Mai Ahanu lan Rabanan – definition

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  • #598711

    This is due to a discussion on a different thread.

    The Gemorah Sanhedrin (99b) says:

    ???????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ????

    As Rashi explains, (and is obvious from the follow up of Abaye), this means that if someone says that learning does nothing at all for the world, even the learning of a Non-Rabbi, that is disagreeing with the pasuk of ” ?? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????”

    However, the Gemorah does reject this opinion regarding P’shat of the term (even though it agrees that it would be “???? ???? ????? “. What the gemorah discribes as Pshat is when one does not give proper Kavod to his Rebbe, as discribed there.


    The gemarah on the beginning of amud alef has another pshat that ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ???? Rashi says it means ?? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? that obviously means that rabanan is referring to rabannan as in issur drabanan not stam a person. The Rambam however paskens that an apikores is someone who calls his rebbi by his name. I do not think the rambam brings down ??? ???? ?? ???



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