Think first: Thank you, but Ike’s exterminating is in Monsey with a 845 number, and I am in Brooklyn. That phone number you gave me belongs to a person by the name of Goldstein. They also list Terminex before Ike’s exterminating
chocandpatience: I am looking locally, not in Yerushalyim. Thank you
Safta: how are we supposed to know that? And who decides what “locally” means? Plenty of people here are in E”Y, and exterminators are much more commonly needed in E”Y than in the NY area, I believe.
No insult intended, but I think calling Brooklyn “locally” is a bit denigrating to the rest of the world. Why not write “I am looking in the NY area”, “I am looking in Brooklyn”? Is “locally” synonymous for “NY”?