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- This topic has 87 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 9 months ago by ☕ DaasYochid ☕.
June 5, 2011 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm #775006ChachamParticipant
shlishi you obviously missed the boat
The fact that some of those gedolim were against zionism have very little shayachos weather there was a neis in 67 and it is good we got the kosel back.
The point is when a neis is done to klal yisrael are job is to thank hashem. It is quite obvious from the tzitz eliezer that he is thanking hashem for the nissim
whether zionism itself is good or evil i believe there are around 50 other forums about this on ywn
June 5, 2011 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm #775007shlishiMemberAs mentioned, the same people that “got it back” are the ones that caused its loss in the first place.
June 5, 2011 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm #775008goldenkintMemberYom Yerushalayim is not about the idf and not about tsiyonim. every Jew should thank Hashem for the wonderful chessed HaSHEM did of returning the koSel to us and many other Holy places(kever Rachel, Maaras Hamachpela, Kever Shmuel Hanavi , etc.). it is well documented that the entire 6 day war was a series of Nissim Geluyim that even totally secular soldiers felt Yad HaSHem. yes, the Geula hasn’t come yet and we daven for it every day, but Thanks should be given for what Hashem has given us so far.
A few other points:
1) the original Chovevei Tzion were all ChaREIDI RABBANIM and frum yidden who believed it was a mitzvah to live in and work the land of israel AND ONLy LATER DID THE sECULAR ZIONISTS GET INVOLVED WITH ALIYAH.
2)The Arabs never were sovereign is Erets Yisrael. it didn’t belong to them, we didn’t take anything from them. The Land was desolate until the first Jewish settlers-Chovevei Tsion bought land and began to work on it. previously there were yidden living in tsfat , and yerushalayim, Gedolim, Mekubalim, Talmedai Hgra, but no Palestinian /arab government. The ottoman/Turkish empire controlled Erets Yisrael., later Arabs from surrounding countries came to work in the land that jewish people had purchased from absentee landlords. descriptions of Erets yisrael by visitors as late as 1870 described the land as a wilderness. in this Hashem was fulfilling his promise to us that the land will remain desolate and no other people will be able to build it up, it won’t blossom for anyone else except Am yisrael.
It is a mistake to say that the Tsionim were armed to the teeth in 1948. They had a pitifully small amount of weapons and Hashem fought that war for us as He has since then. Logically we shouldn’t have won in 1948 or in 1967 and don’t err as others have and say “bikochi vi’otsem Yadi” because it is Hashem who has fought for us and who protects us till this day. Every day for years rockets fall down on us from gaza and Hashem directs them where they cause the least damage. thousands of rockets have fallen and BeChasdei Hashem you can count the casualties on the fingers of your hand.
June 5, 2011 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm #775009ChachamParticipantgoldenkint thank you
also about the chasam sofers opinion, if you use is for kidsha rishona and kedushas yerushalayim look at the words of the chasam sofer in succah 36a dh ????
June 5, 2011 8:42 pm at 8:42 pm #775010HealthParticipantChacham – You totally missed my point and tried to make me look like I don’t know what I’m talking about. I really wasn’t going into the Machlokes Rabbam & Raavad. My point was the kedusha isn’t the same as before, so I doubt you could find one Poisek that would tell you “Ok, divorce your wife because she won’t move to the old city with you”. With all the double talk, you think you proved my wrong. My point had nothing to do with that Machlokes directly.
June 5, 2011 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #775011mikehall12382MemberIsrael has survived and flourished despite great odds. If that isn’t the “hand” of HAshem I don’t know what is…go to the kotel see Jews of all walks of Life davening together, it’s a remarkable to see a
Soilder, chossid, safardi, litvak, modern, and secular standing together in complete awe…once you experience that you’ll see that Jewish control of Jerusalem is a precious peek to what the end of galus will look like…HAshem controls everything including jewish (israel) control over our holy city…if it’s deemed we no longer deserve it then HAshem may allow ISraels neighbors to take it over, but until then I believe that there is a reason why Israel controls jerusalem
June 5, 2011 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #775012charliehallParticipant‘As mentioned, the same people that “got it back” are the ones that caused its loss in the first place.’
The people responsible for the Kamza/Bar Kamza incident got it back? Gee, I didn’t know that!
“The Arabs never were sovereign is Erets Yisrael.”
Not true; Arabs ruled Eretz Yisrael from the 7th to the 11th centuries. We can thank them, too, for kicking out the anti-Semitic Byzantines.
June 5, 2011 8:52 pm at 8:52 pm #775013HealthParticipantgoldenkint – I don’t understand you “frum” Tzionim. I already posted this before- “This statement I agree with, but most celebrating Yom Yerushalyim are celebrating the Medina and not Hashem!”
“Yom Yerushalayim is not about the idf and not about tsiyonim…”
Why do you keep posting this falsehood? Except for the few “frum” Tzionim, most Zionists & Israelis are celebrating the “Medina”! Keep talking it into yourselves that it has to do with Hashem and his Nissim! And just because Hashem is doing and has done Nissim, doesn’t mean the Geula has started (Ischalta D’geula)!
June 5, 2011 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm #775014charliehallParticipant“Every single Godol who belonged to the Agudah”
Another false statement from the Anti-Zionists. Rav Soloveitchik z’tz’l was the a member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudath Israel of America. And he was a Zionist, as was his father.
The viciousness expressed here would not be accepted by the gedolim of the past. Rav Kook z’tz’l had great relations with the charedi rabbis of his time, and ditto Rav Soloveitchik z’tz’l. And the respect went both ways — my rav told me that Rav Soloveitchik would defer to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach on some halachic issues.
June 5, 2011 8:56 pm at 8:56 pm #775015charliehallParticipant“This statement I agree with, but most celebrating Yom Yerushalyim are celebrating the Medina and not Hashem!”
I can only speak for myself. I recite Hallel on those days as a thanks to the One who made it all possible.
“just because Hashem is doing and has done Nissim, doesn’t mean the Geula has started (Ischalta D’geula)”
My rav told me that Rav Soloveitchik z’tz’l did not like “reshit semichat geulateinu”.
June 5, 2011 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #775016shlishiMemberOh please, Charlie. Rabbi Soloveitchik wasn’t an Agudist, even if he was at one time in his life he long left it.
BTW, do you have any authoritative citation that you can show us that he was ever an Agudist?
June 5, 2011 9:08 pm at 9:08 pm #775017ChachamParticipant“This statement I agree with, but most celebrating Yom Yerushalyim are celebrating the Medina and not Hashem!”
So how come you wrote ” We are still in Golus and goyim still go up everyday onto the Har Habayis. This is a terrible disgrace. So what are you celebrating exactly?”
This post was started asking how come there was no mention of the great nes of 28 iyar on ywn. It was not started asking all of us to sing hava nagila and hatikva. So yes I do celebrate the nes of 67 which was carried out al yedie the tzahal. I do not idealize the idf at all, but without them many of our brothers throats will be slit. read the news what happened on the syrian border today.
And Heath, the din of hakol maalin is nogeah bizman hazeh . I am not making this up look in the shulchan aruch even haezer siman 75
June 5, 2011 9:31 pm at 9:31 pm #775018charliehallParticipant“BTW, do you have any authoritative citation that you can show us that he was ever an Agudist?”
Do I need a source to show us that the sky is blue? A quick Google search will find dozens of examples.
June 5, 2011 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #775019HealthParticipantChacham – So you believe you can divorce your wife if she won’t come with you to live in the old city? Do you have any Poiskim that agree with you?
“So how come you wrote -We are still in Golus and goyim still go up everyday onto the Har Habayis. This is a terrible disgrace. So what are you celebrating exactly?”
“This statement I agree with, but most celebrating Yom Yerushalyim are celebrating the Medina and not Hashem!”
In this order do you understand now? They are celebtating the Medina (IMO), so what did the Medina do so great? They angered the goyim causing a war in ’48 and a progrom in ’29. And even though they liberated the Kosel, if they cared a twit about Hashem and his Kovod, they would have liberated the Har Habayis too. So these wars have nothing to do with Yiddishkeit and we owe them absolutely No Hakoras Hatov! All the Nissim are not occuring because of people Whom Don’t keep the Torah!
June 5, 2011 9:57 pm at 9:57 pm #775020goldenkintMemberyou owe Hashem Hakoras Hatov! and the people who serve and protect are not those who sit in the government and make policies, and they deserve Hakoras Hatov too.. unless you have never entered erets yisrael you also owe them Hakoras hatov for allowing jews to enter freely and live freely in erets yisrael, and keep mitsvos and learn Torah. in Erets yisrael,. if you don’t enter erets yisrael then that is something else. i never said to thank the medina, i said to thank Hashem. mostly everyone who does celebrate Yom yerushalayim is frum.
by the way, in Israel the definition of frum and not frum is quite different. Here let me describe a “not frum” person, over 90% of the Jews fast on Yom kippur, Have a seder, over 80% keep kosher homes, even among the not-frum, most people light candles and make kiddush friday night,.these are the not frum people. halevai the not frum Americans should be that frum! and by the way nobody said the nissim are occurring because of these or the other people. We don’t know why Hashem does what He does. but it is true that through your actions you become a tool for Hashem to use to achieve the reality He chooses. If you choose to learn in Yeshiva then you are a tool in providing zechusim for Klal yisrael, and help uphold the world, and if someone chooses to serve in the idf then they are a tool that Hashem uses to protect Klal yisrael. And if Chas Vechalila someone chooses to be a thief or a murderer then Hashem allows them to and they become Hashem’s tool also.
June 5, 2011 9:58 pm at 9:58 pm #775021HaKatanParticipantRe: Lemony Snicket:
“Ever heard of the 1929 arab pogroms? Almost 20 years before the “medina” was even created, arab savages murdered 133 Jews including 68 in Hebron just for the simple fact that they were living in the land of their Forefathers. It’s almost as if you’re making an excuse for the arab brutalities. “
You’re inventing reasons for what the savages did. And you’re wrong, according to people who were there, like Rabbi Kaplan. Have you ever heard of “Shema Yisrael HaKosel Shelanu HaKosel Echad” which was a “religious zionist” idea at the time? This inflamed the savages (who were told that Al Aqsa was being threatened) and they acted like the barbarians they are.
So the Chevron Massacre does NOT at all indicate that the Arabs hated us before Zionism as Zionism actually pre-dated both the State and the Chevron Massacre by a good number of decades and the massacre did not happen in a vacuum.
None of this is intended to in any way excuse the savages for what they did. But it is also fallacious to say Zionism had nothing to do with it.
June 5, 2011 9:59 pm at 9:59 pm #775022ChachamParticipantLast I checked poskm do not come to agree with the shulchAn Aruch. And FYI on yom kippur of 1928 there was riots at the kosel killing the mispAllim whom were ultra orthodox just because they were praying to rebuild the temple and they went nuts when they blew the shofar by Neilah . Only after this did the violence really start. So davening at the kosel in a way caused the whole matzavv . I guess you will be reallecting obama who wants to return the old city and the kosell and much of the land Aquired by the
Massey satan “naska” of 1967
June 5, 2011 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm #775023ChachamParticipantWe are not talking About hAkaras hatov to the medina.that is regulAr Shlomo shel malchus. We are talking about what the maskana is. That is the ability to live in the old city and davening at the kosel,. This is a good maskana so we celebrate it. A neiss can happen Through a radish . This has always been the case. In navi you have this many times such as the havtorah of metzorah in which four metzoraim discover wheat And flower for the Jews who had a very bad drought . These metzorahs were according to the Gemara in Sanhedrin , gechazhi and his sons who have no cheileck in plan haba
June 5, 2011 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm #775024HaKatanParticipantYom Yerushalayim and all Zionist holidays are de facto, if not de jure, neutral if not sad days as any Zionist victory is built on their massive failure and tremendous damage they inflicted on us before that (and afterwards).
It would be (somewhat) like making a Yom Tov to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Was this a bright moment in a terribly bleak time? Definitely. Is it a cause for celebration? I don’t think so.
Is it nice to be able to go to the Kosel? Yes. Does that mean Yom Yerushalayim should be celebrated? I don’t see why it should, given the history and the facts, even if one doesn’t consider this to be further illegal hisgarus baUmos which would mean it’s definitely not a cause for celebration.
Had Zionism not started back in the 1800s, it is quite likely we would have access to worship at the Kosel even without Zionism. I have yet to hear anyone disprove or even suggest a plausible reason that this would not be the case.
Given all the political upheaval of two world wars in the last century, it is overwhelmingly likely that had Zionism not started, (Moshiach would have been here by now and) Eretz Yisrael would have been no different than the UK or any of its former colonies, which is to say Jews would have been free to worship anywhere and to buy the same lands they now own there and to build there whatever they want just as is done in chutz laaretz. Yeshivos, shuls, et al.
That is a definite possibility. Is it certain that this would have happened? No. But is it a definite possibility? Absolutely. Anyone who denies this has either been blinded by Zionism and is not being objective.
So there is no reason to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim or any other Israeli holiday because Zionism was opposed by (most) all gedolim, not just Rabbi Teitelbaum of Satmar, and Zionism is clearly nothing to celebrate (that much is painfully obvious in retrospect) and, therefore, neither are its “bright spots” (assuming it is even an overall bright spot).
June 5, 2011 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm #775025ChachamParticipantShema yisrael hakosel shelamu was said as a response to
the lynching on yom kippur in 28. This was said after they put a.mechitZa at the wall against the will of the British and Arabs .
June 5, 2011 11:28 pm at 11:28 pm #775026ItcheSrulikMemberSome of us want to be zocheh to ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? others are waiting to be dragged up kicking and screaming that they want to stay here.
June 5, 2011 11:54 pm at 11:54 pm #775027Pac-ManMemberSome of us think the medina is the geula. Others are waiting for Moshiach.
June 6, 2011 12:03 am at 12:03 am #775028ChachamParticipantand some waiting for moshiach are also mekayeim mitzvas yishuv ha’aretz. I am writing this from the airport. I iy”h am zoche to be oileh regel for shevous.
June 6, 2011 12:29 am at 12:29 am #775029mikehall12382MemberHakatan… Sad very sad indeed… Maybe if your family emerged from the ashes of Europe and settled in Israel, you would sing a different tune. My family has witnessed first hand the miracle of the modern Jewish state.
June 6, 2011 1:51 am at 1:51 am #775030HaKatanParticipantMike, it is indeed sad.
While it may or may not be miraculous, it has also been very disastrous. Did your family also witness the atrocities of the Yaldei Teiman to the many other spiritual and physical atrocities from then all the way forward to things like the Oslo abomination and the various vicious expulsions of Jews at the hand of Jews or other Israelis? It is extremely sad, indeed, what brought about this State and what it has done to those it ironically claims it best protects, regardless of who does or does not live there. Has your family retained its strong pre-war Judaism in a supportive Jewish environment? Has your family been exposed to good Jewish values, or was it the anti-Torah post-Jewish Zionist values (including the IDF and its gender-mixing issues, regardless of the noble work they do in defending the lives of the Jews living there now that the Zionists insisted on a State)?
In fact, there are a great many yeshivos and many gedolim who live in Israel, and I alluded to that in my prior post. But that doesn’t change the facts of what happened and what is right and what is not right. It only supplies more fuel for fallacious rhetoric in an attempt to kasher this Chazir that, sadly, is even more like an Egel HaZahav than chazir.
From a practical perspective, as I’ve often written on these boards, Israel is a reality and it has placed itself responsible for millions of our brethren. This is not a flippant matter but one that requires a prudent practical approach now that Israel is a reality and the facts on the ground are what they are. But this does not excuse Zionism nor condone it in any way. It only further clarifies the disaster that Zionism was and is for Jews as a people.
June 6, 2011 2:28 am at 2:28 am #775031bochur1818Participant@Health: I respectfully fundamentally disagree with your position. I actually find your words to be somewhat offensive. If Hashem gives us control and sovereignty over the medinah, how could we not celebrate it? it’s almost like saying to Hashem “thanks for your most generous gift, but I don’t want it.” How could you say such a thing? If this isn’t the beginning of the geulah, then what is? Why be so negative? To bring a textual proof, just look what happened to Chizkiyahu… Hashem did something great for him, he didn’t thank Hashem properly (now a days Hallel – I agree, without a bracha), and then the geulah didn’t happen. We learn that had Chizkiyahu thanked Hashem properly, mashiach would’ve come! Our job is to live as frum yiddin, thank Hashem for what he has given us (how is the medinah any different), and support our fellow Jews!
June 6, 2011 4:35 am at 4:35 am #775032HealthParticipantbochur1818 – You say you are a bochur, but where are you learning, that teaches such Crum thinking?
“If Hashem gives us control and sovereignty over the medinah, how could we not celebrate it?”
Hashem gave us control or the Tzionim took it?
“thanks for your most generous gift,”
Hashem will give us this gift with the coming of Moshiach!
“If this isn’t the beginning of the geulah, then what is?”
“(how is the medinah any different)”
It’s Kefirah and it’s based on Kefirah!
June 6, 2011 5:25 am at 5:25 am #775033Dovid S.MemberHealth, stop the personal insults. True that there are some Kofrim in the Medina, but you cannot say it dosen’t accomodate Yidden.
Of course HaKadosh Boruch Hu gave us control! Heard about those nisim he did for our “maase satan”
Pacman- I am waiting for Moshiach, but I am being mekayem mitzvas Yishuv Haaretz.
HaKatan- All those things you said are problems. BUT it was made possible by people like Dorit Beinish, Ehud Barak, etc. (wanna-be Goyim, mostly assimilated European Jews). The government is mostly pro-yishuv haaretz, and everyone hates those people. Believe me when I say that the so-called “Supreme Court” is going to be dissolved soon. Barak is embroiled in scandals and rushing to expel Jews before he goes the same way Olmert did.
All Gedolim? Not really.
You are so negative…is America so great? Tell me, is Obama a kofer? Israel is better than America, Reform/Conservative are assimilating and in the meantime synagogues are firebombed.
HaKatan, there is something called Jihad, it started in the 1800’s and the Marines had to go to Libya to put it down (“shores of tripoli” in marine corps. song refers to that). It was only a matter of time before they would attack Jews in Israel as well, as part of cleansing infidels. Why this defeatist mentality? We won, now let’s thank Hashem. Instead we call it a disaster. Ungrateful…
June 6, 2011 5:36 am at 5:36 am #775035bochur1818ParticipantHealth – I found that comment to be very offensive. We all have our different opinions, so there’s no reasons to use “names”, especially to other frum yidden.
1) I don’t understand why you say the “tzionim” took it. What is that supposed to mean? We are all tzionim for we say 3 times a day (vesechezeyna eineyn beshuvcha letzion). Now, I understand that that means the Beis Hamikdash being rebuilt and Mashiach coming, but that has to start with the medinah. How do you explain the wars we miraculously won! The answer is Hashem! Hashem gave it to us. Had we merely “taken it” like you said, we would all be dead by now!
2) Part of the gift has been given, and if we all continue to serve Hashem to the best of our capabilities, the rest is on its way! This is “reishit smichat legeulateinu”!!!
3) How could you say such a thing? kefirah? We finally have a Jewish state! Look at all the yeshivos and bnei Torah funded by the government! kefirah? No, it’s not! You can’t expect everything to be perfect and run religiously, it’s a process. We can’t shut off doors because we’re not at the “perfect stage” yet. We need to work toward it.
I think it’s very important that we support Eretz Yisrael, and it’s status as a state right now. Especially, with what’s going on right now, the last thing we want is Anti-semites taking it over. Can you just imagine what would happen? No more yeshivas, no more kotel, etc. We need to support our fellow Jews as well as Eretz Yisrael. Whether you believe that it’s the beginning of the geulah is a personal choice. The fact that we have to support it isn’t an option. Am Yisrael Chai, and may the geulah come speedily in our days!
June 6, 2011 7:37 am at 7:37 am #775037m in IsraelMemberSomewhat off topic, but the MBD song referenced in the title and the second post has nothing to do with Yom Yerushalayim. It was talking about the Mormon attempt to build a missionary center (officially a Mt. Scopus branch of their Brigham Young University) in Yerushalayim in the early 1980’s, hence the use of the term “not for sale” (they purchased a large plot of land to do it, with the encouragement of then mayor of Yerushalayim, Teddy Kollek). If you listen to the words of the song there is a reference that they should go back to “Utah”, the Mormom capital.
June 6, 2011 9:03 am at 9:03 am #775038mikehall12382MemberHealth, what kind of Jew insults ones Torah learning as you have just done in your post above? CAlling his learning crum? That is a major insult to many highly regarded rabbonim who do in fact support the Medina.
I am shocked that your personal attach on BRochur1818 learning was allowed through by the mods. I have never seen such a hateful attack.
You and YWN should be embarrassed for starting and allowing such insults.
Health your statement went above a respectful debate of two conflicting ideologies, it was personal and a low blow.
Bochur1818, I know as a young person it is shocking to see such hatefulness within the frum world. As you get older unfortunately this is something that you will see more and more of.
If the above post isn’t clear as to why we are still and gallus and are still waiting for our redemption I don’t know what is.
I hope I am not the only one to speak out on this
June 6, 2011 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm #775039chocandpatienceMemberm in israel: “If you listen to the words of the song there is a reference that they should go back to “Utah”, the Mormom capital. “
thanks for the explanation. I never could work out what he was saying.
June 6, 2011 2:36 pm at 2:36 pm #775040HealthParticipantDovid – “but you cannot say it dosen’t accomodate Yidden.”
I never said it didn’t. Don’t put words in my mouth!
June 6, 2011 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm #775041HealthParticipantbochur – “Had we merely “taken it” like you said, we would all be dead by now!”
Just because a person/people do/does something wrong doesn’t mean Hashem destroys you on the spot. It’s called Bechira.
“This is “reishit smichat legeulateinu”!!!
Bochur -This statement is Kefira.
Even Charlie said – “My rav told me that Rav Soloveitchik z’tz’l did not like “reshit semichat geulateinu”.
“We finally have a Jewish state! Look at all the yeshivos and bnei Torah funded by the government! kefirah?”
Yup, it is! Obviously them supporting Bnei Torah and yeshivos isn’t, but the ideology is!
June 6, 2011 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm #775042HealthParticipantMike -“I have never seen such a hateful attack.”
And I thought my attack on BT’s was the most hateful.
Mike makeup your mind!
“Bochur1818, I know as a young person it is shocking to see such hatefulness within the frum world. As you get older unfortunately this is something that you will see more and more of.”
Unfortunately the Torah says -“If you hate, you get hated back”.
If you hate the frum Jews against the Medina, then you get hated back! May I remind you that this topic was started cursing out yidden who don’t celebrate Yom Yerushalayim.
If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!
June 6, 2011 3:57 pm at 3:57 pm #775043Dovid S.MemberGedolim who supported the Medina and Zionism
1) Ramban Shir Hashirim 8:12. 2) Radak Tehillim 146:3. 3) Seder Hayom by Rabeinu Moshe ben Machir. 4) Or HaChayim Vayikra 25:25 Bamidbar 24:17. 5) HaGra Kol HaTor 1:3. 6) Rabbi Chaim Palagi Artzos HaChayim 9:9, 10:44. 7) Rabbi Avraham of Trisk Magen Avraham al HaTorah Vaera 4. 8) Rabbi Yisrael Yehoshua Trunk Yeshuos Malco Yoreh Deah 66. 9) Rabbi Eliyahu Gutmacher Shivas Tzion Vol. 2: pg. 40, Nefesh Chaya Orach Chayim 1. 10) Rabbi Yehuda Alkalai Raglei Mevaser pg. 620. 11) Chafetz Chayim Kitzur Toldos HaChafetz Chayim pgs. 43,69,75, Shem Olam Perek 14. 12) Meshech Chochma in a letter to “Keren HaYesod”. 13) Netziv Shivas Tzion Vol. 2: pg. 18. 14) Malbim Shivas Tzion Vol. 2: pg. 3. 15) HaRav Kook. 16) Rabbi Avraham Dov Shapira Igros HaRaayah 3:316-317. 17) Rabbi Aba Yaakov HaKohen Burachov Shivas Tzion pg. 97. 18) Rabbi Ben Tzion Chai Uziel Michmnei Uziel Vol. 2: pg. 321. 19) Rabbi Ovadyah Hadayah in the Intro. to Shut Yaskil Avdi Vol. 6. 20) Rabbi Yitzchak Nisim Yad HaRav Nisim. 21) Rabbi Mordechai Atiyah Machseh VeOz pgs. 16,17,19,20,21,38,41,43,46. 22) Rabbi Amram Aburbyah Nesivei Am Drashos pgs. 70,103,153,220,236,239. 23) Rabbi Moshe Kalfon HaKohen Torah VeChayim pg. 106. 24) Rabbi Chayim Churi Chayei Chayim pg. 240. 25) Rabbi Rachamim Chai Chavaytah HaKohen Minchas Kohen pg. 10, Keser Kehunah pgs. 36,125. 26) Rabbi Refael Kadir Tzavan Intro. to Zerah Yaakov. 27) Rabbi Shlomo Mazuz. 28) Rabbi David Sakli Lech David Vayechi pg. 24. 29) Rabbi Moshe Malkah Nitfei HaMayim pgs. 114,117,121. 30) Rabbi Yitzchak Abichatzeira “Rabbeinu Yitzchak Abichatzeira” pg. 367. 31) Rabbi Yechiya Yitzchak in Ish Yemini. 32) Rabbi Yitzchak Hertzog. 33) Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank Intro. to Har Tzvi, HaTzvi Yisrael pgs. 327, 329. 34) Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer Kovetz Kerem Tzion, Shaar Reuven pg. 245. 35) Rabbi Reuven Katz Shaar Reuven pgs. 49, 305, 323. 36) Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg Kisvei HaGaon Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg Vol. 2: pgs. 307, 330, 361. 37) Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap Maayanei HaYeshuah pg. 307. 38) Rabbi Meshulam Roth Intro. to Kol Mevaser. Kol Mevaser 21:1,3,7.39) Rabbi Yaakov Friedman, Admor of Husyatin Ohalei Yaakov pgs. 56,91,100,239,255,274,342,244. 40) Rabbi Shlomo Chayim Admor of Sadigura Devarim BeItam pgs. 32,54, 57,202. 41) Admor of Modzhits Tiferes Yisrael Otzr HaTorah VeHaNeginah pg. 19. 42) Rabbi Reuven Margolius Zakuf HaKomah pg. 118. 43) Rabbi Eliezer Waldenburg Baal haTzitz Eliezer 44) Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv 45) Rabbi Avraham Shapiro 46) HaChidah 47) Rabbi
Yosef Kahaneman of Ponevezh 48) Rabbi David HaKohen 49) Rabbi Eliyahu Pardes 50) Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman 51) Rabbi Soloveitchik 52) Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach 53) Rabbi Chaim Tzimmerman 54) Rabbi Yitzchak Shulzinger 55) Rabbi Yitzchak Schiber 56) Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kasher 57) Rabbi Shaul Israeli 58) Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu 59) Rabbi Ovadyah Yosef 60) Rabbi Shlomo Goren 61) Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook 62) Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zavin
So, it is not all Gedolim who didn’t support the Medina.
June 6, 2011 4:03 pm at 4:03 pm #775044Dovid S.MemberHealth, we hate nobody. You are the hater. How many insults have been said? Stop the aggresiveness, this shows that you can’t win a fair argument so you resort to name-calling. Childish. Any responses to my list?
June 6, 2011 5:22 pm at 5:22 pm #775046☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantNow, I understand that that means the Beis Hamikdash being rebuilt and Mashiach coming, but that has to start with the medinah.
For many centuries, Yidden have anxiously awaited the imminent arrival of Moshiach, even before the medina.
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