I have a relative I’m close with who is celebrating his bar mitzvah soon. I’d like to get him a gift, something meaningful. The problem is anything I think of isn’t suitable. He won’t open any book I get him. Any judaica I get him will be ignored. He’s only into sports. His mom thinks I should get him a basketball kippah, but I’m not so into that, nor do I think that’s a substantial enough gift. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I believe Rav Miller Z’l once answered “buy him a shaver” (I hope this is not used as an opening by some to debate the halachic and hashkafic dos and dont of shaving).
I actually agree with the shaver idea. If you get him an expensive kosher shaver he probably won’t replace it with a non-kosher shaver. He’ll probably also be excited at the prospect of needing it.