Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza

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    There’s an article today with the title of this thread’s subject. It states that Israel’s military leadership wants a cease-fire with Hamas in case a bigger war breaks out in Lebanon, even if it keeps Hamas in power. And that a truce would be the swiftest way to free hostages.

    It states that the IDF is underequipped for further fighting after Israel’s longest war in decades, and the generals also think their forces need time to recuperate in case a land war breaks out against Hezbollah.

    “The military is in full support of a hostage deal and a cease-fire,” said Eyal Hulata, who served as Israel’s national security adviser until early last year. “They believe that they can always go back and engage Hamas militarily in the future,” Mr. Hulata said. “They understand that a pause in Gaza makes de-escalation more likely in Lebanon. And they have less munitions, less spare parts, less energy than they did before — so they also think a pause in Gaza gives us more time to prepare in case a bigger war does break out with Hezbollah.”

    Until recently, the military publicly maintained that it was possible to simultaneously achieve the government’s two main war goals: defeating Hamas and rescuing the hostages captured by Hamas and its allies during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Now, the military high command has concluded that the two goals are mutually incompatible, several months after generals began having doubts. Just under half of the 250 hostages taken to Gaza in October remain in captivity, and the high command fears that further military action to free them may run the risk of killing the others.

    The military fears a “forever war” in which its energies and ammunition are gradually eroded even as the hostages remain captive and Hamas leaders are still at large. In the face of that scenario, keeping Hamas in power for now in exchange for getting the hostages back seems like the least worst option for Israel, said Mr. Hulata. Four senior officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity agreed.

    “Those who think we could make Hamas disappear are wrong,” Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the military’s chief spokesman, said in a television interview on June 19. He said: “Hamas is an idea. Hamas is a political party. It is rooted in people’s hearts.” To suggest otherwise, Admiral Hagari said in a veiled criticism of Mr. Netanyahu, was to “throw sand in the eyes of the public.”

    Nearly nine months into a war that Israel did not plan for, its army is short of spare parts, munitions, motivation and even troops, the officials said. At least some tanks in Gaza are not loaded with the full capacity of the shells that they usually carry, as the military tries to conserve its stocks in case a bigger war with Hezbollah does break out, according to two officers. Five officials and officers confirmed that the army was running low on shells. The army also lacks spare parts for its tanks, military bulldozers and armored vehicles, according to several of those officials.

    ☕️coffee addict

    What I’ve found about news articles are they are rarely true


    The threat of war on the north is more serious. Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah never had restrictions on arming itself (thanks to the cooperation from the Lebanese government and the Iranians), and Iran may become directly involved (and already has substantial troops in the area). Gaza is a relative sideshow, and perhaps a mere diversionary tactic. The possibility of at attack from Hezbollah, assisted by Syria and Iran, is existential for Israel, Gaza is an annoying mosquito bite.

    One should remember that the United States is not geared up for a full scale war, and both presidential candidates are somewhat anti-war, and more importantly, Russia and China and control of Europe and East Asia, are much more important to the USA than the Middle East (and unlike 1973, the US is a major oil exporter, so a disruption of Middle Eastern oil make North American oil more valuable and more profitable).


    Are you happy?

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