Jonathan Rosenblum’s claims in mishpacha column issue 851

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    According to claims that seem to be made by Jonathan rosenblum in the issue 851 of the mishpacha

    a) the wuhan institute of research was funded by Dr. Faucci,

    b) all records of diseases and research of the the eighteen months preceding covid have been conveniently lost

    c) Dr. Faucci discouraged various potential remedies for early treatment thta could have lowered the death rate.

    Did I misunderstand the article?

    Are the claims founded on any evidence?

    Why hasn’t anyone else besides for mishpacha discovered these facts?


    I don’t read Mispacha columnists so I don’t know what JR actually wrote but

    (a)Is indisputable. Even the liberal defense of Fauci does not deny it. They only claim that his funding did not contribute to Covid-19 being developed

    Link removed

    (b)Don’t believe that JR wrote that in such absolute terms

    (c)sounds correct based on my memory of covid reporting . All Fauci did was say no and discourage possible remedies throughout. Possibly he was correct for discouraging them. Possibly he wasn’t.

    In general, Fauci was not a trust inspiring person. To have a job a like his you need to be capable of doing more than saying no and making restrictions. You also need to contribute to the cure.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Hey mods!

    I thought links weren’t allowed!


    “Why hasn’t anyone else besides for mishpacha discovered these facts?”

    This information is publicly and readily available. I think you meant to ask why the mainstream media is ignoring it.

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