Mesivta Gemaros

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    There are those that are meshabeiach the use of these gemaros. Others not so much.

    My take on it is pok chazi mai avid ama debar, what is the oilam doing. For some reason, most yeshiva gedoilahs do not carry them. The yeshiva I learn in has an extensive up to date library, but it does not include artscroll or the mesivta gemaros.

    Personally, I have benefited immensely from them. Before each zman, I pay a chashuve kolel yungerman, to learn with me the chidushim in the back, which is a tamtzis of the “Reid” on each sugya. When I learn the sugya biyun during the zman, it goes geshmirt.

    I’m told that there are others who do the same, but its begeder halacha vain morin kain.

    Bkitzur, hachaham einav brosho; chap arain before the zman!

    Hoping to get into Brisk


    If you are hoping for brisk, you should stick to the rashba and the rambam


    Hoping..:Is it possible to explain what you are posting… english?


    iacisrmma: It is understandable for those familiar with yeshiva talk. Its an intentional exaggeration of typical lingo among yeshiva students


    az men darf mazbir zain., toig nisht


    If you’re hoping for Brisk, you should know, der Rov volt kein mol niet azei getohn.
    Stop being lazy and horeveh oif der sugyah!
    Hatzlocheh Rabbeh


    Horotzeh…: Ich veis “yeshiva redd”….This though makes no sense even to me!


    “Horotzeh…: Ich veis “yeshiva redd”….This though makes no sense even to me!”

    elah mai….


    How is using mesivta being lazy; it gives youi the mareiy mekomos

    YW Moderator-25

    How is using mesivta being lazy; it gives youi the mareiy mekomos

    It’s kinda like responding to your own posts using a different username.


    the post is from Hoping for Brisk, not from me



    How is using mesivta being lazy; it gives youi the mareiy mekomos

    Mesivta (and Artscroll) is not meant for bnei torah who learn all day. When I said lazy, I meant for a Yeshiva-man who is learning all day, not a baalabos (like me) who has only a few hours a day to learn. Btw, I use a talman shas (if you know what that is…) and still think that is too modern, coz it has bold diburei hamaschil in Rashi.


    iacisrmma: Actually makes perfect sense, although intentionally exaggerated

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