Maaselach of Rav Aharon Shechter zt”l

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    Calling on all Chaim Berliners to share stories of Rav Aharon Shechter zt”l.
    I have heard some from yblct Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita derech agav, scattered throughout his hashkafa shtiklech. Looking for more. Shkoyach!


    Anyone who knew the Rosh Yeshivah ztzvk”l knew there were NO maaseLACH. Nothing was small. Nothing was insignificant! His entire life was one large and magnificent tapestry of hasmodas ha’Torah, ahavas Yisroel, commitment to every Yid, and commitment to mesorah.


    The Rosh Yeshiva ztvk’l almost singlehandedly kept the American Torah world out of any machlokes between Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel.


    I’m not a Chaim Berliner but I was once at a fundraising melava malka several years ago, and the MC got up to speak. He said that there was a dinner recently at Chaim Berlin celebrating a milestone (I don’t remember what it was) and there were over 20,000 reservations. The Rosh Yeshiva R’Aharon Schechter Zatzal said, “Let’s remember that the tachlis here is to raise money. We can’t forget that.”
    The MC continued and said, “We’re here for a beautiful melave malka but we can’t forget the main purpose of why we’re here, to raise money.”


    The nicest part about the Rosh Yeshiva Ztl is that there are no Maasish.


    wow, yeshiva guy, truly inspiring. tears in my eyes.

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