Hi I’m looking to buy s.o a Sefer on Yerushalmi- s.t more contemporary. He’s a big Talmid Chacham and is very into Yerushalmi….Also looking to buy someone a Sefer that would help s.o get “more into” mitzvos…any ideas for either? Lmk
How about for the second person you buy him the affordable 1 volume sefer called SEFER HAMITZVOS? It goes through all 613 mitzvos explaining the laws and details of each one clearly.
Yes It explains each Mitzvah and it’s laws but as a separate note there’s also a certain kind of mitzvah in the Torah called a CHOK which means a Mitzvah that has no meaning and is done only cause we were commanded by Hashem to do it. An example of such a Mitzvah is the Mitzvah of Para Aduma/the Red Cow to purify the unpure person.
Gitler books (based in bnei berak) in Israel produced a sefer called OMRI BEMAROVO which shows differences between BAVLI AND YERUSHALMI. It is still in print and cost 75 shekels last week – mannys book store told me there was one in brooklyn!
Mitzva12 – just to give credit where due
Omri Bemarovo – אמרי במערבא
was written by Rav Achikam Keshet and is sold, not exclusively, by Gitler (which has several stores around Israel)
Kol Tuv
Omri Bemarovo – אמרי במערבא exists in PDF format for free on the internet (hebrewbooks)
There is a parallel book named דרכי התלמודים – Darchei HaTalmudim. Also available on Hebrewbooks