merkaz or toras chaim

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    i have a son looking in to these two yeshivos everyone keeps telling me they are the same, what is the difference

    Pro Jews

    well..where do we start. I’ll be honest; I’ve never heard of either of them (points to my place in society, doesn’t it) BUT one thing I can tell you is this: They’re pretty much the same except that Merkaz is not Toras Chaim and vice versa.


    oilamhavodah: Hopefully someone has answers for you here.

    Also, if you haven’t already have checked out imamother dot com, it may also be a good resource for more info on these two yeshivot.

    May you get clarity on the best yeshiva for your son.


    Some rabbonim from Mercaz split off and formed Toras Chaim. Both yeshivos have the same hashkafah. My cousin attended Mercaz (before the split) and flourished.


    [email protected]

    Toras Chaim is much more “in towny / new yorky” than Mercaz.


    First off, both great Yeshivas. Second, iv’e met boys from both places, and asked them about their respective Yeshivas, and this was the most common answer: Mercaz is a place where guys have very good learning, and encourage the guys to grow on their own pace. Toras Chaim on the other hand has an extremely high level of learning, and the boys are also looking for growth, but come in more serious right away and is quickly becoming the top and hardest first year yeshiva to get into in Israel due to the sterling reputation of the Rabbiem and boys, and gorgeous new facilities. But don’t get me wrong, they say Mercaz is still also one of the top yeshivas.


    Make Mercaz Great Again

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