Lunar eclipse – bracha? (time sensitive, eclipse is tonight!)

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Lunar eclipse – bracha? (time sensitive, eclipse is tonight!)

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    Is there a bracha for a lunar eclipse? I tried looking, and asked some of our shule rebbeim, but they were unable to find anything. Does anyone have any ideas?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Awwww we can’t see it over here (United States)


    I’m really looking forward to it. I will have the binoculars and the telescope out tonight!


    According to what I’ve read, North America is the only place that won’t see it.

    Busy As A Bee

    I dont know a source, maybe my fellow CRers can help me here, but I’ve heard a few times that a lunar eclipse is a bad sign for the Jews, for the simple reason that we are compared to the moon, and a time when the moon is covered up by the earth, the gashmi is not a good time for Klal Yisroel.

    Anyone else hear this before?

    ☕️coffee addict

    I have too Busy,

    it happened on Purim this past year over here (U.S.) so I asked my rebbe if it would be a V’Nahapach Hu, and he said yes


    There is no Bracha made for either a solar or lunar eclipse.

    There is only kidush levana once a month for the moon and Oseh Maaseh Breishis for the sun (and visible planets) once every 28 years.

    The notion that a lunar eclipse is a bad omen is a mistake. It stems from the mistaken interpetation of Likui Levana as meaning a lunar eclipse.

    ☕️coffee addict

    so then what’s pshat of likui levana


    I dont know a source, maybe my fellow CRers can help me here, but I’ve heard a few times that a lunar eclipse is a bad sign for the Jews

    It should be noted that lunar eclipses happen about twice a year somewhere on the earth, and can be predicted centuries in advance. Now this eclipse will be total and deeper than many so it should be quite a site, and at least as of now (6:35 pm Israel time) the sky looks clear so I hope it will be worth watching.

    NASA has a very good eclipse page with info on every eclipse for the next 10-20 years at least.

    My only regret is that my 4 year old is too young to stay up and watch it with me. Oh well it will wait for the next one


    Is she ever coming back?


    Goq, that one took me a minute! Maybe she’s here and just being quiet.


    What is Likui Levana?

    Most crops receive their energy to grow and be bountiful from the sun’s energy. In Dvarim 33:14 ????? ??? ?????”from the sweetest grains of the moons”, we, therefore, see that there are some plants that achieve quality with help of the moon’s energy, as well.

    Likui Chamma or Levana refers to an interference in these energies perhaps through dust or clouds in Earth’s atmosphere when this energy is needed the most in a plat’s life. (Or, perhaps, solar flares and sunspots either during the day or during a moonlit night.)

    It has nothing to do with eclipses which were predictable events even in ancient times.


    Just went outside with child #2 and a pair of binoculars. It’s a spectacular show!

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