Loving your spouse

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    Shimon Nodel

    I didn’t understand the Mishna berura as quoting the pri megadim that it’s mamash le’ikuva.

    I never said the pashut pshat in the pasuk is childish chalilah. You said that, not me.
    I said that it’s childish to think that it is really the ikar taam for the mitzva of ahavas hager. And I will say again it is childish to think that. It is a reminder and an azhara to be mechazek us to love gerim. It isn’t THE REASON. Pashut pshat is that it’s ridiculous to think so. Hashem wants us to love gerim because we are rachmanim. If we weren’t gerim, the mitzva wouldn’t disappear.

    You know what’s bizayon hatorah? To use it as a spade with which to glorify…


    Wow, I am so glad I started this thread, all the lamdim here pontificating on the subject explains the the high rate of older singles and the high rate of divorce in our coomunity

    Shimon Nodel

    I just actually went over that Mishna berura now.
    He brings the Pri Megadim as literally saying it is NOT ME’AKEV.


    Hilchos sukah siman tav resh chaf vav, halacha alef

    So the actual Pri Megadim you mentioned says the complete hefech of what you said.

    I’m not one to rub people’s nose in something, but you seem to be a little quarrelsome. Please just stop.

    Avi K

    Avira, the Ben Ish Hai includes the residents of EY in that aveira. Who is better a tamei bird (see Chullin 63b) who keeps Shabbat and kashrut or someone who does not but risks his life to defend the Jewish people (and how do you know what are his intentions – do you bochen kelayot v’lev?)? I don’t know. I also refer you to Reish Lakish’s statement about פושעי ישראל (Eruvin 19a). As for the nazis and kapos, if you could read English you would see that I differentiate between ahava and love. The former can also be expressed through executing a murderer.


    Shimon; if someone were using an anonymous coffee room to glorify one’s self…. that’s a very tawdry glory, if it can be called such. I write here because I enjoy writing and I don’t have many other opportunities to do so. Anyways, as I’ve made clear elsewhere, I don’t know everything, and i don’t remember everything either, so thank you for looking it up – im pretty sure someone says what I said above, but it wasn’t the pri megadim.

    Avi – you’re referring to physical characteristics of bnei eretz yisroel. Saying that people who live there are sickly reflects badly on the land, because different climates influence the health and vigor of their inhabitants. Saying that someone is – of his own choice – a mechalel shabbos, is not insulting the land at all, it’s insulting that person’s choice.

    As to who is better, one who sacrifices their life for others (non-jewish heroism, and assur according to some poskim) or one who serves Hashem by keeping the mitzvos….well, if I put it that way, I think the answer is very clear. Also, their idea of “jew” is just like their idea of “arab”; they view themselves as a race and a country, so would you likewise say that an idol worshipping Hindu soldier sacrificing his life for his countrymen is also on a higher level than a regular shomer torah umitzvos Jew?

    Shimon Nodel

    I did not mean to insult you. Hopefully you don’t mean to either


    If a Teimani or Moroccon Jew have multiple wives, must he love all of them equally?


    Shimon, my intention isn’t to insult people – looking inward, after reading what others have said about my writing style, I’ll admit that I write harshly, but I’m aiming at the ideas i see posted, not the people behind them.

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