Mazel Tov!

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    may you be zoche to share only Simcha with your Kallah.

    may there only be Shalom in your home

    may you have a comfortable Parnassah and be zoche to accomplish much in Torah learning

    may you have many children, all healthy

    may all of them be zoche to find their bashert

    may they all become Tzaddikim and Tzadekeses and give much Nachas to the Ribbono Shel Olam

    may both of you dance at the Chasunahs of all your grandchildren.

    yossi z.

    Ayc: mazal tov! Brachot to you and your kallah ?? ??? ??!!!!! May you be zoche to see many generations of ehrliche yidden who walk in the ways of Hashem! Out of curiosity, how did you manage to post about your wedding the day of?

    😀 Zuberman! 😀


    Getting married this coming week

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Mod 80 & Yossi Z.,

    AYC was referring to Shavuos.


    Mazel Tov nystatetrooper.

    Toi: BIG Mazel Tove to you!!? (Hope you were serious) May you have a wonderful and happy life!

    And welcome to the CR you two! (or are you old members with new SN?? In any case, welcome!!)

    Thanks DY for clarifying. I couldn’t tell.


    ya i was serious. long time observer and new poster. guess now i dont need to worry about shidduchim

    am yisrael chai

    thanks, DY

    Am Yisrael is considered the Kallah & Hashem is the Choson on ??????. We are engaged on Pesach, we have a countdown (countup, technically) till the wedding date, & the ksuba is all the promises of how Hashem will take care of us. Our wedding gift is the Torah. Priceless. Timeless.

    Some find it easier to see it as a recommitment & renewal of wedding vows.

    Wishing everyone once again a wonderful, committed relationship.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Mazel Tov, Toi!

    Sister Bear

    Mazal Tov Toi!!!!!!!!!

    Two really close family friends (ones a widower) just got engaged (to each other)!!!!!!!

    Congrats to my sis for making it through 12 years of school (and passing)!!!!!!

    yossi z.

    Mazal tov!!! My cousin just had a baby boy over shabbos!!!

    =D Zuberman! =D (these smileys look a lot happier …)

    am yisrael chai

    SJSinNYC had a baby girl!

    yossi z.

    Mazal tov my friend just got engaged!!!

    I am just overflowing with gratitude to Hashem Yisborach for all the chasodim He is doing for me. Bli ayin hara there is mazal tov after mazal tov!! May it continue in klal yisroel only good things!

    =D Zuberman! =D


    mazal tov! one of my best friends is in middle of her chasuna as i write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    mazal tov yummy! I”YH by you soon! so why aren’t you at your best friend’s wedding? 😉

    ☕️coffee addict

    Yummy why can’t you be Dan L’Chaf Zechus Yummy and say she is at the wedding and she’s on her smart phone typing this in?


    mazel tov SJS!!

    yossi z.

    Hey welcome back nurse!

    There are two yummys? I am really confused

    =D Zuberman! =D


    yossi z

    You win the award for most posts on this thread…keep ’em coming!

    ☕️coffee addict

    Hey welcome back nurse!

    There are two yummys? I am really confused

    LOLROTF no there’s only one and shes saying if it was her best friend why isn’t she there but she said it in third person so I “played along with her”


    candy613 and others in your school-MAZAL TOV!!!!!! just came back from your graduation, you all looked beautiful!

    yossi z.

    Thanx dunno. B”H I can keep them coming and with a vengeance 🙂

    =D Zuberman! =D


    yossi z and coffee — OOPS! i made a mistake. i’m the one who posted the second post from yummy. i didn’t realize our computer was still signed on as her screen name. i realized it after it was too late to edit it.

    anyway – i do know that she was not at her bf’s wedding cuz the wedding was in ny and yummy stayed home to go to her sister’s h.s. grad tonight. isn’t that a great sis? btw – smile e face was at the same grad.

    smile e face – can’t wait for ur grad 2morrow nite 😉


    smile e face – u coulda also said mazal tov to your “sis” – she also has a screen name.

    hmmf 😉

    ☕️coffee addict

    lol, that’s funny, ok now I understand what your subtitle means


    coffee – yup – this is our family time 😉


    since when does she have a sn?! i know yummy cupcake, but not my sis! 7 hours til graduation!!!!!!! :0) pretty good considering i’m only nine years old…:0)


    smile e face – we always knew u were a genious – so it’s no surprise that ur graduating at the age of 9

    ur sis’s name is giggly girl (i think – something like that)


    Mazel tov!

    Toi– upon your upcoming chassuna. May you be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.

    Sister Bear– for your friends’ and family’s simchos.

    yossi z.– for your new cousin and your friend’s chassuna.

    SJSinNYC– for her new baby daughter that her big brothers can and IY”H will spoil. May you be zoche to be megadel her l’Torah, l’Chuppah u’l’maasim tovim.

    …and of course all the graduates!

    Much nachas!

    yossi z.

    ICOT: I appreciate the mazal tov but it was yummy’s friend who got married, my friend got engaged. Uber abi there are mazal tovs!

    =D Zuberman! =D


    another friend engaged, another friend had a baby!!!!!!!!!! B”H for simchos!!!!!!! mazal tov to everyone who posted simchos!!!!!!!

    oh yeah, and my sis graduated hs!!!!!!


    yossi z.

    Thank you for the correction. Bli ayin hora, there have been so many recent simcha announcements that I got a bit confused.

    Mazel tov on your friend’s upcoming (IY”H) chasuna.

    yummy cupcake

    Mazel tov, mazel tov, and mazel tov!

    May you (and all of us) be zoche to keep sharing many more simchos.

    yossi z.

    I can finally say a mazal tov on myself … No not THAT one … Yet. I B”H got a place to live (I have been living t my sister’s and she is moving so I got a more concrete place to live)

    =D Zuberman! =D


    Mazel Tov to my brother on his upcoming bar mitzvah!


    my brother graduated kindergarten today!!!!

    mazal tov blinky!



    yossi- thought we would hear the real good news that we are all waiting for… IY”H very soon you should have your home filled with lots of noise!

    yossi z.

    Amen!! Thank you coke

    😀 Zuberman! 😀

    Ad Dilo Yada

    New Nephew just this morning & i’m going to see the baby in E”Y!!!!

    ^Ad Dilo Yada^

    Ad Dilo Yada

    And i’m graduating today!!

    ^Ad Dilo Yada^

    yossi z.

    Mazal tov ADY!!!

    Talking about nephews, mine is getting married in eight days!

    😀 Zuberman! 😀

    a mamin

    Mazel tov! i have a new einekel! so far the boys are winning!!


    Mazel tov to all who are celbrating simchas, new babies, weddings, engagements, graduations, etc.


    mazal tov to my cousin who just got engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b’h their have been many simchos in my extended family very recently. THANK YOU HASHEM! KEEP THEM COMING,PLEASE!


    Mazel tov!

    yossi z.


    Smile E. Face

    Ad Dilo Yada

    a mamin

    yummy cupcake

    Bli ayin hora – kain yirbu!

    giggle girl

    Mazel Tov yummy cupcake! my cousin also just got engaged!


    Mazal tov! my friends’ cousin just got engaged! :0)

    and my family friend has a new grandaughter!


    Mazal Tov my sis engaged b”h!!!


    smile e face – ur little brother looked adorable at his kindergarten graduation! 🙂

    yummy cupcake – mazal tov on our cousins engagement and all our other simchos that u mentioned.

    giggle girl – mt to u2

    msk, a mamin, ady, and all the other mt to all of u2

    nor oif simchois – a sach nachas – far de gantze yeshiva velt mishpucheh


    giggle girl-

    Smile E. Face-


    Mazel tov on your friend’s and sister’s engagements.

    (I wonder how many are talking about the same person?)

    am yisrael chai

    “I wonder how many are talking about the same person?”

    If u can figure out those encryptions, we are supremely confident that u can figure this one out, too 😉

    Mazel tov to all


    giggle girl and i are talking about the same person :0)BUT i don’t actually know her cousin, or who msk is, so i have no idea if we’re talking about the same person! :0)

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