Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess

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    ☕️coffee addict


    We took it as a fast day

    ח ט & י טבת were taken as fast days for all the things that happened (Ezra hasofer etc)


    I found an interesting idea in R Soloveichik letter about our relationships with nonjews: if we were more open about Jewish ideas during Hellenism times, then the world would have accepted these ideas from us rather than seen them as Chiddushim of a new religion.


    Given that virtually the entire Western world outside EY has adopted X’mas day as either a religious or secular holiday and a day off from work, it is newly found time for limud torah (versus playing chess or video games). Many MO shuls are offering special learning programs for those otherwise who don’t do DY or other structured daily learning

    Sam Klein

    We don’t fast for Christians we are proud yidden and are also forbidden to follow in their ways in any matter

    Menachem Shmei

    X’mas day as either a religious or secular holiday and a day off from work, it is newly found time for limud torah (versus playing chess or video games).

    To the best of my knowledge, the minhag of playing chess etc. is specifically during the night (until chatzos), not xmas day (hence the name nittel nacht, not nittel tog)…

    ☕️coffee addict


    Something is wrong with your understanding


    It seems that the previous cr psak was to follow orthodox minhag of nittel by Julian calendar as the nittel minhag started there. But I think lately Ukraine decided to decamp from their murderous brothers and join their western cousins under gregorian calendar. So, it may not make sensany more for us to follow old minhag. Not many Yidden lived under Russia proper, and now rov of the pale is under gregorian celebrations. Unless you are lubavich or belorussian litvish.

    Menachem Shmei

    Unless you are lubavich or belorussian litvish.

    In any case, the Lubavitcher shita is to follow Nittel Nacht based on where one currently resides, so most Lubavitchers do Gregorian.

    Excerpt from Rebbe’s letter:
    ב) נ’ לפענ”ד שזמנו ע”פ הלוח היוליאני, שהוא ע”פ חשבון תקופת שמואל [ולא ע”פ הלוח הגריגוריאני, שהוא ע”פ תקופת ר’ אדא (אף שהוא מדויק יותר)], כיון שעפ”ז הוא חשבון התקופה בברכת החמה ועוד. – אבל י”ל שכיון שיוצא מהכלל ענין ניטל שקביעותו לא ע”פ מנין בנ”י אלא ע”פ מנין או”ה, א”כ יש להתחשב עם מנין או”ה הנוהג במקום דוקא, וכן אומרים בשם כ”ק מו”ח אדמו”ר שבארצה”ב אמר לנהוג הנ”ל ע”פ מנין המדינה כאן.

    From another letter:
    ע”פ מה שכתבתי ל… נראה לי שבכל מדינה יש לנהוג בהנ”ל ע”פ לוח האינם יהודים שבמדינתם, ואם יש ביניהם מנהגים שונים בזה, לנהוג בהנ”ל בלילה שאז חוגגים רוב האינם יהודים, ז. א. באותה הלילה שנתקבלה על רוב האינם יהודים, כי הרי ענין דאזלינן בתר רובא שייך גם באינם יהודים, וכדמוכח בסוגיא דאזלינן בתר רובא, ועוד ראיות ואכ”מ.

    Dr. Pepper


    Given that I’ve retired from the Coffee Room again I will not be taking his place.

    (I came back to let @ujm know not to waste his night waiting around for Squeak but I have no intention of hanging around.)

    Dr. Pepper


    I can’t answer that. I just gave him a heads up that you’re going to be waiting for him and he said that he’s not going to be here. (And resigning from what- the Coffee Room or the game of chess?)

    He’s also suspicious about you having the email address from the coded post. To prove that you cracked the code would you be able to provide the product of the first digit of the public key used to encrypt the message, the first digit of the private key used to decrypt the message and the number corresponding to the first letter of the email address in the message.


    Oy, Dr Pepper, look at what a mess you made! 😉


    Menachem, thanks, so Lubavitcher shita is to do as locals do … what do shluchim do in Russia or Muslim countries or in EY?


    Dr. Pepper, I don’t see any purpose in proving it. If either he or yourself would agree to a fresh game of chess with me, I would be happy to oblige. (Aside from the fact that he knows which address I’ve been in touch with him at.) I can contact you at the address we’ve previously been in touch through if this is a proposal you’d consider.

    Dr. Pepper


    There were four posters who contacted me through the decrypted message, two I was able to validate (Squeak being one of them) and two refused to validate themselves (by posting a message I asked them to post in the screen name they claimed to be). I assumed that one (or possibly both) of the supposed screen names is (are) yours.

    Squeak is pretty confident that you didn’t decrypt the messages. Letting me know the product of those three numbers would have proven me correct.

    Contacting me at an email address you’ve contacted me at in the past proves nothing as I know that you have it already. I don’t plan to challenge you to a game of chess and I’m going to assume that Squeak doesn’t either. If it makes you happy I can ask him directly.

    As far as the mess I created- don’t fret, I’m going to climb back under my rock. I may swing by a couple of times over the next few days to respond to any follow up questions but that’ll probably be it.

    Menachem Shmei

    what do shluchim do in Russia or Muslim countries or in EY?

    Shluchim in Russia do Julian, if I’m not mistaken.

    EY does Gregorian.

    Muslim countries: Not sure what their minhag is l’poel.
    From here it’s implied that they don’t do nittel at all:

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