I think YWN should start refering to the United Nations as the United Nazis in their articles because they are the most anti semetic organization in the world. People may get confused at the beginning but i think everyone will realize eventually. Maybe if we have enough people agree to this splendid idea, we as a group can make it happen.
and how bout this flatbush27. you wrote this on the article about banki moon on the homepage: i hope ban ki moon who heads the UNITED NAZIS dies. the un is a bunch of pro nazi pro terrorist pro arab idiots. tell ban ki moon to stick his ugly chinese cross eyed face away from israel and keep it in africa or asia or somalia or kenya. just away from israel.
actually my sevarah is to keep it as UN if you put the letters UN before most words it turns it into the negative form. As soon as Un gets involved everything gets UNdone
flatbush: I was actually thinking to get myself a job there! All i’d have to do is say”The UN calls upon the conflict in the middle-east do unconflict itself” and then i’d go to sleep.lol.