Kiruv Over the Phone

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  • This topic has 13 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by RBZS.
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    How can I (and the person I’m learning with for kiruv) stay interested in learning weekly over the phone as we can only meet in person a few times a year?




    Thank you for that idea. I feel that it would be difficult to want to learn over zoom after having school over zoom and/or staring at a screen for long periods of time. The learning over zoom is just another thing to stare at a screen (if that makes sense)


    Pose a question or a topic that is possible for both you to research in advance of a call or zoom and then compare notes.


    Is this a person who lives in your area? Meet them outside, like at a park. Sit 6 feet apart, wear masks, and shteig away. We do it in Yerushalayim all the time.

    Reb Eliezer

    Find a sefer you are both interested like an Kehati Mishnayos or Artscroll and Gemora, Parasha of the Week, Orchos Tzadikim, Sefer Hachinuch or Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and learn it together.

    Reb Eliezer

    Find seforim you are both interested like an Kehati Mishnayos or Artscroll and Gemora, Parasha of the Week, Orchos Tzadikim, Sefer Hachinuch or Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and learn it together.


    Thank you for the idea of doing it outside but we do not live near each other so that won’t work


    I am learning a sefer right now but sometimes it can get boring to just read something over a phone even if it could be interesting and it seems to take too short

    Aidyn Breiter

    Personally, I have found that my one chavrusa that is on Whatsapp call is actually quite refreshing. I don’t know what it is, it could be purely the fact that it is simply not zoom and I don’t have to find that link and see that zoom logo again for the 20th time that day. So I like the Whatsapp call all of a sudden. And if you do that, you should make a big deal to the chavrusa that “THIS is your WHATSAPP Chavrusa, and appreciate that!”


    How many user names do u have?


    If you are asking me I have one user name: em1234


    em, not sure where your partner is holding, but right now you can go through Pesach – from Hagada to cleaning and product kashrus. Use zoom/whatsapp to review the labels, matza quality and maybe even search for missed hametz 🙂


    “The learning over zoom is just another thing to stare at a screen (if that makes sense)”

    Actually, it doesn’t make any sense to me. Have you tried it?
    I have been learning with my chavrusa, several hours a day for years, and it is just like when we used to learn in the Beis HaMIdrash (even better because I have a chair at home which is much more comfortable than the one in the BM. Also, I can have a drink and even a bite to eat while we learn).
    And, BTW, we use a forgotten, excellent program called SKYPE, which offers unlimited time for free, and my chavrusa says it beats Zoom which his other chavrusa uses to learn with him.
    I often bring up a sefer on the screen which my chavrusa does not have, and then share the screen with him. This is a lot of fun.
    Of course, you must find something of interest to your learning partner, but if you do, I see no reason why you should not learn successfully with him via your computers.
    Daven for siyata diShemaya to be matzliach in kiruv and you will surely see very positive results.

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