Justice in the USA

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    Justice works in White America.
    As we see in the Aubery case.
    But in Woke theories that everything is Discrimination – this is a Blatant Lie!
    We just proved that the Woke People are the Real Racists!
    That’s why the Woke Government are only focusing on Jan. 6, Not on the Riots, (not peaceful demonstrations,) of 2020, 2021.


    It is not Congress’ place to investigate the riots. That belongs to state Governments, and it federal property was destroyed, the US Attorney in that District. It is Congress; place to investigate the invasion of their home…The US Capitol Building.

    I’m a Liberal Dem, but believe everyone who breaks the law, riots, loots, damages others property should be prosecuted no matter what race the perpetrator is


    Keep up the good work!


    Ctlawyer -“I’m a Liberal Dem, but believe everyone who breaks the law, riots, loots, damages others property should be prosecuted no matter what race the perpetrator is”

    Does it bother you that many Democrat States dropped most of the Charges against the rioters?
    Whether they were Federal or Local Crimes?!?
    Maybe Congress should investigate those states because they aren’t applying Justice equally?!?


    CTLAWYER: Is it the place of members of Congress to encourage the rioting, to encourage disrespect of law enforcement officers, to undermine the imprisonment of violent criminals, and to try to intimidate judges and jurors to render verdicts that align with political viewpoints?


    Does anyone here believe that had it been White Trump supporters who did the BLM riots and black Biden supporters who did the capital riots we would be looking at the same reaction (and lack thereof) today?


    “I’m a liberal Dem, but”

    Haha I love how you use but to try and distance yourself from the normative ideology of your insane party.


    After the 2022 elections the Republican will probably take control over both houses of Congress and can look into whatever they want. That is unless they are to buzy impeaching Biden and/or undoing what ever was done in Biden’s first two years.


    Just curious. Anyone today still supports the idea of having a democracy?


    > still supports the idea of having a democracy?

    you dare to use this Greek word on the heilecke night of Hanukkah?!


    It bothers me when charges that can be proved and convictions obtained are dropped PERIOD. This is regardless of charge or jurisdiction.


    anyone who undermines justice in a criminal manner should be prosecuted.

    BUT, why limit yourself to members of Congress? After November 3, 2020 Trump and his henchmen (women) were trying to intimidate judges to overturn the results of the election he lost. I’d like to see them prosecuted, as well


    There is no normative ideology of a national political party in the USA. There are no card carrying members, as in other countries, who subscribe to a uniform ideology.
    I am liberal. I did not say I am progressive, or far left, or anti- this or that.

    We had a discussion at or town’s Democratic Town Committee meeting last week. 28% were anti-abortion, 30% were pro-death penalty 90% were against school vouchers, 100% are anti-Trump. That was the only totally unifying factor found in poll results.

    I don’t vote party, I vote candidate. In the 2021 elections for municipal office, I voted for 4 Republican candidates because they were better qualified for the office than their Democratic opponents. What I don’t do is publicly endorse non-Democrats for office, as that goes against the stated purpose of a Party Town Committee….to aid in election of members of our party.


    I have never supported the idea of having a democracy, I support having a Republic. Democracy cannot work in a political division of more than several thousand people. A population bigger than that calls for representative government. As soon as you have representative government, you have given up your individual say in most decisions of government.

    BTW>>>>>I am old enough to remember when my town was ruled by Town Meeting and not elected officials and a Town Council

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