Q –>It's my wedding

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    lamud vov tzadik

    Mazol Tov everyone my wedding is coming up.


    Mazal Tov. What is your age gap?

    bp yidd

    Where when? (if it’s close enough I’ll come seriously)


    mazal tov!


    Please send me the details, so that I know when & where to attend your wedding?


    Mazel tov! Are we all invited?

    bp yidd

    You can put out those cards saying viyoel moishe rebyidd23 etc instead of our real names

    lamud vov tzadik

    Looking forward to seeing everyone at the wedding veyoel Moshe/ Bt yid will you do a mitzvah Tantz pls?

    bp yidd

    I’ll bring the gartel just tell me when and where

    bp yidd

    In boro park?


    Mazel tov, lamud vov tzadik!!!


    Looking forward to seeing everyone at the wedding veyoel Moshe on what date?

    BTW:- Where is the wedding registry for giving gifts?

    Letakein Girl

    Will your imaginary kids be there, too? How lovely.

    DFTT Alert!

    bp yidd

    I’m serious tell me where and I’ll come

    bp yidd

    letakein girl im expecting you there but first i need to where and when so lamud vov tzadik please tell me ill take of the mitzvah tantz etc

    bp yidd

    I’m starting to think he made it up


    There’s no way if knowing if he or she made it up and if its true he/ she wouldn’t give any details to remain anonymous

    bp yidd

    If it would be me I would give the details so you know who I am big deal


    Please don’t make it the same day as my wedding! I’m inviting you all to my own wedding too, iyH in a coupl’a weeks. Randomex, what are you gonna say at my sheva brachos? (nothing embarrassing, please!) PAA- I’m expecting a really nice speech. CIJ, don’t bring all your seminary friends and start singing you know what song. Letakein Girl, I’m sure you’ll give out the cards at the chuppa and make sure everyone sways to the beat effusively. Little Froggie- hey, don’t stand in the line to say mazal tov and let every other person go ahead of you. Gotta wedge your way in. Popa, u gonna walk me down? The rest of you- behave. Day lichakima b’rmiza.

    bp yidd

    U need me for a mitzvah tantz?

    Letakein Girl

    Mazal tov!

    May you be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael, and have children that give both you and Hashem nachas.

    Im so happy for you. ๐Ÿ™‚



    “Please don’t make it the same day as my wedding! I’m inviting you all to my own wedding too, iyH in a coupl’a weeks.”

    Are you serious(!!!), or was that just to set up the jokes?

    (I wouldn’t ask if you had made your own thread announcing it, but in here…)


    Randomex +1.

    I wanted to ask exactly the same question & comment.


    Randomex, actually I am! ๐Ÿ™‚ I know I never officially announced it….

    I got engaged recently to a really amazing person bH. If anyone out there doesn’t believe there’s a G-d, let them study the my shidduch and they’d be stuck trying to explain the string of abnormal coincidences.:)


    Bh! ! Mazel tov!

    Little Froggie


    b’Sha’a Tova uMutzlachas!! May it be a lasting edifice, built upon a solid foundation of Torah, Chesed, Ahava and Simchas HaCHayim!! May your new life be filled with meaningful, productive, happy days, all your life.

    Can I come play the harp? Wait, here’s HaLeiVi – “Plays the aeolian harp by air”

    How about Virtual Violin? Maybe Microsoft Flute, Google Organ… I could croak nice tunes out of those…


    Mazel Tov! May you be zoche to a bayus ne’eman, and see doros of ehrliche Yidden.


    Thank you, Ivory and Little Froggie! LF, I love your bracha, and although I know you think of yourself as a lowly amphibian, ‘al tehi birchas kallah hedyot beeinecho’- and I appreciate your warm words. Sure- I’d love to have you play for me! Join the band- or the band-wagon! lol


    efta-Mazel Tov!!! Mazel tov mazel tov mazel tov!

    ‘al tehi birchas kallah hedyot beeinecho’

    I know what you meant, but at face value, I think that means

    “Let the blessing of a bride not be ordinary in your eyes,”

    so, Eftach – please bentch me!


    DaasYochid- amen!! And you too!

    Randomex!!!! Again you caught me blundering! I meant to switch the hedyot and kallah- I know that the way I wrote it is a play on words and that was a mistake, although I know you are asking for a bracha based on that. Okay:

    I don’t know if you’re married or not, but may you be zoche to a wife who can deeply appreciate your innate goodness and all your truly unique qualities (see my comments on and off the record). May you both build a bayis upon a firm foundation, enthused with purity and holiness, from which will emanate children who are meirim es haolam baTorah uvma’asim tovim. May you feel Hashem guiding you throughout your life in its ups and downs, just as you guide others. May you understand your own worth and subsequently stay true to yourself and your values. And may you be truly happy, never feel stuck, and find yourself on the path that leads you onwards and upwards, constantly and consistently. I really mean it! ๐Ÿ™‚


    mazal tov!



    Amen, v’chein l’moras! Thank you very much! (I am as yet unmarried.)

    I’m going to save that bracha. ๐Ÿ™‚

    “Again you caught me blundering! I meant to switch the hedyot and kallah- I know that the way I wrote it is a play on words and that was a mistake”

    I don’t understand. If you did it on purpose, it wasn’t a mistake.

    (Did you mean to say jokingly that LF shouldn’t take his own blessing to you lightly, because it was a “blessing of a bride?”)

    Little Froggie

    Yeah! I’m waiting for your Brachah too…

    Little Froggie

    Oh, let me not forget – a story (OK, maybe it didn’t happen). There was this person who needed to catch his bus, he was running after it just as it pulled away. Frantically, he chased it down some streets, wondering how come nobody on the bus thought of glancing back to see if anyone’s chasing it – to alert the driver. Finally after some chase he caught up with it, got on, and settled down in a seat to catch his breath. HEY, WAIT A MINUTE. Did YOU go check if anyone’s chasing the bus? Suddenly it’s each to his own?!?

    I don’t know your matzav at all (I’ve not followed you around over here either). I can’t know how hard it was for you to be able to get to this special day.

    At some time during many people’s single-hood they wonder, Hey how come no one’s finding me a Shidduch? Why isn’t anyone doing for me, helping me, davening for me?

    So as you stand under the Chuppa in those precious few moments, take a moment to see if anyone else is in need of your special Kochos!!


    Eftachbchinor: Froggie was thinking of others, not himself.

    (This post has been victimized by the -1 years glitch.)


    Randomex- In my head the first thing that came to mind was the drash and not the pshat. Therefore I wrote Kallah first, although I meant hedyot first. But the drash also applies here, as you took advantage of it.

    Regarding your being male/female- I don’t really know. I don’t have proof either way, and I’m not thorough enough that I’ll check your posts to try and figure it out. My general impression is that you’re male- maybe cuz you stick to the facts and don’t get flowery or wax lyrical, or your cuz clear logic is more of a male attribute. But I may be wrong. It would be quite disconcerting should you turn out to be a female after all this time of my thinking otherwise. Anyways, I don’t really understand the need to remain secretive in this area.

    Froggele Kleinchick’l:

    Yes yes, of course!

    May you find another beautiful, soft-hearted and caring frog to croak to, and may your lilly pad be blessed with peace and comfort; may you both ride smoothly and calmly over the ripples on the lake and have the sun and blessings smile down upon your marriage from above. May you never lack flies for meals, and may you be blessed with many adorable, well-behaved and happy tadpoles, who will emulate the ways of their special parents.


    As far as I remember little froggie us already a father to a few kids! And has a wife ad meah veesrim!


    DY- I know.

    Okay. The bracha is still valid, just in the present tense.


    oh wow!!!! eftach mazel tov!!! i am soooo happy for you!!! And sad for us, I mean we probably wont be seeing you around here too often now :(!! Oh well b”H for good reasons ๐Ÿ˜‰ !!! Whoever he is, I hope he realizes how lucky he is!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    “CIJ, don’t bring all your seminary friends and start singing you know what song.”

    lol ๐Ÿ˜€ (btw, im not in seminary……YET. But if you know of any seminaries materializing in EY sometime soon, you can lmk, coz I’m going crazy trying to think of someplace to apply to! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )



    Gotta go check out gowns now….

    My vort is tonight actually:) gonna all be there????


    id love to but i already have this thing…


    Let us know where and I might show up… In NY metro area?


    mazel tov eftach!

    may you build a bnb and grow as much as possible from the marraige



    Ivory- its in a hall on the avenue, after 7:00. cant wait to see u!

    Randomex- coming????


    Yes, build a bnb, just like Avraham Avinu!



    At the time of my last post, your last post hadn’t yet been approved. I was not saying that I would be coming to your vort.

    (I didn’t come, in fact.)

    Little Froggie

    I also missed it. Frogette went instead!


    Randomex, can’t believe you didn’t show up. Missed you.

    Little Froggie, Frogette looked gorgeous! With that big froggie smile of hers! Though she did look a bit green… Was she feeling alright? Missed you too!


    Is your wedding also gonna be in a hall on the avenue?

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