Lost Talis and Tefilin in Maimonides Hospital

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  • #1874218
    Red Adair

    My father was in Maimonides Hospital this week. His talis and tefilin were brought to him shortly after noon on Tuesday June 16, 2020 and he left the hospital the next day on Wednesday June 17 at about 5:00 PM. Shortly after he got home we realized he didn’t have his talis and tefilin. We called the hospital and they searched, but couldn’t find them. The talis and tefilin are each inside their own somewhat worn blue velvet bag and the tefilin are not inside the talis bag. He was in a room on the seventh floor of the Kronish Building.

    If anyone has any information that may be helpful, my family would be extremely grateful.
    I realize this site does not usually allow posters to contact each other, but perhaps an intermediary could be used, e.g. poster 1 drops off the talis and tefilin at a shul and then poster 2 goes there, gives a siman, and picks them up.
    Thank you.


    Did you try calling the chaplain’s office or patient relations at MMC?


    I don’t have any info on it, but hope that you find it soon.

    The Wolf

    Red Adair

    Those are good ideas, thank you.
    One of my siblings has been in contact with Maimonides and the head of security has been involved in the search, but I’m not sure if other areas have been contacted. I’ll ask about the ones you suggested.

    Thank you. Aside from the cost their replacement would entail, he’s had those tefilin for many decades and it would be a real shame if they aren’t recovered.
    ETA: My brother just informed me that the tefilin were given to him by his grandfather who he greatly admired and respected, so they mean even more to him than I originally realized.


    Not to minimize the loss of Tallis/Tefillin, which I hope are found and returned to him, these days its encouraging to read about a case where an older yid is admitted to the hospital and B’H is released the next day.

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