- This topic has 79 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 2 months ago by snowbunny3318.
January 16, 2013 11:14 pm at 11:14 pm #920960ChortkovParticipant
Please explain how you can possibly know this? Are you a moderator?
Everybody knows that the CR is not a place for Halachic psak, “ask your LOR” is a standard rule here. I should not have used the words definitely permitted. I am no Rav and I hope nobody uses my words to pasken anything.
However, I do not think there was anything wrong with what I wrote there – if you have a question of any sort, please feel free to respond!
You have quoted Rabbanim – Gedolei HaPoskim who I cannot argue with – maybe let’s try understand exactly what is Assur now! Based on my arguments above, why is it Gezeila?
(I did not address Sheker {I Agree}, although that shouldn’t be a problem with a CD I buy in a shop/copying somebody elses CD, because I didn’t click! I know absoultely nothing about ???? ????and I posted above about ???? ???????, which will turn out to be a ??????.)
Back to the discussion: Why is there a problem of me copying music from somebody else? Exactly what ????? is there?
January 16, 2013 11:36 pm at 11:36 pm #920961I can only tryMemberDaasYochid–
Perhaps enlist the help of “OneOfMany”? Her “troll radar” is far better than mine.
HaLeiVi –
I use the word processor quite a bit and the spreadsheet lightly without any issues.
January 16, 2013 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm #920962ChortkovParticipantThinking back, isn’t there a ????? in ??? ??? somewhere (I have never learnt ??? ???, but I have come across it somewhere else) about ????? ???, like a story of somebody who blocks the door to another guys shop, stopping shoppers buying things? Where there is no real ????? or ?????, nor is there ?????
January 17, 2013 12:59 am at 12:59 am #920963jbaldy22Member@ICOT I have seen it in print in his name all though this was years ago so it will be difficult to find and I have heard about it from people who heard it from him. I can try to send someone to ask him about it. From what I heard his reasoning was because it is not sold on the market any more it is not assur. This would also make sense if its maasig gvul. I am not going to claim that I fully understand it and it might not extend to microsoft products as microsoft sells their older products (again maasig gvul is only by a Jew so it may not apply there either). I believe the original question was about davka writer. My second (good) proof was from the fact then when asked the question about the i wouldnt have bought it svara he didnt just say its gneiva either way – he just said that the logic doesnt follow.
The reason youve never heard anyone talking about my nochri distinction is because no posek in their right mind would ever want to be quoted on such a thing.
Also by the way the government doesnt prosecute pirates any more they only prosecute uploaders – you could probably download a program in front of a cop and they wouldnt do anything to you. Which is why similarly to HUD dina dmalchusa would not apply according to many poskim. Dina Dmalchusa is drabanan see the gemora in bava kama about boreich es hameches for more details.
I happen to partial to google docs because it allows a lot collaboration but don’t try putting in too many formulas into a spreadsheet or too many lines because it will go haywire.
January 17, 2013 1:17 am at 1:17 am #920964HaLeiViParticipantWhich Lav is Dina D’malchusa? Unless Rav Belsky meant Geneiva, when Dina D’malchusa dictates who something belongs to or which rights he has. Whenever you’ll find Dina D’malchusa it is in this context. The Malchus has the ability to be Kove’a certain things. We probably depend on that for the Kinyan of checks and wire-transfers.
Tosafos in Bava Basra 2b learns that Hezek She’eino Nikkar means a Hezek that isn’t obvious, not necessarily that the loss is not physical. Therefore, planting grapes too close to someone’s field is a Hezek Nikkar, while putting a Sheretz on fruits is not obvious because we can’t tell if they are Muchshar.
Yekke, I think that about your case it just says that you can call him a Rasha.
Let’s not forget, Ve’asisa Hayashar Vehatov. This applies to Dina D’baal Metzra, Ani Hamehapech Bacharara and Hashavas Aveida Lefnim Mishuras Hadin.
January 17, 2013 1:42 am at 1:42 am #920965I can only tryMemberyekke2-
First and most importantly, please accept my apology for the harsh tone of my first post to you on this thread.
Now, for some replies:
‘yekke2’ further attempted to post links to illegal piracy websites, but was blocked by the moderators
I simply remembered these posts:
As far as my disagreement(s) with what you brought down, I don’t really have much to add that I didn’t already say on the earlier thread.
Whether I agree or not isn’t important. I suggest you discuss some of your points with a magid shiur or Rosh Yeshiva. Some of what you say is logical, and as a halacha discussion, there really isn’t any downside to discussing it.
I learned several perakim in Bava Kama, but not the entire mesechta.
A Google search for that case brings up this page that mentions it as a case in the Yerushalmi that is patur b’dinei adam v’chayav b’dinai shomayim:
January 17, 2013 2:29 am at 2:29 am #920966I can only tryMemberjbaldy22–
“From what I heard his reasoning was because it is not sold on the market any more it is not assur.“
Ah, that may be different. There is an ethical debate about copying “abandonware”, and further, Rav Belsky permits the copying of music that’s no longer available for sale anywhere: “A CD or tape which is no longer sold in stores and is not possible to buy may be copied from a friend. However, one must make sure that the item is really not available for purchase. Many old tapes are still being sold online (by the original producer or someone who bought the rights to them).“
Source: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/weekly_torah.php?id=398
“My second (good) proof was from the fact then when asked the question about the i wouldnt have bought it svara he didnt just say its gneiva either way – he just said that the logic doesnt follow.“
This can also be read that the logic doesn’t follow and therefore it’s g’neiva.
“The reason youve never heard anyone talking about my nochri distinction is because no posek in their right mind would ever want to be quoted on such a thing.“
Maybe, maybe not. This is a instance of more to discuss, but not on a public forum (sorry).
“Also by the way the government doesnt prosecute pirates any more they only prosecute uploaders – you could probably download a program in front of a cop and they wouldnt do anything to you. Which is why similarly to HUD dina dmalchusa would not apply according to many poskim.“
Interesting svora. I wasn’t aware that the govt. either officially or unofficially doesn’t go after illegal downloaders. Have you actually heard this from a rov?
BTW, I have no idea what HUD aspect you’re referring to, but I suspect it may also be a “non-public-forum” issue.
“Which Lav is Dina D’malchusa? “
I don’t know. This was just a quick question I asked at the end of a discussion, and I didn’t follow up.
“Unless Rav Belsky meant Geneiva, when Dina D’malchusa dictates who something belongs to or which rights he has. Whenever you’ll find Dina D’malchusa it is in this context. The Malchus has the ability to be Kove’a certain things. We probably depend on that for the Kinyan of checks and wire-transfers.“
Once again, I don’t know. If an unethical “chochom” tries to play games based on the differences between a halachik kinyan and U.S. law, I don’t know how that would be handled.
“Tosafos in Bava Basra 2b learns that Hezek She’eino Nikkar means a Hezek that isn’t obvious, not necessarily that the loss is not physical. Therefore, planting grapes too close to someone’s field is a Hezek Nikkar, while putting a Sheretz on fruits is not obvious because we can’t tell if they are Muchshar.“
True, Tosfos is clearly using the term “nikar” to mean “you can tell while the damage is being done that it is a hezek”, such as klayim still attached to the ground.
“Let’s not forget, Ve’asisa Hayashar Vehatov. “
I strongly agree.
Let’s not forget that people’s parnasa is dependent on their getting paid for their work. Or, in Rav Belsky’s words, “That’s very important to remember. Someone sweated nights and invested money and time in order to create a certain item that the public is interested in, and then he’s ready to sell it. And then it turns out that some Napster type of enterprise gets its hands on it, and people end up paying zero for it.”
January 17, 2013 2:44 am at 2:44 am #9209675fivetownsParticipantjbaldy22, Since Microsoft is still selling Windows 8, older versions of Windows couldn’t be copied under the theory that is no longer selling Windows 7 or Vista, since the current version is still on the market.
Also, can someone explain the halachic logic why Reb Moshe calls copying “gezel”? Does he mean that in the halachic sense that it falls under actual gezeila or is he using that term in a colloquial sense? If he means halachic gezeila, what is the halachic logic that copying constitutes gezel?
January 17, 2013 8:57 am at 8:57 am #920968HaLeiViParticipant5five, the reason I mentioned examples of non physical damage that Chazal reckoned with is to allow for the possibility of intelectual property to be considered stolen Al Pi Din.
The law adapted to the new circumstance. Halacha probably recognizes it too, based on Dina D’malchusa. It might also be a twist on Geneivas Daas. Stealing someone’s mindwork shouldn’t be worse than tricking. It is actually stealing somebody’s work.
If a Poel does work you must pay him. If you hire someone to dye your clothing and then secretly stick in more clothing that would be stealing his work. If you would be paying for the job of making a CD or if you would commission a programmer to write you a sophisticated program, you would be paying by the hour.
If someone makes the program on his own in order to sell it, he is essencially doing your work before you ask for it, and spreading the cost to all the customers. By giving another would-have-been customer his ready made job you are stealing that Chelek of work from the Poel.
January 17, 2013 9:19 am at 9:19 am #920969YW Moderator-42ModeratorFWIW, I have heard from someone who heard directly from R’ Elyashiv that copying software is only assur if it is owned by Jews or will cause a Chilul Hashem (the opposite of what R’ Hoffman stated in the article quoted above). He also said that although it may not be assur, there is no mitzvah to do it either.
January 17, 2013 11:26 am at 11:26 am #9209705fivetownsParticipantHaleivi, your explanation sounds reasonable but Reb Moshe didnt explain it to mean that in his teshuva. Perhaps Reb Moshe only used the term colloquially? You also need to distinguish between a case where the copy caused a lost sale and where it did not.
January 17, 2013 12:28 pm at 12:28 pm #920971snowbunny3318MemberBut also, isn’t there a way for software companies to track down how many computers something is installed on (such as through registering your software), also what about purchasing software such as crossover, so that you can have pc applications work on your macbook (I have that application, so that I can use davkawriter on my macbook), is that ok? Or should I go out and buy a second pc laptop so that my davka writer can work on that?
January 17, 2013 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm #920972☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant42,
Interesting. What’s even more interesting to me is that if true, that would dispel a theory of mine, that if it’s not geneiva, there might be issues of lo s’chonem to purchase what is available b’chinom. It would seem that plain and simple fairness makes it a benefit for the purchaser to pay for what he uses.
Interesting theory. It would explain very nicely the distinction between a case of a lost sale and a case where there is no lost sale, because the poel only worked for those who would purchase the item.
January 17, 2013 2:13 pm at 2:13 pm #920973ChortkovParticipantI must agree to ICOT that at least Hashkafically one shouldn’t copy music/software that would cause a loss to the producer/singer.
January 17, 2013 2:18 pm at 2:18 pm #920974☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantSb,
What’s crossover? It sounds like an program that converts a pc based program to Mac based program, is that correct?
Davka, IIRC, allows two installations, one on a pc and one on a laptop, as long as they’re not used simultaneously. Assuming they don’t make a Mac version, I can’t see why it’s a problem, and it might be ok even if they do. You should contact them; I understand the owner is an ehrliche Yid and reasonable.
January 17, 2013 2:24 pm at 2:24 pm #920975MedizinerMemberWas Hillel commiting gezeila when he went to the roof to listen to the shiur, when he could not afford to pay to come to the shiur?
January 17, 2013 2:25 pm at 2:25 pm #920976☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantI just checked on Davka’s site. It seems that they make Davkawriter7 in a Mac version, but not 6.
This is from their FAQ section:
How do I run DavkaWriter 6 on my Mac?
Posted on February 16, 2011 by Davka Tech Support
DavkaWriter is, essentially, a Windows program. There is no Mac version.
If you use Windows on your Mac, as many Mac users do, or if you use Windows emulation or virtualization, you can run DavkaWriter in that configuration.
Some alternatives for this are:
Those all require the user to have a copy of Windows XP, Vista, or 7. These alternatives provide full DavkaWriter functionality.
January 17, 2013 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm #920977☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantJanuary 17, 2013 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm #920978snowbunny3318MemberThe people that work for davka recommended that I use it instead of purchasing mellel, the word processor for mac because of some reason (I forgot what they said…).
January 17, 2013 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm #920979☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantThey recommended that you don’t purchase their product? Now THAT’s ehrlich.
January 17, 2013 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm #920980snowbunny3318Memberwhat does ehrlich mean?
January 17, 2013 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #920981I can only tryMemberHaLeiVi–
That’s an interesting svora, and well thought out.
The only thing is, while Rav Belsky mentioned the fact that someone sweated over the product’s creation, that point seemed more from the ethical perspective than halacha.
“… if it’s not geneiva, there might be issues of lo s’chonem to purchase what is available b’chinom.“
That occurred to me, too.
As far as the link you posted, yep.
One more on this thread, too.
“what does ehrlich mean?“
Honest. Straight. Righteous. Ethical.
The opposite of dishonest, slippery, unethical, sleazy, deceptive.
January 17, 2013 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm #920982☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantICOT,
That makes 5five?
January 17, 2013 8:28 pm at 8:28 pm #920983I can only tryMemberDaasYochid-
January 17, 2013 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm #920984ItcheSrulikMemberMaybe he meant abandonware like OS/2?
January 17, 2013 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm #920985snowbunny3318Memberisn’t OS/2 for MacBooks?
January 17, 2013 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm #920986🐵 ⌨ GamanitParticipantOS means Operating System. Every computer has an operating system. I think he’s referring to a much older operating system from the early 1990’s…
January 17, 2013 10:34 pm at 10:34 pm #920987snowbunny3318MemberOk, I got it.
January 20, 2013 5:00 am at 5:00 am #920988ThePurpleOneMembersnowbunny-
ehrlich means honest:)
January 20, 2013 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm #920989snowbunny3318MemberThank you for clarifying.
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