Maalos of the Coffee room

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  • #600106

    I am only a visitor to the YWN coffee room and i have noticed that most of the threads begin with or turn into loshon harah about some person or sect of yiddishkeit. we somehow believe that the good outweighs the bad but it doesnt seem so. the logic would be to give yidden a sounding board so thy could find a way to keep busy with thier time when they’re bored but im not sure that the loshon harah discussed in this room is more ratzui in the eyes of Hashem than any of the other aveiros that are going on on the internet. Any assenting disenting opinions??

    mos yumos

    You should look at the CR as an oppurtunity to be mekayeim mitzvos d’oraysa, such as standing up for the kavod of gedolim, denouncing heresy, defending the honor of Torah, preach fidelity to real, religous, judaism as passed on through the generations from Chazal without any heretical changes such as reform, conservative, zionist modern, etc.


    Is someone accusing me?

    mos yumos

    You?? Chas Veshalom. Not yet anyway. . .


    I know how to rescue the nitzotzos (the funny parts) from the klipos (serious parts).

    I don’t know anything about lashon hara parts, but I assume they fit into one of my two categories.

    Funny Gooooooooooooooood, Serious Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Spleen also Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.


    i don’t think most threads turn into lashon hara. unfortunately though, i have noticed some serious lashon hara on the cr over the past few weeks starting almost right after yom kippur. let us try hard to work on our lashon hara and think twice or three times before posting anything that may involve L”H


    Is it lashon hara to say:

    ????? ???? ???? ????


    Popa, why is the spleen bad? ????? ????!

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