQxkNDMBI/AAAAAAAAAZw/OSUMQr6vRT4/s1600-h/krestirer.jpeg
Don’t ask me why, but by chasidim, this is a known segula….and it actually seems to work.
A quick Google search came up with this:
The Famous Mouse Story-
Affectionately known as Reb Shaya’le (Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir), the Kerestirer Rebbe lived around the beginning of the 20th Century. He was a very pious man and extremely humble, always referring to himself in the diminutive (Shaya’le). He was known as a “miraculous” person. His greatest pleasure was to host a very elaborate Melave Malka, the meal that follows Shabbos, on Saturday night. Often he would have his chassidim shecht fresh chickens for his meal.
One motzo’ay Shabbos, while Reb Shaya’le was eating this special melave malka meal, a chossid came to him with an urgent request. He was a man who had a warehouse full of foodstuffs and he made his living by buying an selling food. For the past number of months, his warehouse had been taken over by mice who were eating his grain and other commodities and his entire livelihood was threatened. He asked Reb Shaya’le for a blessing that the mice should leave his warehouse. At that time, each small town in Europe was ruled by the local church pastor. Some of the pastors were kind towards the Jews and others were very harsh. Reb Shaya’le asked the chossid if the pastor of the town he lived in was kind or harsh. The chossid replied that he was very harsh toward the Jews. Reb Shaya’le then instructed the chossid to go to his warehouse and to tell the mice, “Reb Shaya’le says to go to the estate of the pastor.” The chossid followed the Rebbe’s advice and instantly hundreds of mice raced out of the warehouse all heading in the direction of the pastor’s estate. The chossid’s business was saved and ever since Jews who have been plagued with this problem have used Reb Shaya’le’s picture to accomplish the ridding of mice from their homes.
Another Google search:
This is a picture of a holy tzaddik, Rabbi Yeshayah, the Karestier Rebbe, ztk”l, zy”a. This picture is a famous segulah, and it is thus worthy to have a copy of it somewhere in your house or place of business. According to some, the Rebbe promised that any house or building where his picture was would not be plagued with mice. (Because of this many food stores in Israel have this picture hanging somewhere.) Even according to those opinions who don’t accept this (the present Karestier Rebbe, shlit”a says that he does not know the source of this segulah), it is always worthwhile to have pictures of holy people around you for a source of inspiration. Thus it is surely worthwhile to print this picture and even to make copies for your family and friends.
January 18, 2013 7:04 pm at 7:04 pm #994253SaysMeMemberyenta- did you read through the thread? It was mentioned more than once 🙂
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