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Tagged: apartheid slur
- This topic has 41 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by rightwriter.
February 7, 2022 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm #2058479rightwriterParticipant
Israel is now being accused of being Apartheid State. It is absurd beyond belief but it seems the propaganda machine has finally broken through and is starting to get serious. The world has been recently rallying and spreading propaganda about Israel as never seen before thanks to the likes of social media and technology. This is putting immense pressure on Israel and will likely only get worse. When did the Arabs of Israel even start defining themselves as Palestinians wasnt it in the 60’s when Arafat made up this name palestinians in the PLO?
What will be the outcome of this and will Israel really be pressured into giving land to these arabs? Will this affect Jews worldwide if they dont? We have recently seen such high numbers and violence in these pro Palestinian rallies where it is becoming something threatening and difficult to ignore. They use the slogan “the opressed become the opressors” which is so insulting that its difficult to even think how to explain to these haters how untrue that is. “Palestinians” living in Israel have a great life in Israel but are master propagandists and manipulators through media and the anti semitic saying “he cries as he strikes you” couldnt apply better to anyone other than them.
Where is this leading up to?
February 8, 2022 12:22 am at 12:22 am #2058493ujmParticipantThe zionist State IS an apartheid state. The way that state brutalizes Chareidim, and has continuously been doing so since its founding in 1948 until this very day, as witnessed by many and reported widely including on this site, amply demonstrates as such.
February 8, 2022 8:34 am at 8:34 am #2058497HistorianParticipantThe A slur was invented in Oct 1961 by Shukeiri who helped Hilter since 1941 and rationalized the Holocaust in 1946.
Ever since, it became a buzzword.
That was almost 6 years before the ’67 war which some call certain parts an “occupation”
February 8, 2022 8:34 am at 8:34 am #2058498rightwriterParticipantujm I agree that the Israeli Government is horrible and we are seeing that with the spying on its citizens and forcing vaccine after vaccine and so on, but we are talking about the Palestinian issue currently
February 8, 2022 8:38 am at 8:38 am #2058545ymribiatParticipant@ ujm thank you for demonstrating the absurdity of hyperbolic rhetoric.
Mods, please count this toward my 150 words per year of “something nice to say”.February 8, 2022 9:12 am at 9:12 am #2058586akupermaParticipantIf you accept as a fact, as our enemies assert, that Jews have no claims to Eretz Yisrael, that the Jews today have no relationship to the Jews referred to in the Bible and/or that Taanach is merely a collection of myths with no basis in reality – then their assertions are rationale (and that the Jewish people have no right to live anywhere, which does explain why the continued existence of unassimilated Jews is an offense against political correctness and a challenge to the WOKE political advocates).
Bigots tend never to let facts and logic get away from what they want to believe. While on can argue with bigots, as demonstrated by the successful manner in which the Americans won their argues with the Nazis.
February 8, 2022 9:29 am at 9:29 am #2058592GadolhadorahParticipantOn every college campus there are truly courageous young men and women (most not frum) who are pushing back against a growing anti-israel/anti-semitic stream of venom from sol called “progressive” student groups, with some degree of faculty support. They need more support and resources from the traditional Jewish mosdos since they are on the front line of this rhetorical assault on EY.
February 8, 2022 11:20 am at 11:20 am #2058622erParticipantIf “apartheid” is basically denying basic rights and privileges of citizenship to a group of people based on religion/race/ethnicity, then wouldn’t expansion into west bank and gaza constitute apartheid if the arabs there are to be governed by the Israeli government but they will have no right to vote, and be denied services or rights that other Israelis have? It’s easy to call this all “propoganda” and anti-semetic, but I personally haven’t been able to explain why it is not apartheid. Any ideas?
If not, then yes, the future of Israel will be like South Africa because world opinion will not tolerate it, the more it progresses.
February 8, 2022 11:21 am at 11:21 am #2058628Yserbius123ParticipantI would like to know what people feel the endgame is over here. Having millions of Arabs living in the West Bank without citizenship is unethical and unsustainable in the long run. Absorbing them all as Israeli citizens would mean that the Knesset would change its name to the Majlis within the year. Murdering them all for some reason is still an option to some people.
So what do?
February 8, 2022 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm #2058687karlbenmarxParticipantthe Zionists are fighting the Torah so who cares what others call them?
February 8, 2022 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm #2058688rightwriterParticipantWhy does Israel have to grant them citizenship if they live in Gaza which is supposedly”Palestine”? The Arabs who live in Israel and are citizens have full rights and work in hospitals, some are doctors and even members of Knesset just as any Jewish Israeli. So how is that Apartheid?
February 8, 2022 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm #2058691takahmamashParticipantujm, before you go accusing the Israeli government of apartheid, why don’t you go read the actual legal definition of the word so you can stop embarrassing yourself?
February 8, 2022 2:58 pm at 2:58 pm #2058718rightwriterParticipantKarlbenmarx “the Zionists are fighting the Torah so who cares what others call them?”
Are you that ignorant? Assuming you are a Yid then you should definitely care what others call them since they are trying to break up the Jewish Homeland and are calling Jews the oppressed who have become the oppressors.
The fact that they come up with such bizarre claims and twist definitions of Apartheid and other terms shows that things finally are getting out of control. When the world ignores terrorists and claims they are doing this as resistance to what the Israelis do to them, there is nothing to even talk about since all lies are being stated as facts.
February 8, 2022 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm #2058720erParticipantHi rightwriter: I would agree that the more more you give rights and government representation to arabs living under your control, the farther away we are from the concept of “apartheid.” Surely Arab Israelis have some of these basic rights and privileges that everyone else enjoys, not sure where one draws the line in calling it “apartheid.” But on the other hand, if Israel were to annex all or a portion of the west bank, for example, unless you are going to grant them either citizenship or let them somehow govern themselves, that is a case that smells like apartheid. With that in mind, where are you on annexation? Is it unlike apartheid? Or do you just not care whether it is or isn’t?
February 8, 2022 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm #2058728rightwriterParticipantArab Israeli have some “basic” rights? You surely have never been to Israel. How is being a member of Knesset, a doctor or nurse working in a hospital, taxi driver, or being able to freely walk around, live and shop wherever you want just “basic” rights?
Arabs can enter any Jewish area without harm, in fact they are the threat themselves. But if a Jew enters an Arab village even within recognized Israel it is a danger to their lives. Also read what I wrote “Arab villages inside Israel. They make their own villages and areas it doesn’t get less apartheid than that they have freedom to live where they want. Even the city Ramleh, not Ramalla so don’t be confused, is so populated by Arabs and it is an Israeli city. Haifa as well full of Arabs.
How can that be Apartheid? Do you expect Arabs living in Gaza to have Israeli citizenship? It doesn’t work both ways you can’t claim your own land and also expect to have citizenship in the land you don’t even recognize the existence of.
February 8, 2022 4:29 pm at 4:29 pm #2058748erParticipantPerhaps you are misreading my question. I am only addressing Gaza and WB: Do you agree that if Israel were to annex these lands 100%, then that would be apartheid-like if the arabs living there did not get to vote and were denied rights given to Israeli Jews? Unless of course you propose the arabs would have autonomy in these areas, wouldn’t this be no different that South African apartheid?
February 8, 2022 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm #2058770rightwriterParticipantThey are calling it Apartheid as the situation is currently. Annexing is theoretical and hasnt happened yet.
Also isnt the definition of Apartheid that certain citizens have less rights? The non Israeli “Palestinians” are NOT citizens so how does that fit into the definition of the word?February 8, 2022 6:04 pm at 6:04 pm #2058777erParticipantOK, so seems you would agree that my situation would be basically like south africa. It’s a starting place for discussion about how materially different Israel-proper is.
February 8, 2022 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm #2058784rightwriterParticipantIm not agreeing on any theoretical ideas which is the exact issue. Israel is being attacked on theoretical or nonexistent situations. Im sure things will fall into place when we get there. How about we start with real Apartheid and conflicts such as the Muslim Uygers in China being mass murdered and sent into camps as we speak, Russia/Ukraine conflict, India/China land dispute, Pakistan/Kashmir, Yazidis, China/Taiwan, North Korea Citizens, and so on. There is an obvious bias here to try to take away the Jewish homeland from the Jews and thats all it is.
February 8, 2022 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #2058791rightwriterParticipantPalestinians created their own flag and call Israel “Falestin”. Im not sure if even Israel would annex those territories if it would be considered Apartheid when this group of people do NOT recognize the land as Israel and do not want to be part of that land they want to be part of Palestine which in their opinion is the whole country. Last I checked Apartheid meant Citizens of a country who had less rights. The Palestinians in “Palestinian” territory are not Israeli citizens and also do not want to be since they dont recognize Israels existence. Quite a catch 22.
February 8, 2022 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm #2058792rightwriterParticipant“Article in Wall Street Journal”
There’s Apartheid in the Holy Land, but Not in Israel
Palestinian law makes selling land to Jews a crime punishable by death, often without trial.
By Eugene Kontorovich
Feb. 8, 2022 6:36 pm ETThe report by Amnesty International accusing Israel of apartheid—a likely preview of similar moves at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court—has been widely debunked, including in these pages. Yet what is remarkable about its 200 pages of distortions is the evidence of real apartheid-like policies that Amnesty leaves out. There are reasons to be concerned about the emergence of apartheid in the Holy Land—but not the ones Amnesty cites.
The defining characteristic of apartheid—what distinguishes it from generic racial discrimination—is the rigid separation of groups in public spaces and positions of power. This is the apart in apartheid.
Thus, a sign of apartheid could be a government policy that bans real-estate sales or transactions to the disfavored group. Apartheid is suggested by policies that carve out massive zones where the disfavored group cannot live or work, create ethnically homogenous zones, and restrict the disfavored group to ghettos. One might consider it apartheid if a government enforced a policy of extrajudicial execution of members of a disfavored group.
All these policies are practiced in the West Bank and Gaza—by the Palestinian Authority government against Jews. What makes the “Israel apartheid” meme particularly despicable is that is not just a lie, it is an inversion of the truth. In all areas controlled by Israel, Jews and Arabs mix openly. Yet the Palestinian Authority has for decades ruled over Gaza and about half the West Bank—and all the areas under its jurisdiction are Jew-free.
There isn’t a single Jewish community living anywhere under Palestinian control. This isn’t because of Jewish preferences. Jewish communities exist across the world; they would certainly exist 10 minutes from Jerusalem if it weren’t for the Palestinian Authority’s policies of excluding Jews and inciting violence and prejudice against them.
Palestinian law makes selling land to Jews a crime punishable by death, often without trial. Nor does the authority recognize any Jewish titles to private property. Last year a Palestinian religious official said on Palestinian TV that “this land is a pure right of its Muslim owners, the people of Palestine.” A senior Palestinian Authority figure said in an official publication, “Whoever sells real estate to the enemy . . . is considered a traitor to the religion, the homeland, and the people, and all those who commit this must be punished.”
In Israel, by contrast, Arabs enjoy full property rights, enforced by the courts against Jews. Perversely, Amnesty cites as an example of Israeli apartheid a series of legal proceedings in which Jewish property owners in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah seek (thus far unsuccessfully) to evict squatters who happen to be Arab. In Amnesty’s alternate universe, Jews enforcing their property rights is apartheid; Jews being denied the right to own property isn’t. The South African government used death squads against blacks. The Palestinian government pays terrorists for killing Jews—the more people killed, the bigger the bounty. It regularly imprisons the few brave Palestinians who speak out against its policies.
In all the territories controlled by the Palestinian government, Jews are prevented from worshipping at their holy sites, despite explicit provisions in the Oslo Accords requiring the Palestinian Authority to protect such worship. When Jews manage to visit such shrines, they must come in the middle of the night under armed guard. And even in areas under Israeli control, like the Temple Mount—Jews’ holiest site—the Palestinian Authority prevents public Jewish prayer by threatening mass violence if Jews “defile” it with their “filthy feet,” in the words of President Mahmoud Abbas.
All this is part of a larger vision. The Palestinian Constitution defines Palestine as an exclusively “Arab nation,” with Islam the official religion and Arabic the sole official language. At the same time, Palestinian officials and educators deny any Jewish history or connection to Israel. In Israel, on the other hand, though it is the only Jewish-majority country in the world, Judaism isn’t the official religion. Both Hebrew and Arabic enjoy official status. Yet Amnesty claims that merely identifying as a “nation state” of a particular people is an apartheid practice—but only when it comes to Israel.
Apartheid is not merely a term of opprobrium, it is a crime created by and defined in international treaties. As a legal matter, while Ramallah’s treatment of Jews is discriminatory and violates human rights, it is impossible to say it formally qualifies as apartheid. The standard for apartheid has been set so high by the international community, that thus far only South Africa has been deemed a clear case. But by the standards implicit in Amnesty’s report, the Palestinian government is guilty.
-Mr. Kontorovich is a professor at George Mason University Scalia Law School, and a scholar at the Kohelet Policy Forum, a Jerusalem think tank.
February 9, 2022 1:11 am at 1:11 am #2058820charliehallParticipant“When did the Arabs of Israel even start defining themselves as Palestinians”
It began in the 1910s.
February 9, 2022 1:11 am at 1:11 am #2058821charliehallParticipant“The zionist State IS an apartheid state.”
Which Jew-hating group do you belong to? DSA? AI? PFLP? Hamas? JVP? INN? Sunrise? Or all of the above?
If I want to read Jew hate I can go to electronic intifada dot org.
February 9, 2022 1:12 am at 1:12 am #2058822charliehallParticipant“The A slur was invented in Oct 1961 by Shukeiri who helped Hilter since 1941”
And the people in South Africa who created the A system had openly supported the Nazis during WW2. Smuts should have hanged Malan and Verwoerd.
February 9, 2022 1:12 am at 1:12 am #2058823charliehallParticipant“wouldn’t expansion into west bank and gaza constitute apartheid if the arabs there are to be governed by the Israeli government but they will have no right to vote”
if the territories are annexed but the residents don’t automatically become full Israeli citizens with voting rights — whether they want that or not — then it isn’t an annexation at all. That is why East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights aren’t part of Israel.
February 9, 2022 1:13 am at 1:13 am #2058824charliehallParticipant“how is that Apartheid?”
It isn’t. The central feature of Apartheid was the stripping of citizenship from South Africans who were not white. Israel doesn’t do that and the extreme fringe of the Israeli political spectrum who would do that (Kahanists) have little support.
February 9, 2022 1:13 am at 1:13 am #2058825charliehallParticipant“why don’t you”
There is no point in trying to engage in logical discussions with Jew haters like ujm. I have reported and blocked about two dozen such hatemongers on Twitter in the past week. If I ran a Jewish site I would ban anyone who accused Israel of Apartheid and block all their IP addresses. Let them spout their hate on stormfront and electronic intifada.
February 9, 2022 1:13 am at 1:13 am #2058826charliehallParticipantKontorovich is right about Arab anti-Semitism but it clearly isn’t Apartheid. He needs to learn more about South Africa.
February 9, 2022 1:14 am at 1:14 am #2058828HistorianParticipant@er.
Not only are Arabs equal citizens in all aspects but are often treated BETTER than Israel treats Jews, including in:
Most court issues.
Exemptuon of Draft.
Land issues.
Access to holy sites.
Evacuation of illegal posts..
Police enforcement.
Asides from affirmative action in employment and on campus.
As mentioned above, the buzzword was invented in 1961.
In any case. It’s not about “fact” but about demonization.February 9, 2022 8:10 am at 8:10 am #2058844rightwriterParticipantThe problem is that no matter what the facts are the world and Muslim efforts have been twisting the definitions of words and distorting all facts no matter how far off they are. They have been gaining traction lately especially through the propaganda of all the years. There is even some organization called B’tzelem where arabs and leftist Israelis film soldiers in the West Bank and other territories and are constantly shouting “get out of here I am in my home why are you attacking my home” and all the other routine nonsense for the cameras. Also they speak to the Israeli soldiers in English. It is so obvious it is for the cameras as you see the same patterns of “victimization” and the fact that they speak english for the world to see, you would have to be stupid to not see through this. But people buy into this out of ignorance or hate towards the Jewish people and feel the need to defend and “free” Palestine. You can see their videos on youtube. It seems the pressure on Israel to give in will only grow stronger and again we can thank social media for this. It has changed the world and caused all conflicts to increase as more and more people get riled up as everything literally reaches billions of people around the world instantly.
February 9, 2022 8:14 am at 8:14 am #2058849AviraDeArahParticipantCharlie, you consider ujm to be a jew hater, but do you think the same of secularists who are vehemently anti charedi? Or are they simply misguided, yet “good” people? Does your definition of jew hatred and general view of “good jews” vs “bad jews” revolve around their respective attitudes towards the secular state of israel?
February 9, 2022 8:16 am at 8:16 am #2058850AviraDeArahParticipantI do agree that the comparison with south Africa is off. In South Africa, the westerners were simply controlling the Africans, intentionally keeping them down and oppressing them. They believed that they didn’t deserve access to education and resources.
Israel does have a security threat from the Arabs. They have had this since they began trying to make a state. That doesn’t justify everything they do, and i believe that part of the chilul Hashem the state makes (among literally thousands of violations of Torah) is its treatment of the non-naturalized Arabs. We don’t need to defend it even if we believe Israel is generally worth defending.
People are quicker to defend israel than they are gedolim who are accused of turning a blind eye to “you know who”, or the like.
Priorities, people.
February 9, 2022 12:53 pm at 12:53 pm #2058848AviraDeArahParticipantHistorian, that’s true of Arab citizens. Palestinians in the west Bank and Gaza do not enjoy the benefits of citizenship. They receive minimal resources from Israel, such as electricity, but are barred from entering or working in Israel with the exception of those who receive work papers(a small minority). They live in horrible conditions, though arguably no worse than Yemen or Iraq. In Gaza they are unable to travel by land or sea, since Egypt does not allow them passage either (interesting to note that Egypt is not blamed in leftist politics for their role in the blockade).
Also to blame are the Arab countries who refuse to admit the 70 year old “refugees”, which are still called such by the UN. The former head of the UN said a few years ago that he’s aware of the fact that Arabs do not want to take in the Palestinians, because perpetuating the refugee narrative is important for their cause. What that cause is, probably differs from country to country, with some moderates simply wanting Israel to not be emboldened, and others such as Iran who literally want to destroy the country.
The alternative to allowing citizenship is to establish a completely autonomous, independent Arab state in the west Bank and Gaza. Yidden don’t live there anyway, so the hesitancy to do so is due to pride, and the fanatic religious zionists who place land over life.
February 9, 2022 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm #2059023charliehallParticipantIsraeli Arabs also don’t have to deal with the always opaque and sometimes corrupt official Rabbinate, which loves to ignore halachah. For some reason Israel’s government-run Sharia courts don’t seem to generate such controversy.
February 9, 2022 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm #2059024charliehallParticipant“do you think the same of secularists who are vehemently anti charedi”
February 9, 2022 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm #2059025charliehallParticipant“Palestinians in the west Bank and Gaza do not enjoy the benefits of citizenship.”
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza don’t want to be Israeli citizens.
February 9, 2022 4:58 pm at 4:58 pm #2059047AviraDeArahParticipantCharlie, there’s a huge divide among Palestinians between those who want a state and those who want a right of return/citizenship into Israel, which will make the state majority Arab. Among the latter, there are some who are ready to “forgive” the jewish israelis, establish democracy, etc..but many want shariah, and many of those want to expel/kill/etc all of the Jews. There’s polling data on this and it’s easily accessible.
February 9, 2022 6:17 pm at 6:17 pm #2059064BY1212ParticipantYserbiis. By stating the problems associated with either ‘ruling’ over Arabs in west bank (something which Israel doesn’t really do right now anyway) and the problems associated with absorbing said Arabs into Israel proper otoh; and not mentioning any problems associated with giving them their own state oto ( I might have read you wrong but it seems you are pushing that) it seems you think that there are no problems associated with giving them their own state.
Have you learned anything from the Gaza withdrawal? You know most Jewish Israelis have. Which why there are 70ish right wing seats in the Knesset right now. And barring more Bennet/Lieberman/saar shenanigans or an expansion of the police state in Israel, the left will be out of power probably for good
Why can’t you accept that there is no good solution? Actually there is but it takes a strong sense of self to do and Israelis don’t really have any sense of self which is why they are the least sovereign nation on earth whom the whole world tells them what to do every Monday and Tuesday and To a large extent they listen.
February 9, 2022 9:56 pm at 9:56 pm #2059109Shalom-al-IsraelParticipantArabs are Arabs
Are Arabs with an Israeli ID and Arabs who are defined as Palestinians with a diffedrent ID and who live in more dangerous areas are of a different “race”?
Not saying that the Arab Palestinians inside Israel, also known as Israeli Arabs, their masses were not siding with the enemy (last year at Guardian of Walls) and many attacked Jews, including Haredim who refuse to go to the army.
Israel acts according to protecting its civilians. Not according to “race.”
Regarding the apartheid source, search among others at :
StandWithUs. com
HonestReporting. com
Camera. org
February 9, 2022 10:02 pm at 10:02 pm #2059102HistorianParticipant@aviradeha….. security measures are not “apartheid”.
Re “Palestinian” areas…
Here is a random news of today. While Arabs move about everywhere without fear from Jews. This is what happened when someone tried to enter at a “Palestinian ” town, after the racist Arab masses realized he is a Jew…
“Scary . Watch the lynching attempt on the taxi driver in Nablus by bloodthirsty Arabs.”
0404 News, Feb.8.22.
A taxi driver who entered Nablus after the elimination of the terrorists was almost killed by an angry mob | View documentation from the lynching attempt.
A Jewish taxi driver, a resident of the center of the country, entered Nablus today (Tuesday) with his vehicle, shortly after the three terrorists were eliminated, and was attacked by an angry mob who tried to murder him with stones, other objects, beatings and knives. Among the attackers are adult terrorists, youths…
Miraculously, the Jew emerged alive from the scene of the incident. The driver managed to reach a military blockade and there received medical treatment. The condition of was defined as mild.After the incident, the Jew was detained for questioning at the police station, where he said that he entered Nablus to repair his taxi. At one point he was identified as a Jew by the Arabs and they began to try to lynch him.
February 9, 2022 11:11 pm at 11:11 pm #2059127rightwriterParticipantBy1212 actually there is a solution and the only solution is by ignoring them just as Trump did. Say what you want about him, and even though he changed his narrative recently and said it’s the Israelis who are the problem, back then when he was in his right mind and heart he realized the Palestinians are just playing games and have no interest in peace which is why he spoke about a ONE state solution being Israel and nothing else.
That strategy worked so well that we didn’t hear of the Palestinians for 4 years, they lost all hopes and confidence that they kept their mouth shut and accepted reality. This is how it works with them and if you don’t believe it just look at day one of Biden they suddenly woke up and made it known how much they want to make peace and start negotiating. What a coincidence.
Ignoring them has worked for all the Muslim countries surrounding Israel including Jordan who has killed and banished around 25,000 Palestinians in 1971 known as “Black September”. But nobody raised an eyelash to that. The Arab countries cannot stand the Palestinians and hate these rejects thats why they don’t take them in. But they also hate Israel so it works great for them to encourage the Palestinians to make life he_l for the Israelis and they just laugh on the sidelines.
What will giving Gaza and west bank do how would they get across would they build a bridge between the “countries”? Because crossing through Israel would mean they need to be citizens or get a visa wouldn’t it? Aside for the fact that they will only fight for more since they “believe” that all Israel is Arab Palestine. Or at least that’s what they want to believe.
I think someone should tell them how the country was renamed as Palestina by the Romans before Islam was even created. So how can they have any connection to the land.
And if they say too bad the Jews lived there and got exiled out then we lived there so it’s ours(even though Jews lived there as well throughout the years). Well to that I answer the Jews lived there and got kicked out so too bad for them, then you”took over”, and now the Jews are back so too bad for you. Isn’t that the way this game works?February 11, 2022 9:33 am at 9:33 am #2059476MaivinParticipantIt seems like you people have no idea what apartheid in South Africa was.
February 12, 2022 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm #2059736rightwriterParticipantWhats funny is that even the Black leaders in Apartheid South Africa were against Israel and said that South Africa can never be free while the “Palestinians” are still suffering and not free. Go figure.
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