Kosher Drinks

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    wasted time

    I just wanted to make the public aware that not all drinks are kosher at all times. I recently flew with Jet blue airlines, and the soda (coke) did not have the ou symbol on it. They were very respectful and brought out other drinks. Please make sure to check every can and lable so you wont come to be Nichshol by mistake.

    Thank you.


    Are you sure it is a problem when the coke doesn’t have an O-U? I think all the American coke is certified regardless of the label.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I just wanted to make the public aware that not all drinks are kosher at all times. I recently flew with Jet blue airlines, and the soda (coke) did not have the ou symbol on it. They were very respectful and brought out other drinks. Please make sure to check every can and lable so you wont come to be Nichshol by mistake

    coke is fine without a hechsher, it’s just because it’s a different bottling plant, but they’re all fine

    wasted time

    Not sure! The coke was from the Dominican Republic or Mexico. The stewardess said they were from other countries because of cheaper prices.

    ☕️coffee addict

    what? I dont believe it!


    Was it an international flight?

    wasted time

    What is there not to believe? This took place on flight 511.

    wasted time

    Actually my flight was domestic. The one before was international.


    Fascinating. Sounds like it could be an issue. I don’t think Coke has a hashgacha in all countries.

    Why don’t you call one of the national hashgacha agencies and tell them.

    Sender Av

    This thread made me think : is Motts with a triangle k acceptable? I purchased it by accident and put it in the fridge(cant take it back). I think its ok, but I am not sure. Anyone here know before I ask a rav?

    wasted time

    We are in the process. This only took place yesterday.


    The stewardess said they were from other countries because of cheaper prices.

    No, they refill the galley locally at every airport. What you saw was probably just leftovers from the previous route that plane took.


    Try drinking Bottle Water. Kashrus of Bottle Water is generally not questionable. I think if Flavor is added it becomes a problem.


    you can drink coke anywhere, I was in Europe a few times the last few years, and in all the communities I visited, the families had soda at home, and there the bottles don’t have a ny symbols at all.

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