Matisyahu Spark Seeker

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    I know there is a lot to say about Matisyahu. There are unfortunaltely 100s of stories about ba’alei teshuva going off the derech. We all know someone who unfortunately left their tzitzis and frumkeit in gansen behind.

    But here is a deeper problem – that many ba’alei teshuva do not completely integrate yiddishkeit into their lives. They suppress their old life and regret it. This is unhealthy. They must realize their old lifestyle / actions are not inline with torah hashkofa – but dont beat yourself up. use that to build a the complete mentsch

    When someone goes off – if they have had a frum experience like the above unintegrated approach – they go off in gansen, but if someone has truly integrated their yiddishkeit into their lives then their “going off” may only be temporary and their return will be come and will be emisdik

    I’d prefer to be dan le kav zechus. look at his twitter feed and listen to some of his lyrics and interviews. He isnt machel Shabbos……he is a YID, not a sonei Yisroel

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