July 13 was far worse than Jan 6

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee July 13 was far worse than Jan 6

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    Time to do a thorough investigation into the auspices of the Democratic Party to uncover who was involved in spewing the vile rhetoric that made this happen.

    Every sensationalist news agency that did nothing but fear monger should be held financially responsible for damages to Trump, and Biden investigated for incitement to cause harm.

    It’s time the democrats get the J6 treatment law fare for the sake of it!

    ☕️coffee addict


    Can’t prosecute Biden because of “presidential immunity”

    Who are you going to prosecute?


    U 1 sick dude


    1. Many Democrats have been calling for violence against Trump whereas Trump never called for anything more than a demonstration against the Congress.

    2. If Trump is very clever, he’ll announce an end to “lawfare” and propose a statute to make it very hard to sue or prosecute people for political purposes including rules on standing to sue, disqualification of prosecutors who announce they have a goal of prosecuting political enemies, venue rule changes, charging attorney fees for lawsuits bought for harassment, etc. He might start by offering a pardon to Hunter Biden, as someone whose prosecution was clearly political. By becoming the candidate who favors a “return to normalcy”, he will increase his chance of a landslide (and on the other hand, seeking revenge will help the Democrats).


    All the blacks that the damnedocrats have been enslaving are now realizing that trump can save them from the fascist damnedocrat plantation of the vile black ghettoes racists like jackk Reb loser gidol hadora force them to live in

    The damnedocrat party is finished.



    You missed loser lefty’s!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    And by doing so you have guaranteed the greatest comeback in political history.

    Unless jackk is successful in his attempt to fix what the freak from bethel messed up.

    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe it was Trump who incites people with his harsh words? Words have consequences.


    The investigation thusfar has no clue as to the motive of the shooter, even after checking his phone, computer, social media postings and interviews with his friends and family, Not that its definitive, but media interviews with his high school friends consistently indicate he leaned to conservative positions in classroom discussions and he registered as a Republican.
    Both sides have engaged in vile hyperbole about the other but there is no indication that rhetoric has resulted in any specific attacks.
    The OP is the kind of useless speculation that sadly is good headline material for the tabloids.
    P.S. Perhaps his $15 donation to some progressive voter registration group several years ago is the smoking gun.


    A neis for Trump is he dodged a bullet

    A neis for Biden is he didn’t fall down or can remember what he is saying


    gadol > Perhaps his $15 donation to some progressive voter registration group several years ago is the smoking gun.

    perfect his smoking gun is the smoking gun.



    The words that had the greatest consequences were bloodthirsty Brandon’s, who said to put his opponent in a bullseye.

    Stop editorializing, one faults with their own faults.


    Jan 6 was allowed to happen by a majority dem house. Police did little to stop it. Never let a disaster go to waste is a democrat strategy much like COVID.


    Reb E media narrative has consequences


    Reb I thought victim blaming was solely a tactic of the right. Are you saying Trump had it coming?

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