Just Wondering…

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    If it was found that tobacco crops are infested with bugs and therefore are not kosher and Rabbonim came out and said it is not kosher would people stop smoking??


    blios of bugs would be batul and therefore smoking them would not be a problem and they would only be assur beachila at most and therefore not a problem to burn and breathe the smoke


    RabbiRabin, also nosen taam lifgam, no?


    DY: Frankly, there’s no way anything in a cigarette can be anything but L’shevach. It can’t get worse.




    There are already filters on cigarettes.


    Could you use the filter on Shabbos?

    ED IT OR


    Could you use the filter on Shabbos?

    only in a tag approved eruv


    Can we get back to the original question if all the major Rabbonim said tobacco products were traif would people stop smoking?


    You’re right, we didn’t answer the question, we avoided it.

    I think the answer is that most people would stop, but some are so addicted that they wouldn’t.

    Your next question is probably: since it’s assur anyhow because of sakana, what’s the difference.

    The answer is twofold. First, not everyone holds it’s assur, and smokers rationalize based on the opinions which are mattir. Second, we are culturally and emotionally conditioned to avoid tarfus, so it’s less of a nisayon.


    DY: If Rabbonim said it was Traif the smokers would still rationalize. Second of all, I find it very sad that we have somehow distorted the Torah to a point where Tarfus is more sensitive than Sakanas Nefashos.


    Sad it is, but it’s not exactly on the same scale. Being Traif is absolute. Every person, upon the first bite, ate Tarfus. Smoking is statistics and down the line and we all know smokers who lived long. Many things are dangerous, including bad diets which are probably more harmful than smoking.

    I overheard in a conversation someone quoting an Hatzalah member that he has seen ninety year old smokers but never a ninety year old obese person.


    Sam, I am assuming Goq’s hypothetical case to be one in which the issur leaves no room for rationalization.


    there is afamous story of the saneigar shel Yisroel Hatzadik Rav Levi Yitzchok MiBarditchev.

    In Russia there was a law that the growth of Tabbaco plant was illegal. One erev Pesach Rav Levi Yizchok asked his shamash to see if he could round up any tobacco from the local Jews. It turned out that many Jews had found ingenious ways to camouflage their growing of tobacco and the shamash came back with a plentiful supply of tobacco.

    Then Rav Levi Yitchok asked his shamash to try to find some beer from the local Jews. He searched high and low and was not able to find even the smallest amount. He returned and told Rav Levi Yitchok that he could not find any beer, to which the Barditchever repiled, “Mi Keamcha Yisroel”

    So to answer your question and to try to be a saneigar for Klal Yisroel especially at a time when we have enough Kitrug Yes if tabacco was found to be assur Behanaah (which would cause the smoking of it to be assur Jews would stop smoking (or would very quickly find a acceptable alternative.


    Smokers usually age faster, so even if they live long, they still accomplish less, as they spend more time coughing and standing up again.

    my own kind of jew

    HaLevei sounds correct, but that just begs the question on why obesity isn’t an averiah…


    Obesity isn’t a decision. Nobody decides to gain too much weight. But the first cigarette is a choice. Besides, an obese person does not harm others through being obese.


    no. people are way to addicted. same with web. there r bad things that rabbis say not to do but ppl do it anyway


    btw obeesity is in ur genes bbut u can prevent it even if its in ur genes


    Obesity is not always preventable.


    btw it is if u starve b4 hand


    btw it is if u starve b4 hand


    Did you know that high blood pressure does not occur in dead people?

    Jersey Jew

    Your question is almost not a question. The reason is because the leaves are dried before grinding – similar to dehydrated herbs.

    I dont think, based on the little I saw of making cigs, that the alleged bugs would even be considered a “beryah” any more.

    YW Moderator-42

    You can quit smoking cold turkey (or never start to begin with) but you can’t quit eating. Hence obesity is harder to control.


    Well the Rabanim said to get rid of internet….

    And hey, were all here!

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