Learning while unemployed

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    Thom Finn

    I left yeshiva in my early 20’s and started working. Now I’m unemployed and hanging around the computer all day. Do I have a chiyuv to learn, or am I still patur as a working man?


    Who says a working man is Patur from learning?


    Looks like you answered the question yourself!!


    While a working man has a chiyuv to learn, he’s not putting in a full day. An unemployed man, with nothing to do, MUST learn as much as he can. To sit around surfing all day, and neither being oseik in Torah or yishuv ha’olam, is not chiyus. Batala meviah lidey shiamum-doing nothing leads to madness.


    Hanging around the computer all day will not help you find a job.


    tom -I don’t envy you. It’s the hardest Nisoyon in the world -not being part of anything. Learning will be extremely hard, but it will keep you sane in this time of Nist Ahin and Nist Aherr!


    So anybody unemployed who is not learning in yeshiva is wasting his life? I thought all you had to do was say shema. I’m sure it’s nice to learn more but why can’t the guy just surf all day (assuming it’s filtered)?


    Thom,first of all I would like to say I feel for your predicament. Being unemployed is no fun.

    Using a computer all day without purpose leads one to go stir crazy. You lose your focus and ability to be a mentch.

    One thing going to yeshiva does for you is give you both a schedule and purpose in waking up. They have morning kollels designed for people in your situation. Alternatively, you can arrange for a chavrusa in many yeshivas. I wish you much bracha and hatzlacha.

    Thom Finn

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I need to find myself a good yeshiva asap.

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