Loshon Horah names in the CR

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    Id like to know why is OK to mention the name of the Ponzi king in the YWN headlines, but not ok to mention the name of the case in Brooklyn.

    Is it because one was Chassdic and one was Frei?


    1) Yes, you may say l”h about someone frei.

    2) In the other case, it was untrue accusations, despite the false guilty verdicts.



    No but because most frum Jews are still in the dark ages and think stealing money is worse than molesting someone. Thats why!


    Why don’t you ask YWN directly?

    Also, you said YWN didn’t mention the “name”. Um, last I checked, the entire story was not mentioned on YWN. Not only that, but these stories are never reported on YWN.


    and because Madoff is guilty. There’s no evidence that this person is. Besides for someone’s “say-so”.



    What an appropriate screen name as in – “Why” so much anger?

    ready now

    answer to OP (Oh Please!):

    You are somewhat impermeable to goodness.


    Tell where you can say L’H about someone Frei..


    If you think the Brooklyn case is a good man, then you dont know what evil is


    You can say l”h about a frei person anywhere.


    I have a lot more respect for a Frei person who lives a good moral life , Gives plenty of Tzedkah. Shows people the proper way to live than the guilty person in Brooklyn

    ready now

    ” Frei person who lives a good moral life”-

    a contradiction in terms – you can’t be moral not following Torah.

    “Shows people the proper way to live”

    What? Being frei? HA HA

    Again you are exposing yourself. Stop.



    I’m one of those weird people that can’t stand evil that’s why the anger. I can’t stand that we have Rabbonim and yeshivos that will shelter and cover up for molesters. These things really bother me. I Baruch Hashem was never molested but I was hit more than once by a Rebbe and horribly humiliated and I know what it means to be abused by an authority figure. Its not something you EVER forget. And its almost impossible to forgive them.


    We all know that. But as a site representing the Yeshiva World, they have Torah standards to live up to, no one’s own respect-value algorithm. Just because Modernity respects one set of standards doesn’t mean a Torah Jew should. There is a set of conducts handed down to us from Sinai – Pirkei Avos, we derive our morals from there exclusively, not from the ‘gemutliche’ world. Modern people care only about the external ‘do unto you brother etc.’, ‘mentch’, ‘tzdaka’ etc. moving all else to the back-burner. Yidden have HaShem in mind. Constantly. We do His mitzvohs for Him. Bein Adam l’Makom. Bein adam l’chaveiro too – because that’s HaShem’s will, not for ‘gemutlichkeit’.

    🍫Syag Lchochma


    ready now – talk about exposing yourself (which seems to be rampant problem in some communities), your agenda has always been clear and somewhat narrow. You think you speak ‘truth’ but you are damaging the Torah’s image with your harshness. People with hashkofos such as yours have no business being on the internet outside of minimal usage for parnassa.

    There is no reason for YWN not to have posted the verdict, even if they didn’t want to get involved when it was just accusations. Either post about Jews or don’t, don’t join the ranks of those harboring these offenders.


    Syag: “don’t join the ranks of those harboring these offenders”

    Are you accusing YWN of harboring molestors?

    Have you reached out to YWN for an answer?

    Something tells me that you haven’t.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    point being?


    1) Yes, you may say l”h about someone frei.

    How do you define “someone frei?”

    The Wolf

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Wolf – I am so sorry you engaged him. Can’t we stop feeding the trolls? I find these dialogues so painful and such a chillul Hashem, bringing so much hatred. I only address you because I know you are above it.


    The point being that you publicly accused YWN of harboring molestors, you jerk. YOU made the point. Maybe your too stupid to realize what you wrote.

    It’s also now even more obvious that you did not reach out to YWN for a reason why it wasn’t posted.

    So your a double idjut.

    ready now

    ” Frei person who lives a good moral life”- that is a contradiction in terms – you can’t be moral not following Torah.

    “Shows people the proper way to live” – What? Being frei? HA HA. Again you are exposing yourself. Stop.

    Yes. Stop. Because it is against Torah what you say across these pages. That is not good, has v sholom.


    “Frei person who lives a good moral life”- that is a contradiction in terms – you can’t be moral not following Torah”

    Really? So a non-Jew who follows the 7 Mitzvos of Bnei Noach is not a moral person, despite not following the rest of the Torah? And a Jew who is lacking in shmiras Shabbos and Kashrus, and whose wife does not attend mikvah, but who otherwise is completely honest in all his business and personal dealings, does acts of kindness, gives charity, believes in a Higher Power, but is nonetheless frei, cannot possibly be a moral person?

    I would not say such a person fulfills all his Torah obligations bein adam laMakom, but that does not make him immoral.

    ready now

    ” Frei person who lives a good moral life”- that is a contradiction in terms – you can’t be moral not following Torah.

    “Shows people the proper way to live” – What? Being frei? HA HA. Again you are exposing yourself. Stop.

    Yes. Stop because it is against Torah what you say across these pages That is damaging has v sholom.

    Omis- We are talking about Jews, not goyim.

    Although all Jews are the children of Hashem , He does not wish for us to misbehave, simply because He loves us.


    If there was a store selling trief food as kosher, I am sure everyone would call the owner a Rasha, It would not be LH to post the owners name and tell people not to buy from it.

    And a person who keeps Shabbos, Keeps Kosher davens 3 times a day and follows every Chumra but is an abuser is still a RASHA

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