Mekor for this Rosh Hashanah Minhag

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    We all know that the rishonim (Aruch, quoted by Tosfos) says that we blow 100 tekios as kineged the 100 cries of eim sisera. I’m not asking for the mekor for this. I want to know what the mekor is that eim sisera cried 100 yevavas. Thanks team


    Toi, you’re not “really” back, are you now?


    ספר הערוך


    Great question! I once said torah on this as follows:

    Count the syllables, including all the shva nas, in the following:

    מדוע בשש רכבו לבוא מדוע אחרו פעמי מרכבותיו

    = 22

    Now it says in the next posuk, אף היא תשיב אמריה לה
    Which Rashi explains to mean that she said to herself:

    מה אני מתמהת על עיכוב בני

    Count the syllables:

    = 11

    Altogether 22 + 11 = 33

    Each one was a יללה made up of 3 קולות. So 99. Add a כולל and you have 100

    ☕️coffee addict


    You realize you just echoed toi

    Too asked in the op

    We all know that the rishonim (Aruch, quoted by Tosfos)…….I want to know what the mekor is that eim sisera cried 100 yevavas.

    And you said

    ספר הערוך

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