Kosher Gym / Energyz in Brooklyn

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  • #589041
    KG member

    For those of you who are familiar with the Kosher Gym (KG) in Flatbush:

    To start, I have consulted with a local Orthodox Rav in Brooklyn who was familiar with some of the going-ons in the gym and after explaining my story was told that this is not a case of lashon harah as these people are “liars, cheaters and stealers”. I was told that it is halachically permitted to report this gym to the District Attorney, Attorney General, Better Business Bureau and whoever else could help some of us recoup our losses.

    I’m writing this to ask any of you who are members of the gym, or if you have family/friends who are part of the gym, to spread this message. Anyone who feels they were cheated, be it with unknown charges, charges for classes which you didn’t approve, charges for credit cards chargebacks, 35$ tag fees for the sensor not recognizing your fingerprint, $75 fees for hooks, or illegally terminated memberships TO PLEASE CONTACT ASSEMBLYMAN DOV HIKIND’S OFFICE AT [email protected] or to call 718-853-9616.

    I will keep this thread updated with more information as I know, however it is crucial to understand that the more people who voice their concerns, the easier it will be to settle this.

    Regarding the clause in the KG contract requiring disputes to be settled in Machon L’hoyrah Beis Din, be aware that I was told by this Rav that since they are violating the contract and they are unforgiving cheaters, there is no issue with reporting them to secular sources.

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