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- This topic has 33 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 5 months ago by jewishcommonsense.
September 29, 2020 6:45 am at 6:45 am #1905247jewishcommonsenseParticipant
Trump has done more for the jews than any other president still alive
September 29, 2020 8:02 am at 8:02 am #1905278mobile246ParticipantHas he? Please name what he’s done for American Jewry
September 29, 2020 9:57 am at 9:57 am #19053011ParticipantHe got Rubashkin out, something Obama could have done when he was releasing murderers and terrorists; biden was the vp.
September 29, 2020 9:58 am at 9:58 am #19053031ParticipantIt’s obvious but those who vote dem still think it’s the 1930s and fdr is running.
September 29, 2020 9:58 am at 9:58 am #19053071ParticipantMoving the embassy to Jerusalem is a good thing for American jews because most Americans in Israel live in Jerusalem
September 29, 2020 9:58 am at 9:58 am #19053081ParticipantA dem president who is hostile to Israel like Obama and biden were is bad for American jews.
September 29, 2020 11:36 am at 11:36 am #1905355mobile246ParticipantBill Clinton pardoned plenty of Jews, did you vote for Hillary back in 2016? At that point Trump hadn’t pardoned anyone.
Please explain this ‘Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is a good thing for American jews because most Americans in Israel live in Jerusalem”
If they are American’s living in Israel, are they not Israelis? And how does this benefit Jewish Americans living in the United States?
Regarding, ‘A dem president who is hostile to Israel like Obama and biden were is bad for American jews’ is your argument to vote Trump because he’s not Biden?
September 29, 2020 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm #19053681ParticipantThey are also American unless they terminate their citizenship.
September 29, 2020 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm #19053701ParticipantNo I didn’t vote for Hillary because she was terrible for Israel
September 29, 2020 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm #19053711ParticipantHillary would’ve given huma abedin a high position in her administration. Democrats support Palestinians more than Israelis who are your brothers. They are responsible for countless intifada and encouraging rockets from Gaza.
September 29, 2020 12:08 pm at 12:08 pm #1905372yichusdikParticipantIt is possible to look at this question and reasonably come to the conclusion that since Trump has done several positive things for Israel and against Iran and seems friendly to Jews, he deserves a Jew’s vote. I don’t dispute that. Should we only be asking one question, though?
Should Jews be voting for a serial adulterer?
Should Jews be voting for someone who overvalues his assets to banks and undervalues them to the IRS, thus defrauding both the banks and the taxpayers?
Should Jews be voting for someone who abandons his allies, like the Kurds (who are friendly with Jews and Israel), at the behest of an antisemitic despot (Erdogan)?
Should Jews be voting for someone who will not acknowledge nor react to the Russians putting a bounty on the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan?
Should Jews be voting for someone who sets up tariffs on materials that are scarce in the US (aluminum) coming from an ally (Canada) when there are no local sources to take up the slack, forcing US companies to spend more and charge more to make anything that needs aluminum, thereby ultimately costing the consumer more and accomplishing nothing? Demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of international trade? (The same can be said about dairy, steel, semiconductor and other import/export fields where he has wielded tariffs in ways injurious to US producers and consumers).
Should Jews be voting for someone who describes veterans and fallen soldiers as losers and suckers?
Should Jews be voting for someone who is considered a danger to democracy by three of the most respected Generals in the last 50 years, all of whom worked for him and left their positions?
Should Jews be voting for someone who five recent Chairs of the Joint chiefs of staff feel is unfit for command, and who was rebuked (in a letter to all Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard) by his own Chair of the Joint Chiefs for using the Army to clear a peaceful demonstration?
Should Jews be voting for someone who needed the threatened resignation of his Jewish commerce secretary to be forced to condemn neo nazis instead of describing ‘good people on both sides’ after Charlottesville?
Should Jews be voting for someone who refuses to pay his bills to tradesmen, lawyers, and other professionals and dares them to sue him? (First person experience of this from two frum Jewish sources, one a well known major 5 towns philanthropist and Republican)
I am not getting in to issues of immigration, whether there is or isn’t systemic racism, policing, respect for the law (what we call dina demalchusa dina), environmental protection, or even the efficacy or failure of his response to COVID. It isn’t my intention to expect that everyone will vote as I do or will have the same political perspective. Do what your conscience demands of you. But I do think that anyone with the privilege of voting needs to consider not only the OP’s question, but the impact of the answers to all of these other questions on Jews and all other Americans as well.
September 29, 2020 12:09 pm at 12:09 pm #19053801ParticipantTrump being friendly towards Israel(obviously helps if he has actual jews in his administration amd not antisemites like Kerry and rhodes to name a few) is better for jews in America than a president who is antiisrael. VP candidate(de-facto presidential candidate) Kamala harris supports blm who would break into every Jewish house if they had power.
September 29, 2020 12:09 pm at 12:09 pm #1905375KGNParticipantThe actions of Bill and Hillary are not the same; Bill was not in the Obama administration.
Kennedy was the last Democrat to do anything special for us since the Post-1948 world. However, he was killed while in power. The other democrats’ since him were not that great even though Bill Clinton pardoned many people. However, Obama had his entire administrative era to pardon Rubashkin. Obama was generally weak with Observant Jewish people.
With Trump, Orthodoxy is on the spotlight (which would be good for our future even if it means very little now), and America has a better relationship with Israel (which matters even if you’re not a Tsionist since most Jews live in either America or Israel).
September 29, 2020 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm #19053841ParticipantTrump has done better for jews than any democrat ever and therefore is better for American jews then biden. YWN editors wouldn’t let me post a link of executive orders by Trump that were out to protect Trump. Those who know the truth know those who choose to live in the 30s or 70s and think the dem party is still moderate you can’t convince..
September 29, 2020 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm #19053951Participantyichusdik you have no clue what his assets are worth. Lots of real estate people pay little in INCOME TAX. He’s paid more in property and payroll tax than you will ever pay in income tax in your life.
There are serial allegations against Biden also.
Biden helped his son in shady deals with Ukraine and China.
September 29, 2020 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm #1905394Reb EliezerParticipantFrom the Open Letter of Rav Shafran of the Aguda:
We must ensure that Israel is not used as a political weapon.
We must oppose efforts to turn support for Israel from a broad consensus into a wedge issue. Although we may rightly be concerned about trends regarding Israel in some corners, indicting an entire party as anti-Israel is not only inaccurate but has the potential of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Nor should any party’s strong support for Israel become a justification to blindly support its politicians in every other matter. We should advocate for Israel’s security and other needs without painting ourselves into a partisan corner.
We should vote as Jews, not partisans.
September 29, 2020 2:26 pm at 2:26 pm #1905411hershhParticipantif you listened to krias hatorah at mincha on yom kipur you will understand why you cannot vote for the dems. they are guilty of most of these aveiros and chas vesholom to support them. the same goes for histhe judges he appoints
September 29, 2020 2:27 pm at 2:27 pm #1905454Doing my bestParticipantIf Israel is the deciding factor for us, and i believe that it is for a majority of FRUM yidden, then you probably want to vote for Trump. Let’s face it, he’s the only president in recent years that managed to get anywhere. The old way of thinking never really worked.
If you are concerned about things like the country’s image, then Trump is probably not your man. Trump just doesn’t act presidential and he will always be plagued with scandals.
I think that’s basically the two trains of thought among most Frum voters.September 29, 2020 3:01 pm at 3:01 pm #1905473charliehallParticipant“the two trains of thought among most Frum voters.”
The train of thought among supposedly frum Trump supporters is that neither personal sexual morality, nor ethics in business, are part of the Torah any more. Trump has gone out of his way to flaunt these deviancies and his supporters don’t care.
The word for people who pick and choose which parts of the Torah matter used to be “Reform”.
September 29, 2020 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm #1905471charliehallParticipant“they are guilty of most of these aveiros”
That is of course a lie.
However, if you listened to the haftarah at Shacharit you would have seen why Trump is not someone any religious person can support.
September 29, 2020 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #1905488mobile246ParticipantMaking your vote in the US elections directly tied to a single issue really paints you into a corner.
Politicians that are for that issue know they will get your vote regardless of anything else they do, and politicians against that issue know they won’t get your vote.In the end neither politician is incentivized to look out for you & your needs and will throw you under the bus as soon as is convenient.
September 29, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1905498Reb EliezerParticipantMore of the above Open Letter:
Moral degradation infects a broad swath of the American political spectrum. In the camps of both liberals and conservatives, many political players are on a hyper-partisan quest for victory at all costs.
Good character and benevolent governance are devalued, contrition is seen as weakness and humility is confused with humiliation. Many politicians and media figures revel in dividing rather than uniting the citizens of our country. Others legitimize conspiracy theories. None of this is good for America, and certainly not for us Jews.
Shameless dissembling and personal indecency acted out in public before the entire country are, in the end, no less morally corrosive than the embrace of abortion-on-demand or the normalization of same-gender relationships. The integrity and impact of what we convey to our children and students about kedusha, tzni’us, emes, kavod habriyos and middos tovos are rendered hollow when contradicted by our admiration for, or even absence of revulsion at, politicians and media figures whose words and deeds stand opposed to what we Jews are called upon to embrace and exemplify.
These are not new problems. But the challenge seems to grow worse with time. If we don’t stop to seriously consider the negative impact of our community’s unhealthy relationship with the current political style, we risk further erosion of our ability to live lives dedicated to truly Jewish ideals.
September 29, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1905527Reb EliezerParticipantWhat can of Ohev Yisroel is that who gives a voice to white nationalists?
September 29, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1905543israelilamdanParticipantI noticed no one mentioned the executive order to about antisemitism on campuses something good for american Jews.
Besides would rather a Bush pr Biden who put a freeze on Israeli building causing huge losses to thousands of from people. Do you care only about american Jews and not brethren elsewhere? Ofcourse we should care about safety in IsraelSeptember 29, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1905550lowerourtuition11210Participantcharliehall: And Biden is so innocent?
September 29, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1905551jdf007Participant“mobile246
Has he? Please name what he’s done for American Jewry”I’m guessing no policy will ever be good enough. So what does he do personally? He defends them on television (for many, many years) and has always had them be his friend.? They teased his father for being supportive and called him Jewish.
The Democrats deleted Jerusalem from their platform, and is “infested” with anti-semites(to quote a word used by an Obama close friend/anti-semite).
Frankly, this is a silly question.
September 29, 2020 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm #1905570Amil ZolaParticipant“Kennedy was the last Democrat to do anything special for us…” Obama invested billions of US tax payer money in the defense of Israel. $20.5 billion for defense, $50 million for National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Ministry, $1.3 billion for the iron dome, an addition $38 billion in military aid (at $3.8 billion per year all opposed by Lindsay Graham and the republicans.)
September 30, 2020 12:09 am at 12:09 am #1905610Doing my bestParticipantCharliehall,
Maybe you don’t realize this, but the Presidents “relationships” don’t affect anything. Therefore it is not a problem to vote for the most abhorrent person in the world if you approve of his policy. Traditionally the Jewish *Orthodox* position in golus for hundreds or thousands of years has been that we don’t really care who the leader of the country is, as long as s/he benefits Frum yidden.
So whether it’s Clinton or Trump or Biden, I don’t really care about the personal life of the candidate. I only care how he will affect me and my fellow yidden.September 30, 2020 12:11 am at 12:11 am #1905616charliehallParticipantJust tonight, Trump refused to condemn white supremacists. In the past, Trump endorsed a neo-Nazi in a congressional primary and he still spouts anti-Semtic memes.
This is worse than Italian Jews supporting Mussolini. Mussolini did not support anti-Semtism in the early years of fascist rule. Trump has let us all know quite clearly that he supports those who hate us and will do us in if they have the chance.
September 30, 2020 10:31 am at 10:31 am #1905710charliehallParticipantLast night Trump issued directives to his violent Proud Boy supporters.
Here is what the founder of Proud Boys said about the Holocaust:
“I felt myself defending the super far-right Nazis just because I was sick of so much brainwashing and I felt like going, ‘Well, they never said it didn’t happen. What they’re saying is it was much less than six million and that they starved to death and weren’t gassed, that they didn’t have supplies”
And he blamed Jews for Stalin’s crimes against humanity:
“I think it was 10 million Ukrainians who were killed. That was by Jews. That was by Marxist, Stalinist, left-wing, commie, socialist Jews.”
Source is The Canadian Jewish News, March 17, 2017.
Oh, and a Proud Boy was the main organizer of the infamous Charlottesville rally whose neo-Nazi marchers shouted “Jews will not replace us”. Trump famously called them “very fine people”. The Proud Boys had to kick him out because he became too much of an embarrassment. Holocaust deniers have to maintain a facade of respectability. 🙁
No sane Jew could call someone who supports this an “Ohev Yisrael”. This is hate like we have not seen in generations. That any Jew supports Trump is a Chilul HaShem.
September 30, 2020 10:31 am at 10:31 am #1905721jackkParticipantSHOULD JEWS VOTE FOR A MAN THAT would not condemn a group like the Proud Boys whose founder Gavin McInnes said the following in a video?
“I felt myself defending the super far-right Nazis just because I was sick of so much brainwashing and I felt like going, ‘Well, they never said it didn’t happen. What they’re saying is it was much less than 6 million and that they starved to death and weren’t gassed, that they didn’t have supplies,’” he said, before adding, “I’m not saying it wasn’t gassing.”
He also blamed Jews for Josef Stalin’s starvation of millions of Ukrainians. “I think it was 10 million Ukrainians who were killed,” he said. “That was by Jews. That was by Marxist, Stalinist, left-wing, commie, socialist Jews.”
He then said Jews have a “whiny paranoid fear of Nazis.”
Instead Trump told them to “stand back and stand by”.
September 30, 2020 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm #1905807besalelParticipantjack and charliehall: the quotes from the standup bit mcinnis did in israel in 2017 are not fair. he was in israel on a pro-israel comedy tour and was doing standup comedy. yes, it was beyond our tastes for humor but it did not cross the line that is accepted (letza’areinu harav) as valid in the comedy circles. Among my sins, I enjoy listening to the comedy stations on siriusxm all the time and trust me, this is par for the course. I suppose people see it as acceptable because it is in the context of someone trying to be funny and is clearly someone overexaggerating things for the sake of humor. Whatever the case, it was very clearly said tongue in cheek and when taken in context was not hate speech. Mcinnis is not an anti-Semite.
October 1, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am #1905999emetemetParticipantall Americans planning to vote for Trump over the next five weeks — must be made to confront a simple truth: They are supporting a candidate who embraces violent white supremacists.
There is no way around it.
Invited at Tuesday’s presidential debate, in front of tens of millions of viewers, to condemn white supremacists and militias, the president of the United States declined. He then singled out, and made common cause with, one violent gang characterized by his own FBI as an extremist group with ties to white nationalism. Rather than tell that group, the Proud Boys, to stand down, Trump suggested they “stand back and stand by” — presumably, for further violence when needed.October 1, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am #1906004jewishcommonsenseParticipantShould Jews be voting for someone who describes veterans and fallen soldiers as losers and suckers?
where did you take that from? it’s I lie from the dems -
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